Sunday, October 14, 2018

Random Thoughts 29 and An Appeal to DHANU (Sagi) Moon Sign People!

[0] What should be and is the job of an astrologer?
Astrologer job is not to predict when marriage will happen but when it should or should not happen. It is not about when one would get new job but it is to suggest when it is good and not good to change job! It is not about when you will have kids but when to have and when to be careful! Rather, what karma should be done before such major decisions especially marriage and kids! When I will buy a house is not the right question but when when to and when not to!!
So, astrologer is not a parrot to tell you a date for an event but to give you consultancy and guidance and being a GURU to use the divine knowledge to give you windows of opportunities but also how to become “eligible” by good karma for those windows!

I will share one example- one couple had a very bad yoga with kids. Huge estate and wealth but kids related delays. The chart showed some 7:8 reasons of having issues in the guy’s chart (doctor said all was well). 6/7 years after marriage. Good karma with kids was needed and a must! Guru and Panchamesh were in CHAR RASHI so it was not denied. Every time they had a good window for kids - he had an on-site abroad opportunity! So that guy was alwyas away. Every window I asked him about kids - he was abroad! So, some BiG picture wasn’t allowing him to get into kids as he has major deficit with karma with kids! The next window was late 2005 to late 2006 and again at the same time a fantastic opportunity came across for a shorter term which would ensure connection with CEO and client top people!! :) this time he denied it as per advice :) :) but of course Kaarmic actions were done too for kids to prove to the nature and the God and also the souls affected (not all souls affected by you past-birth are reborn!!) so he was able to use this window! (Having kids earlier to this couple would have resulted in major health issues to kids - lifelong and also miscarriage to the lady!)

I have some amazing examples of this and hence the job of an astrologer is not a parrot chewing out dates but a GURU advising Karma and the right Windows of opportunities!

Of course, someone without job - a specific answer helps or someone having serious question about some urgent matter or court case or accident and operation and related Prashna Kundli - of course yes you need to work on these things... time and place for such specific dates and specific analysis!

[1] Cyclic Matters and 12th GURU to DHANU Rashi now – Humble Request to Dhanu Rashi people!
We forget commons sense in complex analysis. What is THE fact that you WILL get 5 7 9 10 11 guru every 12 years, you WILL get 3 6 9 10 11 Shani in every 30 years. That means only thing you need to do is keep working hard and planets will align themselves sooner than not waste but invest time in yourself. Time is money and exactly equal for that matter. If you get time do not curse it.... use it. Tomorrow you WILL not get 12th guru for next 12 year's nor you would get 12 shani for 27 years.... USE. it.

I met several DHANU (Sagittarius Moon) rashi people in the past few weeks, and I asked them how was Oct2006 to Nov2007. It was time for deciding next 12 years of life, It was time for WHAT NEXT and HOW – You were the architect of your life back then! Whatever choices you made or forced to make defined your life in the next 12 years of success of or overall life! NOW, you have the same choice or forced choice – WHAT NEXT – If you want to be PM – you will need 30 years and not 12, you want to be a CM or Governor – maybe 15 years in India and 12 in USA or abroad. But you WILL eventually GET IT… As Chinese proverb says – be careful what you wish for – you WILL get it. OF COURSE – At the early ages you do not have this choice – even at say 24 you are forced to marry and chose a mainstream life with happiness coming from X1 X2 X3 X4 all in Arial 10 font and not say “X” Arial 72 font! :) So may even in your 30s you might not able to choose as you have kids and other responsibilities. BUT if DOES give you a CHNACE to decide WHAT and HOW! If you are born rich like or near some good place in good family you have this choice at early age like Say Ganguley or even Sachin. If not, you acquire stability by say 20s or 30s or 40s and THEN you have choice to be what you want to be. It can never be late. The nature does not stop anything because of age if you REALLY want it. Hence, no marathon till 42 and suddenly 43rd age marathon! :)

So, USE 12th GURU to decide WHAT first and then HOW! Modi got PM position in 30 years of Shani cycle regardless of Sadesati. Manmohan also got PM position in sadesati after 15 years of being in politics. So does NOT matter how BIG a position you want – the only thing is to KNOW you want it desperately. Things will happen eventually if you relentlessly work.

So all you idealistic and positive DHANU /SAGI Moon Sign Rashi people – CHOSE WISELY and CHOSE BIG NOW ----- 12th GURU is your rashi swami also SO it is all the more imp for you that you WILL get what you want – you will get first success operational in 2020 1st Guru then some “AHA WOW” Success in May2023 to May2024 5th Guru & some higher position in 9th Guru from July2027 to July2028 and amazing success and SWAPNAPOORTI in 11th Guru in Sept2029 to Sept2030. THINK BIG and do not jump into action without planning. Be an ARCHITECT & DESIGNER first before you start coding! :)

Most of the times I have seen people complaining about having too much time, not having a good position, designation of promotion and so on. They miss the GIFT of time given to them in this busy and fast world. This time is completely missed in trying to get busy instead of being busy with PLANNING & ARCHITECTING and Designing your own future. The detailed the PLAN bigger the success BUT get WHAT decided first very well. It could be even a film actor or say running a big resort or whatever.

The folks I met completed big things by Oct2006 and wondering what next in Oct2006 to Nov2007 and THAT period defined their next 12 years of their career/life.

[2] Creator Sun Versus Critique Auditor
A creator (sun) is more important than a critique (Saturn). without creator a critique would be out of job. Of course, without a proper critique a creator would also create a lot of junk. So it is imp to coexist without getting into destructive criticism from both sides. Criticize to make and not to break...
This means without Sun's inspiration and creativity -- Shani/Saturn has no work to do. Without emotions of Moon, Saturn has no work! It can only show excess or lack of emotions when at an appropriate time! Without Mar's aggression, energy and drive, Saturn has no work as it only shows side effects of over aggression, over-fatigue and over-doing anything in excess.

For those born on 8 17 26, just keep working without any credit or acknowledgement. There is some karmic debt the soul wants to pay off and once that deficit is paid off you start gaining just keep creating good karma REGARDLESS of how others behave.... very difficult but possible.... why run away from something that you took birth in the first place for...???

Narendra Modi, Manmohan Singh are past 2 PMs who got something great after 30 and then after 60. After Cycle of Saturn completes you do start getting something new steadily for sure. It is obvious that 30 years of cycle 22 years show handwork followed by 7.5 years of success & again followed by Sadesati which asks you to do something new.


  1. How is the situation for Meen rashi folks if the sun, mars and rahu are present in the 9th vrischik house of natal chart?

  2. Awesome. The way you explain and the in depth details...simply superb.
