Monday, April 9, 2018

Birth-Date Personality for the Month of April: Folks born in the month of April

Birth-Date Personality for the Month of April: Folks born in the month of April

April 1st
This is a date of entrepreneurs and pioneers & initiators. Of course, Pisces Sun would find it very difficult to go all out and use the big bang approach of this date to form very big organizations or societies. However, this is a great channel for souls who want to form “ashrams” or some “muth” or even education societies. They would love to form or support art colleges or provide philosophical guidance or thought leadership to such societies. Hard core production environment is not their stuff as creative spirit of a Piscean is suppressed there. This date shows some loner attitude and air of un-approachability which adds to perceived aloofness of Pisces Sun itself! They seem not to care much about practical matters too much! There is some 1 dominated Sun’s inspirational move which keeps them going but hardcore materialistic life is not their cup of tea. They are highly independent & leaders, it is very difficult for them to follow others for a long time! Pisces Sun would make them support folks who take greater cause which they like but they are not born to follow always! There is some habit like drinking a lot of tea or smoking or something similar which is not their need per say but some habit which allows them to hang out somewhere or spend time at a place they like. These habits stick to them forever! J The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 2nd
This is a highly harmonious date that shows combination of Moon ruled date of 2 and Neptune ruled date of Pisces Sun. Moon shows sensitive, emotion and creative nature whereas Neptune shows perceptive, 6th sense ability and innovative approach. The combination makes it a very good date for any people contact & a job like marketing. Hard core number crunching, policing, auditing or statistics is not their cup of tea. These folks need some encouragement and compliments from time to time as there is a tendency to big down by surroundings or any negativity around. Surroundings do impact them a lot more than other Pisces Sun dates such as 1 3 5 or 9. This date has a great ability to connect with kids or much younger folks. They also draw energy from younger folks around. Piscean does have some spiritual side to their personality which makes them completely averse to doing something negative or harmful. Unless of course pushed too hard or someone dear in danger. The date of 2 shows some anxiety from time to time which settles down due to spiritual aloofness and detachment of Pisces Sun. Passing criticism is the last thing they want to do! It makes them completely out of their comfort zone! The Soul wants to have a life of as less negative karma as possible under this Sun Sign. Greater good always prevails for Pisces Sun even if it is at their own expense. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 3rd
Jupiter ruled date of 3 and Neptune ruled Pisces Sun have some obvious contradictions. Of course, they are at a spiritual or philosophical level and not downright at practical level such as Mars versus Mercury or Sun versus Saturn. Jupiter shows thought leadership and desire for personal achievements such as exam scores, ranks, degrees & certificates whereas Neptune is a bit disinterested in such worldly accomplishments. Neptune wants to achieve as meta-physical level which gives inner-peace or inner sense of achievement that comes from helping someone or doing some greater good for people around or even society! Selfless collaborations or Pisces Sun is taken a bit of a back-seat due to personal ambitions of 3 born folks. However, Neptune’s creativity and innovation takes a very definite and specific form due to Jupiter’s influence and quest for a big picture or deep knowledge. Some philosophical or thought leadership shows up in their expression or art. Pisces Sun is acutely aware of emotions or sentiments of people around which is great for people leadership but the date of 3 does show some ignorance to this state of mind of others. These folks are aligned to their goals and objectives and have no inclination to sway from that path despite surrounding influences! This Jupiter and Neptune combination allows innovation or creativity in the field of education for sure. A great date of learning & teaching advanced sciences. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 4th
A very interesting date as it is ruled by absent-minded Uranus and bhullakad Piscean Sun which vibrates to creative, innovative Neptune! Of course, the cruel reality of this world could unsettle them at times. Piscean Sun wants to live in their dream world and do not like too much of an opposition or reality-check. There is childlike purity in this date as this is not a compound date like 13, 22 or 31. They are certainly “change agents” and usually they are born in a traditional family and are supposed to modernize their family by bringing them to say the 21st Century! Pretty unorthodox folks they are, but in an unassuming and a non-boasting way. These folks can mend their ways for a greater good which might not be possible for the 13 born folks! So, we have folks that are unassuming, creative, un-orthodox without being flashy who can suddenly become detached or aloof with the repetitive things in life/career. It is important to have some creativity or change to their job description. Love for latest electronic gadgets is almost a given. Only thing constant for these folks is change and without changes around they would withdraw from the proceedings. Routine kills Piscean spirit like nothing! These folks are often very difficult to understand for surroundings folks as they do not have many material desires and interests unless there are multiple planets in the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capri) in their horoscope. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

