Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Birth-Date Personality: MARCH

Birth-Date Personality: March 1st
The birth-date of 1 (ruled by Sun) shows great individual brilliance, pioneering and entrepreneur ability. These people have an inspirational side to their personality which allows them to come up with some original idea. These folks do not easily follow others. There is a desire to create own sphere of influence. As this is not a compound number like other Sun ruled dates of 10 , 19, 28, there is a childlike purity, dashing or uncluttered approach. The Aquarius Sun shows absent minded genius and intellectual ability which makes use of 1’s brilliance in advanced subjects with touch of modernity. There is a love for latest electronic gadgets indicated by Uranus, the co-owner of Aquarius Sun. They are change agents and tend to bring their family & society towards modern world. They dislike old rituals and customs and regard only that are still relevant in the modern world. There is a progressive thought process that challenges the status quo and often the establishment. Their friend circle goes beyond any boundaries created by humans such as language, culture, religion etc. They can become true world citizens. There is of course love for money or earning good enough to have a good life with latest stuff from market. The combination of birth-date of 1 and Aquarius Sun Sign is quite harmonious and assists each other mostly.

Birth-Date Personality: March 2nd
The date of 2 ruled by Moon shows a sensitive, emotional & a caring person. This date shows expertise in people connect or rather desire for people connect. Friend circle is an integral part of their life and it is often huge one! Facebook is made for these folks! J As ruled by Moon, they are moody & often affected by their surrounding more than others. There is an ability to perceive things & a bit evolved 6th sense which allows them to read thoughts or body language of folks around. It is very difficult for them to pass on criticism or harsh comments to anyone. There is a desire to be a popular/liked by others which is mostly positive but could end up them getting exploited by some folks! It is advised not to lend a lot of money as it never comes back to these folks & they also find it very hard to follow-up! Aquarius Sun only adds to the diversity of their friend circle from multiple cultural backgrounds. It also shows some absent-minded behavior too. Although sensitive moon ruled date shows good memory – Aquarius Sun does tend to forget details! Their lateral thinking or out of the box approach could take a back seat somewhat due to their “please all” approach.

Birth-Date Personality: March 3rd
Jupiter ruled date of 3 is lucky birth-date for achievers; it shows good karma of past life or multiple lives! It shows desire of the soul to achieve at personal level i.e. individual achievement. There is a childlike purity to achieve more than others. This makes them a bit unfriendly than say birth-date of 21. Most of their friends are related to something they want to achieve or has some significance in their goals & objectives. There is a thought leadership associated with this date along with some flair for people leadership but of course their achievements or personal interests take over this thought or people leadership almost every time! This Jupiter effect does oppose Uranus ruled Aquarius Sun that tends to be unorthodox and challenging status-quo or establishment. That means, the outright antiestablishment or change agent approach of this Sun is controlled or well-directed by Jupiter ruled date for greater good.  Aquarius Sun shows great deal of foresight and lateral thinking from time to time. There is obvious love for latest electronic gadgets and modern sciences too. Aquarius Sun shows good size of friend circle with diverse background. They are not limited by their religion. Language or other backgrounds. Overall, this date shows a very well-equipped person to achieve in this ever-changing world.

Birth-Date Personality: March 4th
This is a very harmonious date as the date of 4 is ruled by Uranus and Aquarius Sun is also co-owned by Uranus. This makes these people quite absent-minded genius sorts with a high degree of lateral or out of the box thinking. It makes them quite unpredictable. They are seen in some sort of hurry and trying to get thing done fast! This could hurt them as the rest of the world might not want to move as much or move at all! That’s why it is highly advised for these folks to learn methodical “change management”. It is good to have disruptive ideas that bring in great change in this ever-changing world but it threatens the establishment which is not very well accepted! They are better off in a career which demand frequent changes say electronics, cell phones, media or any advance sciences where change is the name of the game. There is a childlike purity as this date is not a compound number like 22, 31 or 13 which are other dates ruled by Uranus. They have tremendous mental energy if not particularly physical one. They are true world citizens and it is very difficult to limit them by the boundaries of nation, culture, language religion etc. The absent-minded nature increases as by this date Sun enters constellation of “Poorva-Bhadrapada” owned by Guru itself. Some connection with education field education societies is quite likely due to this constellation.

