Monday, May 7, 2018

Born on 7 16 25: The Birth-Dates Ruled by NEPTUNE

Born on 7 16 25: The Birth-Dates Ruled by NEPTUNE

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This article is applicable for folks born on the dates of 7 16 & 25 but also the total addition of the complete birthdate too. For example, 27-4-1974 would be 9+4+3 = 16. It applies lot more overtly/foreground to the birthdates and subtly or in the background for the total additions.

These dates adding to 7 vibrate to of are similar to the planet NEPTUNE and to a large extent also KETU. It vibrates to the sign/rashi of Pisces/Meen. Incidentally, Neptune is co-owner of Meen/Pisces along with Guru/Jupiter. Vedic astrology also considers KETU in “Swa-Gruha” i.e. in own rashi in MEEN rashi. So, KETU is also in a way co-owner of Meen rashi. What this simply means is that a similar behavioral or attitude pattern is observed when (a) When Neptune / Ketu is in the first house or (b) When the bdate is of 7 or (c) Ascendant or Lagan-rashi is Meen/Pisces or (d) prominent planets like Surya (Sun) or Chandra (Moon) are in Pisces Sign. (Sun in Pisces from 14th March to 13th April).  (That is why DHONI with 1st house Ketu and born on 7th is called as innovative and “cool” captain.)

KETU also has many things in common with Neptune and the Pisces Signs. Of course, KETU stands for various other things in the horoscope including direct connection to the maternal-grandfather and the maternal family DNA both good-bad things. But yes, KETU’s spirituality, sukoon, detachment, pessimism and at times depression is also mirrored in Pisces Signs and also the dates of Neptune.

Here are some observations about these people born on 7 16 25 (prominent/foreground) or total addition of 7 16 25 (subtle/background). These also apply to Chandra Surya or Lagna in Meen too. Even the 1st house Neptune or Chandra Neptune Yuti (conjunction) causes these patters too.
(1)    Natural 6th sense to understand feeling / emotional state or simply thoughts or minds of people (maybe just because they care!)
(2)    Highly Imaginative – Thoughts running wild and not restricted by borders, cultures, or languages.  Of course, NOT the rebels like 4 13 22 31 – rather far from it.
(3)    Submissive: Most of the times, like a fish they can see left and right very well but not straight ahead like an Aries! So they know going this way would cause this and going another way would cause this but they might not have very firm opinion on which way to go. Unless they have highly possessive influence like Vrishchik /Scorpio or highly practical planets like Taurus or Capricorn, Virgo – they would not care much as they know that BOTH or all the states with all the paths would not matter them much! :) – AS LONG as it makes them and MORE IMP the people around them happy.
(4)    Just like Pisces sign they are a “giver”. They love to “give away” things. Servicing people, mostly a selfless collaboration unless Kanya or Vrishabh Makar Moon or Sun. Giving things to people make them happy and it helps them grow.
(5)    Natural proximity to spiritual stuff. Without reading much about spirituality or without following any doctrine they are automatically aligned to a greater power without knowing it.
(6)    Some lethargy or lack of interest and detached approach at times. They are similar to emotional and sensitive and caring birthdates of 2 11 20 29 BUT they are aloof and a bit detached compared the Moon’s motherly sentiments. Pisces is like an ocean to Chandra’s (Moon’s) well or a river. So yes, emotional and sensitive but without personal or possessive attachment.
(7)    They are quite similar to 9 18 27 in a way that they are or can be as fast as 9 18 27 without the aggression but they CAN BE as aggressive as they want. Most of the great fast bowlers are born on 9 18 27 and also 7 16 25. Marshal (18) Holding (16) Wasim (25) Waqar (16) and so on. These dates are conductive for anything which is fast. Of course, In due course of time 7 16 25 mature and stop abusing their own & batman’s body and rely more on  their 6th sense or reading of body language or anticipation of batsman than outright aggression.
(8)    Desire not to hurt anyone as much as possible – would need some basic reason to do so or realignment to a greater cause & even it would be difficult to convince them to do a bad thing or hurt anyone! Waqar (16) and Wasim Akram (25) hardly bowled to inure someone unlike 18 born folks: Marshal or Lillee. (Unless provoked of course that is!) Now just 16 and 25 do not define Wasim & Waqar as Wasim is moon sign Scorpio too.
(9)    HUMBLE: They are unnecessarily humble! :) Rather the correct word is HUMILITY. Scorpio has ego and passion and Pisces has humility and detachment!! HUMILITY wins over ego of Scorpio 99 out of 100 times! :) Of course, Scorpio feels at home and secure and safe with selfless Piscean who intuitively understands the boiling emotions of a Scorpio kept under a wrapper of a calm exterior.
(10)  Charity, helping others and Making people happy/entertained etc is natural and should be done so keep meaning and interest in life.
(11)  High innovative and imaginative – Helps with this “corporate word” innovation – not like India IT industry where innovation is writing a macro in an excel sheet but something pathbreaking.
(12)  Side-Effect: They could often come across as disinterested and aloof and detached! At times they would also come across as pessimist or lethargic as maybe any outcome coming out of situation is not of their fulfillment! Most of the times – these folks have no affinity to “the end-state” – their alignment is far greater and bigger. So practically they could fall behind unless some Capricorn or Scorpio influence or even CHAR rashi (1 4 7 10) which like to achieve/collect and get things done for the sake of getting done.
(13)  Side-Effect: Too much sensory stuff could bog them down – as they can easily read body languages and thoughts of people, it would affect their temperament negatively as attracting all these energies and thoughts is not the best thing! Most of the times most people have pretty mediocre or even selfish thoughts and materialistic ones. Hence these 7 16 25 folks could lose interest or worse, get affected by these thoughts and you will see black circle below their eyes with all that sensory overload.
(14)  HIGHLY IMP to listen to light and happy music. NO TRAGIC songs else they will go in an infinite loop!! IMP to have cheerful people around who will push them and make them interested in stuff.
(15)  They can achieve ANY HIGE heights as they very well know WJHAT TO BE DONE – But they will hardly do it! It took final of the 2011 world cup and too much hoopla and anticipation etc for Dhoni to get interested and come ahead Of Yuvraj for batting. Until that moment he was crying his axxx off after every match and sitting on situation for longer than needed (tied match England and lost match Afrika. Bogged down in Australia Quarter final game too). The occasion of the final got the best out of his as it got him lot more interested than he usually is due to a greater cause of giving happiness to people of winning the world cup. NIKE Tagline – JUST DO IT is made for them especially.
(16)  Side-effect: KNOW ALL Attitude: it is VERY difficult to surprise them with any event, As they would justify or rationalize it to their brain – as they hardly care about the outcome anyways!