April 5th
The date of 5 is ruled by Mercury is very good at communication or simply speaking; someone who wants to “express”. It could be an orator, novelist, cartoonist, a composer, poet or a painter! This is particularly a great birth-date for short-writing and quick composition (say advertisement jingles). Pisces Sun adds to creativity, innovation and imagination to the equation and reduces “word-play” or criticism of 5 (5, 14, 23) born folks quite a bit. The Piscean would be the last person to criticize someone! In a way, this Pisces Sun adds to the artistic nature but reduces or opposes the word-centric approach of a 5 dominated person! Mostly a lucky date but say not as lucky as 23 born folks but certainly less complicated than 23 or 14 born folks. The date ruled by Mercury also shows very good trading ability. They spot supply & demand gaps around them and connect them so that both parties benefit along with some gains to themselves. In a way, Pisces nature and Mercury do oppose each other as Neptune rules something that can only be felt or sensed but very difficult to articulate whereas Mercury wants to articulate. Mercury folks are particularly proud of their ability to express & summarize. These folks have beautiful eyes – There is something about their eyes! The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 6th
6 is a lucky birth-date that is ruled Venus! This date shows very good karma in the past birth(s). This is a great birth-date for souls who want to be artists, ruled by VENUS (Shukra), this date along with 6 & 15 is certainly about some artistic & balanced approach towards life! There is a certain “balance / harmony” to their personality with very less or none rough edges to speak of. They are the people with “lazy good manners”. This date is a pure date unlike 15 or 24 and shows un-cluttered approach & straightforward personality. Neptune ruled Pisces Sun only adds to the good qualities of these folks. Neptune shows innovation, creativity and depth. Neptune effect also allows them to read minds, body language of people very well. Rather, some 6th sense sort of ability is bestowed upon them by Pisces Sun. Of course, Neptune is more about sensing than articulating & hence the form or art would be also something like painting, photography, singing etc than very articulate sort of poetry or story writing. Only advice to these folks would be to avoid affairs as they can ruin their great abilities to a large extent. A typical Piscean has limited energy which should be channeled to creative pursuits. Sun being in a very creative but lazy constellation of Revati has both the effects on their personality. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 7th
This is a highly harmonious date as both the date of 7 and Pisces Sun is ruled by Neptune! 7 vibrates to Neptune, the planet of 6th sense, spirituality and vivid imagination! Pisces Sun also vibrates to the date of 7 i.e. Neptune as Neptune is the co-owner of Pisces Sun Sign along with Jupiter (Guru). This puts a distinct stamp of a ‘dreamer’, innovator on the person born on this date. There is a natural ability to read minds or body-language of others – what we can also call “the 6th sense”. These folks will always get some vibe when they meet someone or even visit a place/land/house for the 1st time! This date is also a great channel for someone who wants to progress on the path of spirituality. No wonder that these folks seem lost in some of the practical or day to day matters. They forget things very easily. You would hardly see them getting rid of the old stuff as they can’t discard things easily! This date shows very good people leadership and people connect. This is the most gentlemanly date of all 365 days along with 25th March! J The soul does not want to harm anyone in this life, even if indirectly. These folks with appropriate horoscope have a great chance to reach spiritual heights and leave behind the cycle of birth and death! J Sun in Revati constellation shows both creativity, doing difficult things easily but also a lazy sort of an approach. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 8th
You have some contradiction in this birth-date as it is ruled by Saturn (8) and also Neptune owned Pisces Sun. Neptune is a dreamy innovator trying to go away from reality and Saturn which is a relentless auditor, reviewer with an eye on continuous improvement. Both have a very long term view but Saturn is completely practical whereas Neptune is meta-physical. Neptune can “see” centuries ahead but Saturn needs data-points and hard-facts to prove it correct. Neptune shows high imagination, creativity and innovation which usually does not come with high degree of articulation or numeric clarity. Saturn likes hard facts and figures which are out of comfort zone for Neptune and vice versa! The date of 8 is a pure one unlike 26 or 17 which means there is a definite Saturn approach without inhibitions. These folks know the problems / deficiencies in their surroundings due to being 8 born, but would find it very difficult to criticize / share them directly due to Pisces influence which has inborn tendency “to serve” and to please others. A tough date for the person for sure where others are not even aware of this inner struggle! It is advised to go to creative career that allows imagination and creativity but also requires fact finding from time to time. There is some karmic burden associated with this birth-date & hence it is recommended to show patience if things don’t go as planned. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 9th
This is a very harmonious date due to combination of Mars ruled date of 9 and Neptune ruled Pisces Sun sign. Both love speed; while Mars love of speed is more physical & aggressive, Neptune is about speed of innovative thoughts. There is energy in this date of 9 which mostly comes out in a constructive way due to Neptune’s direction. Unlike April 3, where Jupiter’s thought leadership more overly directs Mars energy, here Neptune is more of a philosophical guide with a very detached approach. They do tend to have a bigger friend circle as 9 born folks always have some past birth connections with friends. Any sport is natural to them and sports or Gym makes them a much better person. It releases or rather focuses their energy which otherwise could come out bursting like steam coming out of a pressure cooker. This date ensures that this fish (Pisces Sun Sign) does not choose to go only downstream but has frequent upstream adventures. These folks are advised to channel their energy on innovative and creative pursuits where they can even surprise themselves. Self-pity from time to time is a BIG NO. A Piscean born on 18 27 or 9 needs to & usually catches some tide or wave by the age of 25/27 that ensures success. Any engineering discipline is great for them but it should offer some room for creativity and innovation. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 10th
The birth-date of 10 shows very direct & pure approach in childhood which becomes philosophical & less direct later in life. This date shows some wisdom from the past birth as reflected in 0 in this date. This wisdom could also become a bit of a burden which stops from achieving materially in this life. There is some 1 dominated Sun’s inspirational move which keeps them going but hardcore materialistic life is not their cup of tea. The soul searching & self-evaluation can go longer than needed. “Just do it” is the suggestion for this date! J Overall, this is a date of entrepreneurs and pioneers & initiators. Of course, Pisces Sun would find it very difficult to go all out and use the big bang approach of this date to form very big organizations or societies. However, this is a great channel for souls who want to form “ashrams” or some “muth” or even education societies. They would love to form or support art colleges or provide philosophical guidance or thought leadership to such societies. Hard core production environment is not their stuff as creative spirit of a Piscean is suppressed there. This date shows some loner attitude and air of un-approachability which adds to perceived aloofness of Pisces Sun itself! They seem not to care much about practical matters too much! There is some habit like drinking a lot of tea or smoking (usually liquid) or something similar which is not their but allows them to hang out with folks or a place they like. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 11th
The date of 11 is a master number that shows highly evolved sub-conscious mind. There is some spiritual side to their personality too. Master number means these folks usually know what they need to do and hardly need advice on any behavioral or attitude aspects. This date shows a mandate to balance two opposing things (culture, people, castes, religions, countries) so that they find common grounds but still keep these two things independent (presence of two Sun in this date of 11). If they align to one side more than the other – there are great surprises and losses. Pisces Sun adds to the power of subconscious sign and past birth wisdom and desire of soul to not hurt a single soul in this life. There is inner desire to service people, entertain people and also for publicity. The combination of Moon (2) and Neptune could shows highest level of creativity. Sun in the last “navamansh” of Pisces Sign shows all-rounder approach, multiple interests and the highest level of creativity and innovation. Of course, this is not the date of karmic reward nor is of karmic burden. This date of 11 has lesser failure points or chances than the date of 29 which gets into troubled waters due to friends and bad habits. 11 stays away from most folks and this detachment / aloofness helps them perform their duties better. This combination also shows great 6th sense and ability read people well. A great date for any esoteric or creative pursuits. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 12th
Jupiter ruled date of 12 (3) and Neptune ruled Pisces Sun has some contradictions. Of course, they are at a spiritual or philosophical not overt. Jupiter shows thought leadership and desire for personal achievements such as exam scores, ranks, degrees & certificates whereas Neptune is a bit disinterested in such individual accomplishments. Neptune wants to achieve as meta-physical level which gives inner-peace or inner sense of achievement that comes from helping someone or doing some greater good for family or the society! These two sides do show some conflict from time to time. The Selfless collaboration of Pisces Sun takes a back-seat due to personal ambitions of 3 born folks but also Neptune’s creativity and innovation takes a very definite and specific form due to Jupiter’s influence and quest for a big picture or deep knowledge. Some philosophical or thought leadership shows up in their expression or art. Pisces Sun is acutely aware of emotions or sentiments of people around which is great for people leadership but the date of 12 does show some ignorance to such feelings. These folks are aligned to their goals and objectives and have no inclination to sway from that path despite surrounding influences! This Jupiter and Neptune combination allows innovation or creativity in the field of education for sure. A great date of learning & teaching advanced sciences. 12 is always comfortable when there is a clear distinction between juniors & seniors. They are great with juniors and seniors but colleagues is something they can’t handle well. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

