Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Random Thoughts 29: Thyroid, Kids’ Chart Analysis and Primary job of an Astrologer

Random Thoughts 29: Kids’ chart Analysis and Primary job of an Astrologer

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Addition: Quick Notes on Thyroid

(1)    Thyroid is seen (I do not have huge case studies) as suspected when there are bad influence (say both Shani Mangal or Rahu Shani) in Vrishabh rashi or 2nd house.
(2)    What I found surprising is that even planets in DHANU rashi also show up in this.
(3)    Most interesting is that when planets in Vrishabh and Shukra in Dhanu or planets in Dhanu and Guru in Vrishabh also cause this one.
(4)    These planets do not have to be natural malefic – natural benefics also in intense degrees of Krittika or Moola nakshatra can show such influence,

(5)    Other observation: Higher weight charts have VRISBABH planets and/or DHANU planets. They gain weight easily. But the combination or connection of Vrishabh and Dhanu causes this a lot more. Especially, fat kaarak Shukra in Vrishabh and more so Dhanu shows this. Recently Saw Rahu Chandra in Vrishabh and Shukra in Moola and the guy weighed 130+!!

[1] Astrologers’ job is NOT to be a parrot and tell when marriage will happen or when kids will happen. 80% of the time the Astrologer job is to WHEN "should NOT" to and when to marry or when to avoid kids or problem periods and better periods. If problem periods first and foremost -- karmic remedies along with Mantra-Tantra Sadhana. Karma being first and foremost - the DIRECTION and relatives or people affected and where kaarmic DEBT is astrologer expertise and analysis/logic etc. The same is true about “when I will get new job” – The right question is when the best time is to change the job.

[2] YES -- of course when things are not working out for job or marriage or kids etc then WHEN is the right and much needed question -- no denying that. If you are not getting a job for some time then it helps to understand which area to try or which people can get you what you want  - which area and folks in your life chart shows support at that point in time and so on.

[3] Even if something not denied or still time to go -- it helps to get the SWOT analysis of the chart done to check what kaarmic debts we have. EARLIER we start, we would get enough karma to maybe have good results in time for marriage or kids. Also, side step or avoid financial mistake as much as possible.

[4] Analysis of KIDs’ chart:
The birth-time Horoscope could be analyzed at any age as long as the purpose is right. For a small kid or infants who are completely dependent on others, the chart analysis is maybe not future etc but for understanding the positive and negative and deficit of karma. Where they have blessings and where we need to start early to check what kaarmic remedies could be done. (SWOT: Strength, Weakness Opportunities and Threats – A management Term) For example: One can see problems with water or water source or fire or say vehicles and so on. So one can always work with the kids like “vaccines” & expose them to swimming in controlled environment or cover all electric sockets by blockers and make them aware of dangers and ensure curiosity is catered to and not suppressed or ignored. Sometimes, total isolation and keeping away from cause could be possible but MOST of the times it is like vaccines and exposing them to the issues on smaller scale helps a lot to prepare. Keeping away practically not possible – being prepared better. As astrologer is only going to tell you the area to take care. Similarly, marriage and kids issues could be looked at specific personal reasons and also karmic actions towards institution or marriage and also good karma with the kids.

As they say Pyaas lagane par kunwa khodane se kyaa hoga. Similarly, an astrologer should be referred not only when issues but on an ongoing basis the same way we refer doctors and get overall checkup done every year or every other year. Or we check tire pressure every other week.  The real problem is to find trustworthy doctor, mechanic and astrologer. In today’s world all 3 are elusive! :D



  2. Dear Milind ji,
    Please check your Inbox, I have been writing for your guidance on my Kids horoscope, but not recieved reply yet.