7 16 25 how they are different:
(1)    The birthdate of 7 is pure unlike 16 & 25 which means their approach is straightforward and less cluttered with good focus.
(2)    16 (Sun and Venus in the same date to make Neptune) brings in some side karma which the best might not be. They have Sun’s inspiration and Venus’s vanity in this date. It makes them abandon their achievements and start a fresh with something new. It is not good or bad – it is the way it is.
(3)    25 is lesser drastic than 16 as Moon (2) and Mercury/ Budh (5) make up this date. So emotional quotient is increased by 2 but also trading or some practical aspect or basic daily operational aspect added by Budh (5) too. So they can help document daily things to be done or thought or practiced for alignment with higher cause or say spirituality. They can do people connect (2) and also use communication & coordination & social media (5) for spreading of their message.
(4)    The 16 would rely more on self (1) and the partner (6) for inspirational moves/big bang – BIG ideas followed by slow and steady movements.
(5)    The 25 however, might not or might not “need” to create new ones bur carry forward & spread the stuff already created.  (Sadhu Vaswani is 25th Nov)

Remedies (I hate this word): :)
(1)    Listen to always good and cheerful and melodious music. This is for all but more so 7 16 25 and also 2 11 20 29 folks. NO tragic songs. 2 11 20 29 can come out quickly from a mood like changing moon so they are fine with some tragic etc music and songs but 7 16 25 might stay there for a while.
(2)    JUST DO IT!!! Achieve and then let it go.. rather not letting it go before achieving!! DONATE it.. but achieve first!
(3)    Donations or provide service so that you make people happy. Making people feel good and happy would increase your success HUGELY.


  1. Every word resonated. I am a 7th born.

  2. I need to connect with you. Please share your co-ordinates.

  3. My son is 7 born and his total is also 7 , I could relate to lots of things especially humble, aloof, detachment, want to do something big etc.. thanks for sharing.. appreciate if we can get some remedies to follow