Birth-Date Personality: March 5th
The date ruled by witty Mercury (5) shows good sense of humor & presence of mind. . There is an uncanny ability to express or articulate very well. Of course, Sun being in constellation of “Poorva-Bhadrapada” owned by Jupiter could reduce application of this side of their personality Also, Aquarius Sun’s world-citizen approach does not let them ridicule or crack jokes on folks as often. They tend to have a harmless humor. This is a lucky date which shows good past karma. They have a great trading ability which allows them to spot supply & demand gaps around. They connect these gaps or dots and create win-win situations for both the parties of course benefitting in the process. The mind is ever active at subconscious level due to double dose of Uranus and Mercury who control intellect at different levels. Uranus’s or Aquarius Sun’s absent mind is reduced a bit due to active Mercury however the lateral or out of the box thinking of Aquarius is very much presence. They have a very broad vision and approach regardless of their conservative roots. Their friend circle cuts across cultural any other barriers. They have a great foresight and always live 30/40 years ahead that their family. Love for latest electronic gadgets is almost a given. Sun’s constellation owned by Jupiter shows tendency to go depth & acquire deep knowledge. Some connection to education field or societies is quite likely.

Birth-Date Personality: March 6th
The date ruled by Venus is a lucky birth-date which shows great past karma. This Venus ruled date indicates desire of the soul to lead a well-balanced, tasteful life. There is an acute sense of art, love for music movies or all forms of art. Extreme emotions or excess of anything is not their cup of tea! They will try to balance things out in the long run even if they start with a very chaotic life. As sun is in constellation of Poorva-Bhadrapada, it shows depth in their approach. Aquarius Sun ruled by Uranus brings in intellectual approach to this Venus’ artistic form. There is an absent-minded genius behind Aquarius Sun which makes its presence felt through lateral or out of the box thinking that surprises people around. There is a great foresight which is used to take the art ahead by a few years or rather decades. They are always forward looking and highly progressive. There is a certain resistance to old customs and rituals. However, this does not result in outright disregard or ignorance like Feb 22dn born folks. Rather, they tend to tailor these old things for the modern or new age! As this is a fixed sign with an influence of Uranus and Venus, it could make very good directors or folks who provide platform for art to flourish. Any career that is creative and gives chance to their artistic side is great for these folks.

Birth-Date Personality: March 7th
This birth-date shows a very interesting combination of Uranus ruled Aquarius Sun and Neptune ruled date of 7. Neptune shows a highly evolved 6th sense. They are able to read minds or thoughts or at least body language of people around. They usually get strong vibes when they meet someone or even some place (land, house) for the 1st time. Neptune shows deep imagination and innovation. They understand the stuff and “feel” it very well but not able to articulate it as well. Rather, their interests are usually are about things that can’t be articulated easily like a painting or a photograph or some magnificent natural scene! Uranus ruled Aquarius Sun shows or rather adds to the absent-minded nature of Neptune too! It also shows a person prone to action and not just “feel” the things. Aquarian wants to have a broad vision and live at least 30/40 years ahead of times. They like modern sciences and love for latest electronic gadgets is almost a given. They can surprise you with their intellectual or rather lateral & out of the box thinking. They can come up with solutions or ideas that are not very obvious. Despite Aquarius being a fixed sign, these folks need some change and mental stimulation from time to time. Neptune water however puts some mild façade to this Aquarius Sun’s image.

Birth-Date Personality: March 8th
The Saturn ruled date of 8 opposes free-spirited or broad-minded Aquarius Sun’s no-limitations thinking. Saturn tries to add some structure, data or number crunching driven approach. This does help the absent-minded Aquarius Sun to put their plans to practice and also get buy in of stakeholders in a better way that other Aquarians. Of course, the date of 8 does show some karmic burden that the soul wants to pay back in this life; it could be related to someone in the family itself. This date has pure Saturn characteristics than other Saturn ruled compound dates of 17 & 26. Saturn also bestows ability to audit or review or critique which is not very common to Aquarius Sun. In a way this opposes the Aquarius approach but if used in a controlled fashion it could be a real help! Aquarius Sun does show “change agent” approach albeit a bit suppressed in this date. Their out of the box or lateral thinking is applied in some disciplined way & in a very pragmatic way! There is a bit of self-control in this date which in excess could harm the Aquarian creativity! It is important for these folks to open up from time to time and share their ideas and take credit for the work done! Usually Life until 30 is an investment with more results starting to flow later in life.