Birth-Date Personality: April 13th
This is a very interesting date as it is ruled by absent-minded Uranus and Piscean Sun which vibrates to creative, innovative Neptune! Of course, the cruel reality of this world could unsettle them at times. Piscean Sun wants to live in their dream world and do not like too much of an opposition. They are certainly “change agents” and usually they are born in a traditional family and are supposed to modernize their family by bringing them to say the 21st Century! There is some karmic connection with mom’s siblings or even their grandmother’s siblings as Sun is constellation of Revati. As Sun is in the “Vargottam Navamansh” in Pisces Sign, these folks are “all-rounder” with multi-faceted personality. There is also some connection with an ocean or a big water source. Uranus makes them pretty unorthodox, but Pisces keeps it unassuming and a non-boasting way. These folks can mend their ways for a greater good which might not be possible for other 13 born folks! So we have folks that are unassuming, creative, un-orthodox without being flashy who can suddenly become detached or aloof with the repetitive things in life. It is important to have some creativity or change to their job description. Love for latest electronic gadgets is almost a given. Only thing constant for these folks is change and without changes around they would withdraw from the proceedings. Routine kills Piscean spirit like nothing! 13 borns are advised to lessen ego / self (1) and pay more attention to achievements and thought leadership (3) which allows them to achieve a lot more. The physical energy unless strong Surya or Mangal, is often limited and should be used judiciously. Pisces Sun is co-ruled by Guru and hence knowledge and education becomes important and drives their career and life.

