Wednesday, March 14, 2018

DNA & Astrology Part1

DNA & Astrology (Part1)

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You would often see planetary formations repeating quite a bit in previous and next generations which is not surprising but amusing. This is simply DNA repetition I guess. So how good Karma can avoid bad DNA configuration repeating in the future generations? My speculation is that: Good karma creates serotonin and other hormonal changes which help heal your issues. Also, such changes and “feel-good” can keep you away from imp things such as conception etc at a time which would make bad DNA aspects repeating. I mean you might not avoid Shani in DHANU for your kids but good karma could make it in and out of Moola Nakshatra or avoid the last 3 degrees of Vrishchik and first 3 degrees (for Shani). Of course, this is a VERY DELICATE matter as if Imran Khans parents did this kind of stuff and avoided Moola Nakshatra Mars for him – he might have world cup in 1992!  :) But then, maybe he could have had it in 1987? Maybe he wouldn’t have given Salim Jaffar the last over which Steve Waugh got 17/18 out of it and 17 runs is what hey lost the game by!  :) So as I said it is a VERY delicate matter and highly subjected to debates!

YES – Mantra, Pooja Path Pathan and Gurudwara Church Mosque and meditation will help with the feel good and feeling of LOVE can help you avoid many mishaps of your life. (trust me!) BUT – BUT – THERE IS NO SUBSTITUE for good old “Good Karma” that not only cures your own mind and DNA bur also reduces the deficit of karma and injustice and pending things you OWE to others or the society. Curing yourself by pooja, mantra or temples and churches or meditation might not reduce the imbalance of karma from the system and one day you would have World Wars happening around to get rid of this imbalance.

This discussion above was a digression – let us come back to some DNA repetition thru examples!

(1)    It is obvious that the FIRST DELIVERY happens MOSTLY when transit MOON is travelling over mom’s natal/horoscope Moon or Horoscope Mars. So it is QUITE natural that your Moon sign could be around the Moon Sign of your Mom or her Mars’s Sign. Your Moon Signs or your Mars sign would be around your Mom’s Moon or Mars’ Sign if not exactly the same. Else how would delivery happen! THIS IS THE REASON I am always skeptical about C-Section delivery – it is a separate topic! :) There is also a possibility of transit Moon opposite to the natal Moon or Mars as a secondary imp time for delivery to happen.
a.     My Moon sign Vrishchik and My Mom’s Mars Sign Vrishchik. Her Moon Sign Kanya – she said I came in almost like 2.xx days after she was admitted. She must be admitted when transit Moon of Kanya went over her Horoscope Moon of Kanya!
b.     My Sister was born with Mars in Kanya! :) Means Transit Mars was on my mom’s Natal Moon at the time of birth! Her Moon was running towards Kanya but not actually in Kanya. Her L10 in Singh and my father’s L1 in Singh! :)
c.      Tanish (My Son) is Kumbh moon Sign and Bela is too. Doctors had given 2 weeks later – was pretty skeptical about 3 to 5 May. Even Transit Mars was also in Kumbh (Tanish has Chandra Mangal in Kumbh!!) So, both MOON & MARS were close to her natal Moon at the time of delivery.
d.     Tanish’ Moon in Kumbh Rashi Kumbh Navamansh: My L5 Guru is in the name rashi same Navamansh (Guru Santati Kaarak and also Guru owns 5th house of kids for me!)
e.     Your Moon Signs or your Mars sign would be around your Mom’s Moon or Mars’ Sign if not exactly the same. Else how would delivery happen!
(2)    My Rahu is in Vrishchik Rashi in Meen Navamansh. Tanish is Meen Rashi Meen Navamansh! :)
(3)    My Surya is L10 and Surya is anyways father’s kaarak. It is in Meen Rashi Vargottam and My father has Meen lagna and Meen Surya. My Meen Surya Vargottam shows connection of father to his Mama mousi folks and mu father has L1 Guru in the 6th house of Mama/mousi or his maternal relatives! :)

(4)    Your Surya & or L10 and your father’s 1st house or lagnesh would have some common aspects.

I will add more things here and elaborate this article further.


  1. What is your prediction on 2019 election or Modi?

  2. Amazing.... I am the elder child of my parents. I have my sun in eleventh house where as my father has kumbh younger brother's first child has makar lagna which fifth from my third house.....could pls put some light on this.... ???