Birth-Date Personality: March 9th
This is more often than not a lucky birthdate ruled by Mars. It shows positive channel for Mars’ energy & aggression. It is milder than downright aggressive 18 but fierier than harmony seeking 27. This date shows very good karmic connection with friends & siblings. Both have a special place in their life and heart. Sports & gym also has a place in their life or rather it makes them a much better person. Sun in constellation owned by Guru could also show a very good mentor or coach in sports or gym who uses latest technology or modern equipment / methods. This date shows love or interest for engineering and more so electronics or advance sciences. Some sort of connection with advanced sciences or latest technology is also there regardless of education level. There is attitude to embrace change and drop old outdates customs or rituals. Aquarius is a fixed sign and shows a methodical approach without too many changes but they do have ability of lateral or out of the box thinking which can surprise people around. Mars and Uranus combination could make this people a bit hasty at times and could cause some anti-establishment moves. It is important to always consider change management methods to ensure success. The date of 9 is noble, confident but also a bit arrogant at times. They can go a long distance if they use their friends circle & also siblings / cousins’ abilities well.

The birth-date of 10 (10:1) ruled by Sun shows great individual brilliance, pioneering and entrepreneur ability. These people have an inspirational side to their personality which allows them to come up with some original idea. These folks do not easily follow others. There is a desire to create own sphere of influence. The date of 10 however does show some maturity due to 0 in the date. It could also shows some philosophical approach (or rather burden) which reduces some the dashing approach of Sun ruled date The Aquarius Sun shows absent minded genius and intellectual ability which makes use of 1’s brilliance in advanced subjects with touch of modernity. There is a love for latest electronic gadgets indicated by Uranus, the co-owner of Aquarius Sun. They are change agents and tend to bring their family & society towards modern world. They dislike old rituals and customs and regard only that are still relevant in the modern world. There is a progressive thought process that challenges the status quo and often the establishment. Their friend circle goes beyond any boundaries created by humans such as language, culture, religion etc. They can become true world citizens. There is of course love for money or earning good enough to have a good life with latest stuff from market. The combination of birth-date of 10 and Aquarius Sun Sign is quite harmonious and assists each other mostly.

Birth-Date Personality: March 11th
The date of 11 ruled by Moon shows a master number. This means these folks are guided by their “higher-self” or sub-conscious mind and hardly need advice from others in behavioral aspects. The 11 dominated folks are always in demand in countries/surroundings with diverse cultural groups. This is a number with some karmic burden in the sense that they always need to balance two different things in their life. It could be 2 people or 2 cultures or even 2 religions. They can’t align with 1 side fully else it results in some serious repercussions. They are supposed to balance these two things in a way that they stay independent but still coexist with harmony. This is a tight rope walk. These folks also show a big friend circle and often despite their outward aloof or lost I thought exterior. They are quite sentimental and sensitive which is truer in their childhood. They mature a bit in late 20s but are always very sensitive. Aquarius Sun shows an absent-minded person with lateral or out of the box thinking. It only adds to the friend circle with diversity that does not like boundaries of language culture or even religion. Aquarius Sun wants to live in future at least 30 years ahead of their times. There is a definite love for latest electronic gadgets. As Sun is in constellation ruled by Jupiter, they show ability to understand the big picture and some connection with education field is likely.

