Wednesday, November 21, 2018

#MITHUN 2019 (#GEMINI 2019) #Annual #Horoscope

#MITHUN 2019 (#GEMINI 2019) #Annual #Horoscope
“Through The Never!”
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This article applies to MOON Sign MITHUN (GEMINI). It will be also applicable to Gemini/Mithun Lagna / Rising Sign too. (If you have Moon 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face-reading etc.

Some well-known moon sign Mithun folks: Raj Kapoor, Akhilesh Yadav, OP Nayar, Ashok Kumar, Kishore Kumar, P. K. Atre, VasantRao Deshpande, Sonia Gandhi, Yuvraj Singh. This article also applies to some extent Gemini Sun Sign i.e. people born from June 14 to July 14. (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

MITHUN Sign Characteristics
Ruled by Mercury, like to debate / talk / express & roam around, free spirits, sense of humor / play with words, Twin-Minded, Walk & talk quickly, Expressive, Love travel / visiting new places, Short-writing, Multifaceted, All-rounder, Good in math, usually go for a Master’s degree, get bored easily and look for something new. Something about their nose – like a parrot most times. You can see these patterns also in Sun Sign Gemini folks 14th June to 14th July. (Folks born from Jan 14 to Feb 13 (Makar / Capricorn Sun) oppose these characteristics due to seriousness; Folks born from May14 to June14 (Vrishabh/Taurus Sun) also opposes Gemini characteristics due to calm, stable, slow nature.)

(1)    The 6th Shani from Nov2014 to Oct2017 increased but also changed your social circle completely and employee base or even job description. It increased your political clout and economic situation also.  Of course, the 6th Shani is about out of comfort zone experience as too many new people you needed to rely upon which needs methodical approach. You were able to cope with competitors and fend them off.
(2)    The 3rd Guru from July2015 to July2016 along with 3rd Rahu was magical in many ways as it allowed you to also work on what you always wanted to or loved to work. However, some travel or relocation for a few months or one year was on cards against/with your wish.
(3)    The 4th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 was about stagnancy and reporting to someone of equal or less ability – it was indeed a tough one for free spirited Mithun rashi as this Guru tried to bring your focus to domestic trouble and domestic issues.
(4)    The 5th GURU from Sept2017 to 12-Oct-2018 was going to give you dream come true success and some tactical and quick success which you always desired and wanted from the bottom of your heart. It gave you a permanent good position with specific duties and responsibilities.  The 7th SHANI from FEB2017 to JUNE2017 & NOV2017 has reduced some of the shine of the 5th Guru! So, till Oct2018 you had glorious inner desire sort of a success which you ALWAYS wanted and DESIRED but some anxiety & relationships tussle and reduction of some mass-base causing worries.

(5)    NOW, The 7th Shani from Nov2017 to Jan2020 is about reducing mass-base or employee-count a bit or it is more of a scrutiny of your mass-base and even some people trouble but mostly sympathetic mases/employees around, It shows collaborations needed with very junior people. Rationalization of mass-base and tweaking to people working under you is the theme for 7th Shani.
(6)    7th Shani also shows slow & steady lawsuits and also it shows some spouse / partnership troubles or staying away for some time due to circumstances.
(7)    6th house GURU from Oct2018 to OCT2019 now demands that you serve what you have got in the past year. Refine, enhance and service what you have. Your enemies would get more focus and visibility. Not exactly enemies but more so competitors. It is time to protect what you have!