April 14th
This date marks Sun’s entry in the Aries Sun Sign. The 1st degree of Aries is very powerful for strong planets like Sun and Mars. The transition from last degree of water ruled Pisces Sun to 1st degree of FIRE ruled Aries Sun is the most dramatic changes in the zodiac. It shows a high degree of desire of the soul to make a difference. Career ambition is of high degree and there is a tremendous initiative and positive attitude. As Sun is in this cardinal (Sanskrit “char”) sign, it shows a busy nature, always working on something or doing something. There is a Marsian energy & drive in this date which is pure and un-adulterated. Of course, the date of 14 shows a very good ability to express. They often coin catchy phrases or single lines which catch wide attention of masses. There is some magnetism in their communication which is articulate, clear, concise and very effective. They do have a good trading ability that allows them to spot supply demand gaps around & creating a win-win situation for both the parties. Mars dominated fields such as engineering is of course an easy choice; modern sciences and even land or agriculture related stuff is also recommended. Regardless of humble beginning these folks achieve certain success despite other issues in their horoscope. Sun is so powerful in Aries Sign that it is given exalted status. Forthright, aggressive, action prone, positive attitude Aries Sun will always find success no matter what! A badly placed Surya with Shani or other bad aspects could show head, brain or nervous system related issues but also some heart/spine issues to the father.

Birth-Date Personality: April 15th
The date of 15 certainly is a magical date ruled by Venus and shows some very good past karma that ensures good quality of life. They have certain peace of mind and lazy good-mannered nature despite the aggressive Aries Sun in first 2 degrees. There is a desire for good life, some artistic approach or at least appreciation for any form of art. Aries Sun bestows a busy nature as they prefer to keep themselves busy all the times. There is a high career orientation due as Sun is in exalted state in this Sign i.e. it is the best section of zodiac to exploit Sun’s brilliance, forthright or initiative or entrepreneur approach. However, ego of Sun in Leo is seen highly which is seen only in positive form in Aries. These people have a very positive, “can-do” attitude. Regardless of their beginning they achieve certain success due to sheer hard-work and continuous efforts. Aggression of Aries Sun takes some constructive manner due to Venus’ influence. As Sun is in the “Vargottam Navamansh” in Aries Sign, it indicates positive but extreme (ambition) things about their father. Engineering is an easy choice however any field that ties technology with art is perfect one. Combination of Mars & Venus shows a good balanced approach with a dose of aggression from time to time, however it is highly advised to stay away from affairs which could completely ruin all positives aspects of this date and limit future success! A badly placed Surya with Shani or other bad aspects could show head, brain or nervous system related issues but also some heart/spine issues to the father.