Birth-Date Personality: March 12th
Jupiter ruled date of 12 is birth-date for individual achievers. It shows desire of the soul to achieve at personal level. These people are thought leaders and often could show intellectual arrogance! However, they are correct most of the times. There is more importance to self (1) than others (2); this makes it an ideal date for career in education sector where there is a clear distinction of master & disciples. It is probably more unfriendly than the other 3 dates (3, 21 & 30). Most of their friend circle are related to something they want to achieve or has some significance in their goals & objectives. There is a thought leadership associated with this date along with some flair for people leadership but of course their achievements or personal interests take over this thought or people leadership almost every time! Sun in Jupiter owned constellation adds to the thought leadership and education field angle. This double Jupiter effect does oppose Uranus ruled Aquarius Sun that tends to be unorthodox and challenging status-quo or establishment. That means, the outright anti-establishment or change agent approach of this Sun is controlled or well-directed by Jupiter ruled date for greater good.  Aquarius Sun shows great deal of foresight and lateral thinking from time to time. There is obvious love for latest electronic gadgets and modern sciences too. Aquarius Sun shows good size of friend circle with diverse background. They are not limited by their religion, language or other boundaries. Overall, this date shows a very well-equipped person to achieve in this ever-changing world.

Birth-Date Personality: March 13th
This is a harmonious date as the date of 13 (4) is ruled by Uranus and Aquarius Sun is also co-ruled by Uranus. This makes these people quite absent-minded genius sorts with a high degree of lateral or out of the box thinking. It makes them quite unpredictable. They are seen in some sort of hurry and trying to get thing fast! This could hurt them as the rest of the world might not want to move as much or move at all! That’s why it is highly advised for these folks to learn methodical “change management”. It is good to have disruptive ideas that bring in great change in this ever-changing world but it threatens the establishment which is not very well accepted in third world countries! J They are better off in a career which demand frequent changes say electronics, cell phones, media or any advance sciences where change is the name of the game. 13 born are found to give more importance to self / ego (1) than achievements (3) which could be detrimental for their growth. This should be avoided as much as possible i.e. the Difference between ego & self-esteem need to be established carefully. They have tremendous mental energy if not particularly physical one. They are true world citizens and it is very difficult to limit them by the boundaries of nation, culture, language religion etc.

Birth-Date Personality: March 14th
Sun enters from Aquarius to Pisces sometime in the evening (IST) on this day! Aquarius would show intellectual & absent-minded nature whereas Pisces would show emotional and rather a “bhullakad” nature which means absent mind taken a bit too far! They can forget their own cell phone number at times while remembering 100 numbers they don’t need at that time. J The Aquarius Sun shows positive and proactive approach most of the times whereas Pisces is a bit laid back, emotional and mostly reactive. It is advised to Pisces Sun folks to be always busy which makes their life more fruitful. The date of 14 of course shows an attentive and alert mind as it is owned by Mercury (14:5) which shows an active nervous system. They are good are articulation & expression. They can come up with good catchy phrases that are useful in media and entertainment industry and particularly advertising. There is ability to trade very well. They spot supply & demand gas around very well and connect the dots so that both parties help and in the process they also gain. There is some karmic burden as ego (1) comes before change agent (4) nature they have. This could be avoided to achieve more and bring the change they want around them. They should use their magnetic ability to communicate well to progress in their career!

Birth-Date Personality: March 15th
The Pisces Sun ruled by Neptune shows emotional, innovative & creative approach. There is of course the tendency to forget things very easily and not remembering them when they are needed the most. They do things easily without much fanfare or grabbing attention. This easy way of doing things could be taken as carelessness or not being too serious (Like David Gower’s batting!) J There is a tendency “to give” and of selfless collaboration. They are out of comfort zone when they are hurried. It is also very difficult to surprise them even with some extreme news. The date of 15 ruled by Venus is a lucky birth-date which shows great past karma. This Venus ruled date indicates desire of the soul to lead a well-balanced, tasteful life. There is an acute sense of art, love for music movies or all forms of art. Extreme emotions or excess of anything is not their cup of tea! They will try to balance things out in the long run even if they start with a very chaotic life. As sun is in constellation of Poorva-Bhadrapada, it shows depth in their approach.  Venus and Neptune approach shows artistic thoughts taken to next super natural level or even a sublime level. Highly lucky date, these people are great to have around & can create harmonious environment despite even an extreme mess around!

