Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Thoughts about astrology by Sri Aurobindo

AMAZING -- my own thoughts from practical stuff are VERY similar -- My thinking is that the planets are a mirror image or us or our karma and mirror image does not control the main image -- Stars ONLY reflect the past -- fixed/can't be changed karma and it PROBABLE (not fixed/certain) effects in this life. Yoganand Paramahansa has expressed the same in his 16th chapter "Outwitting the Stars" from Autobiography of a yogi!!

Very interesting perspective of Sri Aurobindo on astrology and spiritual life:
"Astrology? Many astrological predictions come true, quite a mass of them, if one takes all together. But it does not follow that the stars rule our destiny; the stars merely record a destiny that has been formed, they are a hieroglyph, not a Force, – or if their action constitutes a force, it is a transmitting energy, not an originating Power. Someone is there who has determined or something is there which is Fate, let us say; the stars are only indications. The astrologers themselves say that there are two forces, daiva and purusakara, fate and individual energy, and the individual energy can modify and even frustrate fate. Moreover, the stars often indicate several fate-possibilities; for example that one may die in mid-age, but that if that determination can be overcome, one can live to a predictable old age. Finally, cases are seen in which the predictions of the horoscope fulfil themselves with great accuracy up to a certain age, then apply no more. This often happens when the subject turns away from the ordinary to the spiritual life. If the turn is very radical, the cessation of predictability may be immediate; otherwise certain results may still last on for some time, but there is no longer the same inevitability. This would seem to show that there is or can be a higher power or higher plane or higher source of spiritual destiny which can, if its hour has come, override the lower power, lower plane or lower source of vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. I say vital because character can also be indicated from the horoscope much more completely and satisfactorily than the events of the life."