April 16th
This both an interesting combination of an aggressive, forthright, initiative seeking Mars ruled Aries Sun and highly sensing, perceptive, sensitive date ruled by Neptune (16:7). This may sound a bit contradictory but Mars and Neptune are always harmonious. Mars loves physical speed whereas for Neptune it is the speed of thoughts. This is a very good date for engineering, advanced subjects and also sports related matters. Aries Sun shows the desire for a great career / positions & material success. They have very good administrative ability. As Sun is in the cardinal sign (“char” rashi) they are quite workaholic & always try to keep themselves busy. It is all about attitude and Aries Sun has this positive attitude in abundance. Neptune shows some restraint to hasty approach, anger & over-aggression that Aries Sun could show from time to time. It also shows ability to read people that helps with people management. Neptune’s creativity & innovation gets much needed marsian conviction. Due to Neptune’s effect, these people could get affected by surroundings more than other Aries Sun folks such as April 19 or 18. Ability to read unspoken word or vibes of people or surroundings is both a blessing and a curse. Their mind could get too occupied with too many complex thoughts. That’s where the power of Aries Sun helps them keep going by neglecting un-necessary, un-wanted thoughts and focus on their goals. A badly placed Surya with Shani or other bad aspects could show head, brain or nervous system related issues but also some heart/spine issues to the father.

April 17th
This is a date of some contradictions due to combination of Mars ruled Aries Sun and Saturn ruled date of 17. Aries Sun shows aggression, impulse, initiative, force whereas Saturn tries to inculcate conservative, data driven & step-by-step approach. Aries Sun is about workaholic approach, creating force, momentum behind their cause. There is a conviction in this date which is unusual. They are very career oriented and no-nonsense people. There is some hurry and impatience once they are convinced they are right & they know the way ahead. Group discussions are not their cup of tea! Saturn influence (17:8) however instills some patience from time to time. It also gives them auditing or policing approach which is uncommon in other Aries Sun dates. This combination is very good for secret service or crime branch sort of jobs that require aggression but very well guided and driven completely by data. Karma of other people is often delivered by these folks. The date of 17 shows desire of the soul to leave their name behind by some heroic stuff or something which is long lasting. Life after 30 is much better as life until 30 is more of an investment and paying back neglected things of the past karma. There is some unpaid karma from past life which soul wants to pay back in this life. It is advised for these people to take surprises or set-backs with patience. Patience & hard-work can take them places and overcome any deficit the soul has by birth.

Birth-Date Personality: April 18th
This is a very harmonious date as both Aries Sun and the date of 18 (9) is ruled by Mars. However, this date is a bit rough as it is the most aggressive and easily irritable of all 9 dates (9, 18, 27). This date due to combination of 1 (Sun) & 8 (Saturn) does show some bitter conflicts, fights from the past life. As per the soul’s conscious & past karma it could be as small as family related or very big like across countries or states etc. These folks can go to war at the drop of a hat. There is in-born fighter spirit in them. Gym and sports is highly recommended to get rid of excess energy or frustration / agitation. It also makes them a better person by channeling their energy to positive things. Aries Sun of course shows a busy & a relentless person. Ability to hard-work is tremendous and hence they achieve a lot. Their commitment to cause is unparalleled. They are keen to extend support to weaker people & instinctively protect younger folks & women. The behavior is very lawful with respect for all. They are very good corporate citizens except some bitter fights or competition with colleagues. Friends have a very special place in their life and siblings have a very specific karmic connection (good/bad both). There is some land or agriculture related angle which could show family infighting.