Birth-Date Personality: March 16th
This is an extremely harmonious date due to both, Neptune dominated Pisces Sun and the date (16:7). This shows a high degree of creativity and innovative approach. It also means a highly evolved sixth sense that allows them to interpret body language or even understand thoughts of the people around. They are highly sensing than hard-core analysis of data. They do get definite vibes when they meet new people or even places. Rather, hardcore statistical analysis could make them out of their comfort zone. There is of course a sensitive & emotional side to their otherwise aloof or dispassionate body language. This helps with people management quite a bit. However, managing difficult people or situation could get on their nerves. Neptune water runs deep and shows a spiritual side or approach without again any drum-beats! They are silently aligned to some charitable cause or movement which fulfills their Pisces metaphysical needs/desires. The date of 16 however does show some ego (1) and vanity (6); great sense of appearance & personality impact on surroundings. The date of 16 also shows a tendency to leave a place when one has reached the top of it. Maintaining the top position could be more of a hard-core ability and hard-work than what a typical Neptune dominated person wants! There has to be some dose of creativity & innovation to their job else the Pisces could become miserable with routine work.

Birth-Date Personality: March 17th
The date ruled by Saturn (17:8) shows ability to review or audit well. It also shows policing nature and also secretive approach from time to time. There is a attention to details and a step by step conservative approach that doesn’t allow them to lift a leg in air unless the other one is grounded! J Of course, Neptune ruled Pisces Sun shows an imaginative, innovative approach. Neptune water runs deep and gives great creativity, speed to thoughts & also physical moves despite Saturnian astuteness. Neptune likes sports and physical stuff / speed but without the rough edge that might bring unless provoked beyond a limit. Pisces Sun likes to serve others, rather loves to serve others in any way they can. Giving is their things as they follow the “apple tree philosophy” of giving without thinking if the beneficiary deserves it. 8 in this date does show some karmic obligation which ignored could give some unpleasant surprises from time to time. As 1 (ego) precedes innovation (7), their ego could affect their effectiveness or application of effectiveness in some situations. Need to differentiate between ego and self-esteem there! There is some covert spiritual approach in this date; they are always guided by their higher self. These folks do great in any compliance /auditing & number crunching career with some scope for creativity. They have inner understanding if human nature which should be consciously used & trusted by self.

Birth-Date Personality: March 18th
This date shows a harmonious combination of Mars (18:9) and Neptune ruled Pisces Sun. Yes, the date of 18 does show some bitter fights which are related to some extreme past karma but the Pisces Sun wants to forgive and forget and move ahead. Pisces Sun does help reduce the hard or rough edge that this date of 18 usually has. 18 of course shows a big friend circle and a fierce one at that. It also shows specific sibling past karma which is both love and hate and often complex. However, without friends or siblings their life is incomplete. It is a great purpose of soul to connect with friends and siblings with this Mars date. There is some connection with land too. Sports activity also has a special place in their life which is shown both by Mars and Neptune. Neptune ruled Pisces Sun brings innovation, experimentation and creativity to this Mars ruled aggression / initiative or even anger. Neptune and Mars both love speed; Mars with physical/conscious thrust whereas Neptune at a higher or a sub-conscious level. Engineering and advance sciences are second nature to them. Even a birth at a farm-house would later result in some technically advanced tool usage with innovation. There is some innocence and idealism and commitment to cause or charity related to this date. There is certain alignment with spiritual path despite their background. Hurting someone without a provocation is very difficult for a Pisces Sun despite Marsian aggression.

March 19th
This is a very lucky date which shows great past karma. It is a date of rulers, entrepreneurs and pioneers. Of course Pisces Sun would find it very difficult to go all out and use the big bang approach of this date to form very big organizations or societies. However, this is a great channel for souls who want to form “ashrams” or some “muth” or even education societies. They would love to form or support art colleges or provide philosophical guidance or thought leadership to such societies. Hard core production environment is not their stuff but one can’t hide the spirit of this date of 19. This date shows aloofness and air of un-approachability which adds to perceived aloofness of Pisces Sun itself! They seem not to care much about practical matters too much! There is some 1 dominated Sun’s inspirational move which keeps them moving but hardcore materialistic life is not their cup of tea. They are highly independent & leaders, it is very difficult for them to follow others for a long time! Pisces Sun would make them support folks who take greater cause which they like but they are not born to follow always! There is some habit like drinking a lot of tea or smoking or something similar which is not their need per say but some habit which allows them to hang out somewhere or spend time at a place they like seem to stick to them sometime in their life (forever!) J