Birth-Date Personality: April 19th
This is a birth-date of karmic rewards due to good past life karma. Even some of the worst horoscope or planetary formations do not result in great loss if the person is born under this date. There is a desire of the soul for entrepreneurship and pioneering, starting something new which nobody in the family did. This Sun ruled date (19:1) shows ability to create their own sphere of influence and circle of trust with specific roles for everyone to play (example: Shivaji Maharaj’s “Ashta-pradhan mandal” or Akbar’s “nav-ratna”). They are initiators and leaders. It is very difficult for them to follow someone else for a long time. There is some aloofness or air of unapproachability they have i.e. not overly friendly. They keep safe distance in every relationship and public display or emotion is less likely. Mars and Sun combination is highly harmonious. It shows commitment to cause by Aries Sun to the ideas/cause that these folks come up with. Aries Sun shows workaholic nature as they always try to keep themselves busy. It also shows certain aggression & force which does not like opposition much. Group discussion or debates is not their cup of tea. They have tremendous courage and conviction. They have fast growth early in their life could slow down a bit after the age of 30 only to regain it in due course!

April 20th
The date of 20 is ruled by Moon. This shows sensitive, sentimental and childlike nature early in the childhood. There is some anxiety and impulsiveness in this date for sure. There is a childlike desire to get something early in life. 0 in this date shows some wisdom from the past birth which could make them slow down or reduce their hunger later in life as they attain maturity. Combination of Mars ruled Aries Sun and Moon ruled date is certainly very harmonious as they are the best friends. However, Moon does shape aggression/commitment of cause of Aries Sun into some creative pursuit. Events of early life leave a lot more impact on their psyche than other Aries Sun dates such as April 21 23 or 24. They are driven mostly by emotions and stay on right path as long as they are close to their mother. This date shows special place in life for friend circle. There are deep karmic bonds with friends and siblings. A group of folks who want to stick together and do something together are often seen to take birth on Moon (2, 11, 20, 29) and Mar dates (9, 18, 27). This Aries Sun shows career oriented approach and a workaholic nature. They are mostly successful regardless of humble beginnings. The soul certainly wants to improve wealth of the family and also social existence or approval. These folks seek approval overtly or covertly from time to time and need it to keep going strong. Kids need a lot of encouragement/praise for right behavior & repeat it often.

Birth-Date Personality: April 21st
The birth-date of 21 is a date of Karmic Reward for the soul for the good deeds of the past birth(s). Ruled by Jupiter (21:3) this date shows thought leadership and a broad-minded approach towards life. There is desire of soul to achieve at personal or individual level than in a team like 2 or 9 born folks. However, 21 born are friendlier than other 3 born (3, 12, 30). As 2 (others) appears below 1 (self, ego) there is ability to achieve through others. However, their friend circle or contacts are limited to their achievements or personal goals. They would not collect any contacts without specific purpose like 2 born ones. Engineering sector is a very good one and so is academic sector. There is depth in their thoughts and ability to understand big picture. Aries Sun only adds to the personal achievements & ambitions. Aries Sun shows a workaholic person who is always on to something. There is a restless pursuit which almost ensures success in whatever they do. Sun being exalted in Aries sign only gets additional power due to date of 21. Mars ruled Sun Sign shows commitment to cause and energy. This energy is very well challenged or focused due to Jupiter influence. Despite their thought leadership there is some traditional or ritual based approach which wants to follow precedence and hierarchy etc set before. They mostly use tried and tested methods.

Birth-Date Personality: April 22nd
The change agents due to Uranus in this number (4: 2+2). Although this number is not reduced to 4 as it is a “master number” like 11. These folks are usually born on conservative family and need to modernize the family by say 30/40 years. Their thoughts are ahead of their times & they can be branded as progressive/modern by 1, 3 born folks but downright un-orthodox by 8 borns! J  The people connect is quite obvious due to double 2 in this date; this means, whatever they do, some people connect is always there! The Aries Sun which vibrates to Mars’s 9 number and the advanced sciences ruler Uranus (4) shows affinity towards electronic engineering or even nuclear/electricity related stuff. They are quite fond of latest gadgets and often have latest cell phones etc. They are the first to own a laptop in the field they operate in! All said and done, the date of 22 does show some karmic obligations and at times very drastic changes in life. Also, others can perceive them as “man in a hurry” and often their “change agent” nature will find some oppose as everyone has certain resistance for change! These folks are advised to elaborate their plans and also consider “organization behavior” or “mass mentality” in short “Comprehensive Change Management” process before they launch their “change”.

Birth-Date Personality: April 23rd
The date of 23 is a highly lucky birthdate which shows great karma of the last birth(s). Although this is a combination of opposite planets like Mercury & Mars it is somehow harmonious in this date to the most part except making people around a bit confused while dealing with them. The date of 23 gives these people very good sense of expression, articulation. They can coin very good phrases. It shows 2 (people/others) ahead of thought leadership or individual achievements. This shows their priority more towards people. There is ability to trade which allows them to sport supply & demand gaps around. They connect these dots and create win-win situation for all parties. They tend to be all-rounders than having PhD etc in one subject. Aries Sun shows positive aggression, initiative & workaholic nature. It almost guarantees success due to the hard work these people do. They keep themselves busy with some or other thing. Media career that is related to sports or sales/marketing job in engineering field makes a lot of sense. They usually walk, talk and think very fast and are always in a hurry to get things done. They mostly sport a smile which is not as pure or harmless like a Libra dominated one but more playful one. There is a sense of mathematics and more so engineering mathematics but it also allows day-trading abilities.

April 24th
The date of 24 is probably the luckiest of all which is result of great karma or hard work of the past birth(s). On April 24th, Sun is also in the highest exalted state as in 10th degree of Aries. This means these folks are almost always successful in whatever career they chose. They have tremendous go getter attitude, initiative and forthright, idealistic often childish approach to achieve their goals. The aggression is highly positive and to make things than opposing or breaking things. They are the engine of the various things that happen around us. Side effect of this could be haste, over aggression or impulsive nature. However, the Venus ruled date of 24 (6) takes care of this side of personality very well. Venus balances this aggression not to exceed constructive limits. They have a good taste for artistic things and often surrounded by luxury and good stuff. Aries Sun makes them highly industrious and always busy like an ant. Hard work is their things and that’s why the natural or inborn talent gets nurtured to the highest level due to continuous efforts. However, these folks are not the best to create or groom the next layer as they are actors and not teachers. They can only teach by their own example & action and not by class-room or one-on one discussion approach.

Birth-Date Personality: April 25th
The date of 25 (7) ruled by Neptune shows high degree of 6th sense along with a highly creative and imaginative mind. They are highly perceptive of emotions of people around or undercurrents of things happening. They can easily guess thoughts of other people. This is a good quality but also a curse (sort of) as they can get highly disturbed/perturbed by these unspoken messages or readings received by their heightened 6th sense. Neptune water runs deep & shows emotional depth unlike 2 born folks where emotions are more overt and obvious. Neptune mind is highly sensitive but in a detached and non-personal ways unlike 2 born folks (2, 11, 20, 29). Aries Sun shows love for hard-work like an ant, continuously working on something and creating stuff. There is an ability to create great momentum to achieve something. The side effect of aggression, impulsive nature, and anxiety of Aries Sun is reduced a bit by Neptune. However, Neptune adds some anxiety related to 6th sense/perception. Combination of Mars ruled Aries Sun & Neptune ruled date indicates good luck in sports related activities: actual sports or sports journalism or any activity related to sports. Neptune shows love for speed (of thought) and Mars also shows the same love which is more physical. There is some spiritual side to their personality and a calming or soothing effect on others when Aries Sun takes a back-seat!

April 26th
This is a date of a contradiction as Mars ruled Aries Sun shows aggression, initiative, positive, industrious approach and Saturn ruled date of 26 (8) shows conservative, step by step and auditing, attention to detail nature. The date of 26 due to combination of Moon (2) and Venus (6) shows creativity & artistic approach. It is a lot more docile / friendly and approachable Saturn ruled date compared to 8 and 17! However, the Saturn influence of conservatism is always there. There is some karmic burden in this date and mostly related to relationships that the soul wants to pay back. It is advised to be careful with relationships in early 20s. It is required for them to support their partner more than the other way round. Especially, childhood shows a very serious/sincere approach in studies & every aspect of life. This changes a bit as they grow up. They open up quite a bit after age of 30. Aries Sun shows workaholic nature, always onto something, keeping busy like an ant. There is great career orientation. Mars shows engineering sector whereas Saturn shows auditing or policing. This combination makes them very good at say process compliance, auditing jobs in engineering sector. Even some connection with land or agriculture is likely too. Except for close folks, others could find it difficult to deal with their personality as Mars and Saturn effect could be shown in silos from time to time (hot & cold water) instead of combination (warm water) all the times!