Birth-Date Personality: March 20th
This is a very harmonious date that shows combination of Moon ruled date of 20 (2) and Neptune ruled Pisces Sun. Both have certain amount of emotions attached, Moon more primitive, personal, emotional attachments whereas Neptune shows detached, aloofness and greater higher level of emotions that go across personal interests. These folks can actually feel what others feel in some emotional situations but similar personal situation they could be more detached! The date of 20 shows pure 2 like behavior in childhood which shows great karmic attachment to mother. Later in life 0 in this date increases philosophical approach which could make them matured but less attached compared to childhood. This helps to grow as a human being but could reduce desire to achieve at personal level. Neptune adds to imaginative, innovative nature of this water sign and also water (Moon) ruled date! People contact is very easy and they like it. Emotional intelligence helps them to deal with people better but passing criticism or some negative or tough feedback is not their cup of tea! It makes them out of their comfort zone. Detail number crunching and high-handed seniors/authority figures could also affect their creativity or rather health also at times (anxiety!). Some dose of change, creativity and sense of freedom is required to keep these folks happy. Any products manufacturing or marketing something for kids is rather the best career for them.

Birth-Date Personality: March 21st
This is a very lucky birth-date that reduces intensity of even some extreme planetary formations in a horoscope. It of course enhances the good planetary formations. There is certain un-paid good past karma for these folks that help them achieve a lot in this birth. There is a desire of the soul to achieve individually or at personal level (Exam scores, ranks, appreciation letters etc). This date ruled by Jupiter (21:3) shows thought leadership more so than people leadership. However as 2 (others) appears before (1), they are lot more friendly than other 3 dates (3, 12, 30). Their friend circle however is more restricted to their personal achievements. They do not collect “falana-dhikana” friends or contacts like 2, 20 born folks do! J There is some desire for recognition by others due to 2 in the date which keeps driving them. Pisces Sun shows imaginative, creativity approach which also borders on being spiritual. These become suddenly disinterested and detached despite being sensitive and emotional at the same time. The fish inside them can see towards left and right but never direct ahead! Their decision is at times also similar as they know what happens if you do this and also that but would refrain from taking outright decision or aligning to some side. Most things for them are not that interesting, sort of a dispassionate approach towards life unless there is also a strong Scorpio or Leo influence in Moon or ascendant sign! There is deep awareness of human behavior & acute awareness of greater good for society & nation. The physical energy is often limited and should be used judiciously.

March 22nd
The date of 22 is a master number which means these people are driven by their higher self or subconscious mind quite a bit. There is hardly a need to consult someone in the need of the hour for any decision making. They need to balance various conflicting things in their life-time such that there is a harmony but also independent presence of these entities. This date does show some absent minded genius which is typical of a Uranus ruled date. They are change agents for their family or society or even country. They evaluate old customs, rituals and get rid of outdated once and tweak the ones that still make sense in the 21st century! Neptune ruled Pisces Sun adds to the lateral thinking of Uranus and also adds creativity and innovation. There is a high degree of imagination that is limitless. There is certain aloofness or detachment associated with this combination. There is lesser affinity towards worldly or material pleasures as the soul seeks greater good for their surroundings. They are very friendly and known for their selfless collaboration. A lot can get done when nobody cares who gets the credit and hence these folks have ability to easily make difference around them without too much fuss! Although Piscean is an emotional creature, Uranus brings intellectual side to this detached or dispassionate Pisces Sun.

Birth-Date Personality: March 23rd
23rd ruled by Mercury is a very good birth-date of a great communicator or simply speaking; someone who wants to “express”. It could be an orator, novelist, cartoonist, a composer, poet or a painter! This is particularly a great birth-date for short-writing and quick composition (say advertisement jingles). With March 23rd, the Pisces Sun adds to the creativity, innovation and imagination to the equation and reduces “word-play” or criticism of 5 (5, 14, 23) born folks quite a bit. The Piscean would be the last person to criticize someone! In a way, this Pisces Sun adds to the artistic nature but reduces or opposes the word-centric approach of a 5 dominated person! A simple google search would reveal that 23rd is, without much exception, a “lucky” date given/allowed to soul who has done some good karma in past birth(s).  The date ruled by Mercury also shows very good trading ability. They spot supply & demand gaps around them and connect them so that both parties benefit along with some gains to themselves. In a way, Pisces nature and Mercury do oppose each other as Neptune rules something that can be felt and difficult to articulate whereas Mercury wants to articulate. Mercury folks are particularly proud of their ability to express. These folks have beautiful eyes – There is something about their eyes!

Birth-Date Personality: March 24th
24th of any month is probably the luckiest of all the birth-dates followed by 19, 21 and 23! This date shows very good karma in the past birth(s). This is a great birth-date for souls who want to be artists, ruled by VENUS (Shukra), this date along with 6 & 15 is certainly about some magical effect! There is a certain “balance / harmony” to their personality with very less or none rough edges to speak of. They are the people with “lazy good manners”. As this date is about 2 (moon) and 4 (Uranus), it shows good people connect (2) and also forward or modern approach (4). Neptune ruled Pisces Sun only adds to the good qualities of these folks. Neptune shows innovation, creativity and depth. Neptune effect also allows them to read minds, body language of people very well. Rather some 6th sense sort of ability is bestowed upon them by Pisces Sun. Of course, Neptune is more about sensing than articulating & hence the form or art would be also something like painting, photography, singing etc than very articulate sort of poetry or story writing. Only advice to these folks would be to avoid affairs as they can ruin their great abilities to a large extent. A typical Piscean has limited energy which should be channeled to creative pursuits.

Birth-Date Personality: March 25th
This is a highly harmonious date as both the date of 25 (7) and Pisces Sun is ruled by Neptune! 25 (7) vibrates to Neptune, the planet of 6th sense, spirituality, vivid imagination! Pisces Sun also vibrates to the date of 7 i.e. Neptune as Neptune is the co-owner of Pisces Sign along with Jupiter (Guru). This puts a distinct stamp of a ‘dreamer’, innovator on the person born on this date. There is a natural ability to read minds or body-language of others – what we can also call “the 6th sense”! These folks will always get some vibe when they meet someone for the 1st time or even visit a place/land/house for the 1st time! This date is also a great channel for someone who wants to progress on the path of spirituality. No wonder that these folks seem lost in some of the practical or day to day matters. They forget things very easily. You would hardly see them getting rid of the old stuff as they can’t discard things easily! This date shows very good people leadership and people connect. This is the most gentlemanly date of all 365 days! J The soul does not want to harm anyone in this life, even if indirectly. These folks with appropriate horoscope have a great chance to reach spiritual heights and leave behind the cycle of birth and death! J

March 26th
You have some contradiction in this birth-date as it is ruled Saturn (26:8) and also Neptune owned Pisces Sun. Neptune a dreamy innovator trying to go away from reality and Saturn which is a relentless auditor, reviewer with an eye on continuous improvement with a long term view! The Neptune can “see” centuries ahead but Saturn needs data-points and hard-facts to prove it correct. Neptune shows high imagination, creativity and innovation which usually does not come with high degree of articulation or numeric clarity. Saturn likes hard facts and figures which is out of comfort zone for Neptune and vice versa! The date of 26 also has combination of 2 (Moon) and 6 (Venus) which makes them artistic and moody at times; it certainly shows some lessons in life when it comes to relationships. They are requested to handle relationships carefully else there are some surprises there. These folks know the problems/deficiencies in their surroundings due to being 8 born, but would find it very difficult to criticize/share them directly due to Pisces influence which has inborn tendency “to serve” and to please others. A tough date for the person for sure where others are not even aware of this inner struggle! It is advised to go to creative career that allows imagination and creativity but also requires fact finding from time to time.