Birth-Date Personality: April 27th
This is a highly harmonious date as Aries Sun and the date of 27 (9) both are ruled by Mars. The date of 27 is lot more constructive and with lesser rough edges than 9 and certainly compared to outright aggressive 18. The date of 27 due to 2 (Moon) and 7 (Neptune) combination shows high degree of innovation & creativity. It also shows highly sensitive & perceptive mind. Energy of this Mars ruled date is channeled very well to constructive causes. However, warlike aggression of the date of 18 and also 9 is reduced in this date as bitter quarrels or enemies are not heir 1st priority. Aries Sun shows a very positive & aggressive attitude for continuous progress. There is a workaholic nature that always wants to keep busy like an ant. Actions are more important to them than words. There is also some impulse and anxiety that comes from time to time which urges them to take some action. There is a great career orientation as they are quite successful in any career they chose. Only limit is their own efforts and sense of contentment could stop their progress. Sports or Gym activities are highly important and make them a much better person. In addition, something like martial arts etc would make them highly disciplined and respectful person. Any sport is very natural to these people and should be explored.

Birth-Date Personality: April 28th
This is a very extrovert date which has ability to make some inspirational moves from time to time. This Sun ruled date (28:1) shows a person with entrepreneur & pioneering ability. They start something new that nobody in the family did. They create a base or a platform on which next generation can build upon. This date is about creating products or services for masses and not exactly for classes. The date of 28 shows some trouble from overzealous supporters who act on their behalf and do something illegal etc which ends up harming instead of helping despite the best intentions. Some close relatives could also create some nuisance but should be handled with sympathy as it is their own karma! Aries Sun of course shows a workaholic person who always keeps busy. Combination of Sun ruled date and Mars ruled Aries Sun only adds to positivity and aggression. Career is ultra-important for them and despite some health or other difficulties they do find their goals sooner than later. This date shows a great progress early in the life and they do tend to reach saturation by age of 30. After that they do need to find next curve in life to keep them going. There is some rough edge to their personality due to conflicting elements like Moon (2) and Saturn (8) adding to give 1 (Sun)!!

Birth-Date Personality: April 29th
This combination of Moon ruled date of 29 (29:11:2) and Mars ruled Aries Sun is quite harmonious as Moon and Mars are first rate friends. This combination shows a special place for friends and colleagues in their life. There are specific karmic links with friends and siblings that the soul wants to explore in this birth. 29 like 11 is also master in people connect or say any kind of Sales or PR job. Brilliance in people connect is their differentiator. It is a master number which has a very high level of subconscious power. Of course, this is not a karmic reward date, rather more of an obligation but this obligation results in some publicity / popularity or even greatness. They are forced to balance two things in life like 11, these two things are very different (caste, religion or people or a situation) where these folks are supposed to find common ways to keep them together but also independent at the same time. Leaning more towards one side creates serious consequences and downfalls (JFK Dec 29th). Unlike 11 born who are a bit aloof and stay detached with people contact, 29 could acquire some nasty friends who end up harming than helping from time to time. Aries Sun shows workaholic, career oriented, aggressive and initiative. There is a force & ability to create momentum and forthright an idealistic approach which is quite noble. Aries Sun means certain success in any field chosen is almost guaranteed. There is also some specific karmic connections with some land in the family or the one they acquire.

Birth-Date Personality: April 30th
The date of 30 like any other 3 (3, 12, 21) shows tendency of being highly competitive, individual achievement oriented in their early years say primary or complete education period. Later on, they acquire some sort of maturity or philosophical attitude that reduces their individual achievement or competitive nature (like fighting for a single “mark” in school or competition for the 1st rank!). This philosophical approach could also become sort of a baggage which could stop them from taking action they know will bring certain success. This Jupiter ruled date is about thought leadership than people leadership. Education field is something very natural to them. The best date for being a professor or even become principal on say engineering or agriculture/sports side disciplines. They like reading for sure! The 0 in this date shows wisdom from the past birth which makes them more matured than other 3 dates. Aries Sun however does show energy & drive, taking initiative in the subjects they love. Aries Sun ensures success in career but they have less anxiety to change jobs than other Aries dates which are more direct & forthright and impulsive. Impulse and haste of Mars ruled Aries Sun gets a very good direction & guidance by Jupiter ruled date of 30. Only advise would be to move and “just do it” by shaking that philosophical inaction caused by the 0 in this date (“been there done that”) feeling.

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