March 27th
The date of the fire planet Mars (2+7=9) al bit a lot more friendly than the plain 9 and downright aggressive 18! The 27 is the luckiest 9 dates and shows definite good past karma. The service providing Piscean is always there beneath that straightforward Marsian (9) front-end. They do tend to have a bigger friend circle as 9 born folks always have some past birth connections with friends. The compound effect of 2 and 7 in this date shows very good emotional intelligence & people leadership. Any sport is natural to them and sports or Gym makes them a much better person. It releases or rather focuses their energy which otherwise could come out bursting like steam coming out of a pressure cooker. The date of 27 ensures that this fish (Pisces Sun) does not choose to go only downstream but has occasional upstream adventures. These folks are advised to channel their energy on innovative and creative pursuits where they can even surprise themselves. Self-pity from time to time is a BIG NO. A Piscean born on 18 27 or 9 needs to & usually catches some tide or wave by the age of 25/27 that ensures success. Any engineering discipline is great for them but it should offer some room for creativity and innovation.

Birth-Date Personality: March 28th
The date of 28 certainly shows a very good connect with peer group/colleagues and also masses (workers). These folks are born to create products or services for the masses i.e. at fortune the bottom of the pyramid! The pioneer instincts of 28 (1: Brilliance of Sun) are supplemented by dreamer, innovator Piscean and it results in to some “services” that are created for masses. The Piscean wanting to serve certainly shapes the entrepreneur or pioneer spirit of the 28 (1). These folks do something new which nobody from the family has done. They are not looking at specialization but generalizing the specialization for mass use! Sun dominated 1 and Neptune dominated Piscean Sun both do mask or override each other from time to time but they are not opposite like Sun and Saturn or Mars and Mercury (Budh). The 28 born are naturally outgoing and extroverts but still do not like to go to a completely unknown place or surroundings. This date shows tendency to collect overzealous followers who hurt them from time to time despite their best intentions or rather due to their best intentions! J It is very easy for these followers to do something extreme for their 28 born master/leader which proves very costly. Some trouble from close relatives is also possible but it is usually minor or nuisance only.

Birth-Date Personality: March 29th
29 i.e. (2+9) 11 is a master number. This number vibrates very well with the Piscean Sun. The 29 March date does show a subdued approach in childhood which becomes friendly later on in school/college and quite populist further in life. These folks want publicity and love to be recognized. The date of 29 adds to the Piscean dreamy nature. Day dreaming and being lost in their own thoughts is the second nature of the 29th March born folks. These folks would find it very difficult to criticize someone and also saying NO is a very difficult art which they hardly master in their life. This gets them into trouble as 29s invite some friends who are detrimental to a larger cause (not all). The publicity and popularity is a almost is given for a 29th March born person. SALES is the best profession for them, basically, anything with people contact makes them very successful. They are natural people leaders.

The 0 in any date brings or rather shows wisdom, maturity which is earned over multiple births. It also brings some lethargy later in life after a fairly competitive childhood with a race for ranks and scholarship and desire to differentiate themselves from others by their “individual achievements” and not with people contacts like 29 born! These folks tend to be lonely and keep to themselves later in the life. They tend lose their competitive nature after degree/post degree when they enter practical life. This is again due to self-realization which comes to them earlier than others as 30 born are the “thought leaders”! The 30th March date shows conflicting numbers, 3 which vibrates to the broad-minded Jupiter and the Pisces Sun that vibrates to ‘dreamy / innovator’ Neptune. When this contradiction managed well can bring in innovation (Neptune) in the education system (Jupiter) to take it ahead by several decades. This date is very good for professors or teachers or principals but of some creative subjects. Examples:

March 31st
31st Match born folks are certainly lucky as personal achievement /thought leadership (3) comes before the self esteem or ego (1). A very interesting date as it adds to 4 which is the absent-minded Uranus and the Piscean Sun which vibrates to Neptune! So you have 4 planets that are influencing this March 31st birth-date to give something harmonious and creative, detail oriented to this world!  They are certainly a “change agent” as they are basically a 4 (3+1 = 4: Uranus) and usually they are born in a traditional family and are supposed to modernize their family by bringing them to say 21st Century! Pretty unorthodox folks they are, but in an unassuming and a non-boasting way. Luckier than 13th born due to need of the soul for achievement more than the need of self-respect or ego! 31 born can mend their ways for greater good which might not be possible for the 13 born! So we have folks that are unassuming, creative, un-orthodox without being flashy and who are quite detail oriented.

1 comment:

  1. Which career path are best for 25 march folks apart from spiritual progress path.