6th house GURU from 12-Oct-2018 to OCT2019:
(1)    6th Guru would be mandating to refine & “serve” what you got in the 5th Guru from Sept2017 to OCT2018.
(2)    It will show saturation in career BUT it must be used to hone and finetune the work but also all your contacts, the work and the position you got in the 5th Guru - it is an incremental step by step increase. However, it does show good money if not health!
(3)    It will increase enemies or rather hidden or overt competitors will try to & succeed in outsmarting you. They will get more focus – “Its my turn” is what they must be saying after you have fired your shots from Sept2017 to Oct2018.
(4)    It will force to deal with long term ignored issues with health. The 6th house is about Ayurveda/stomach – such visits will be fruitful. Good medical advice would be seen though!
(5)    The 6th Guru due to drushti on the 2nd house shows good luck with stock markets/mutual funds etc investment activities. (8th Shani mandates long term outlook though. But Guru will bring in some experts in your contact.)
(6)    GURU drushti on the 10th house offsets some of the Shani impact on seniors but it could mean one guy trying to teach you a lesson and another senior trying to help you and save you! :) Give enough reasons (karma – hard work) to this supporting guy to defend you! :)
(7)    Guru drushti on the 12th house means expenses but much needed investments in yourself with new skills and fine-tuning your skills. Some training and certifications etc go a long way!
(8)    Just like the 10th house GURU and more than that rather: EXPERTS / SME are a “Sanjeevani” in the 6th Guru. There is no substitute for specialists/experts (Guru) but also experience of older (Shani) people.
(9)    As GURU is the owner of the marriage/spouse or partnerships house, it adds to the worries the 7th Shani is already showing with them!
(10)  As GURU owns the 10th house of the father, it shows some tensions with him but also support from him directly or indirectly.
(11)  REMEDIES: As GURU being knowledge and higher-knowledge people – the remedy is to READ and learn as much as possible and connect with experts and get them to work with you even if part-time. This is a magical remedy. The other remedy is use or increase of yellow golden and blue color around you.

The 7th house Shani from 26-Oct-2017 to Jan2020:
(1)    MRIG and Part of ARDRA Nakshatra was under SHANI threat in part of 2017 and most of 2018. Punarvasu was shielded “mostly”. Now MRIG is almost completely let go by SHANI and ARDRA is under scrutiny and more so 3rd and 4th Charan of Ardra under scanner for first 6 months of 2019. PUNARVAS would be hit more from MAY or so and more when Shani full maargi from SEPTEMBER onwards till Jan2020.
(2)    This does not mean MRIG is PRO with Shani – it is still adverse but now person next to you is being audited and your participation in the audit is mostly over.

(3)    7th SHANI shows some tough time & tough luck with partnerships & collaborations!
(4)    Previous mistakes with partnerships, marriage / relationships will be exposed and you will need to deal with them without emotions or very practically. If not then matters can go to courts too. It is highly advised to stay cool and handle with patience.  
(5)    This Shani also reduces some of the increased mass-base that was increased due to the 6th house Shani from Nov2014 to Oct2017. A bit too much overloading might have caused by 6th Shani in anticipation of growth which would not need rationalization and refinement (reduction).
(6)    Your TEMPER will be tested somewhat and you will need to show patience with partnerships with seniors and also juniors.
(7)    This 7th Shani is somewhat debilitating for sure but it does show sympathy and support from workers or ordinary or poor people or masses for a political leader. But you could be seen a bit helpless at times due to domestic issues and infighting.
(8)    Shani drushti on the SUKH sthan/Home or mom house (4th) and direct drushti on Moon (mom) means closer and dear ones could cause some ego or emotional scenes! PATIENCE is the key indeed. This is more so with the mother and her health too!
(9)    For lawyers or for any litigations this is a period to get complex cases/clients where there is both a good case but some guilt too! :)
(10)  So “Mandwalli” is the name of the game in the 7th Shani.
(11)  Shani drushti on your Moon means you need to take care of mom’s health and also avoid drinking water at shady places!
(12)  You could also have some bad press and bad mouthing affecting your image for some time!
(13)  There is good possibility of physical and social weight loss in this period.
(14)  Take enough sleep which is highly necessary handle the stress of the 7th Shani!!
(15)  Shani drushti on the 9th house could cause much needed travel you have avoided till now.

(16)  WAKRI / Maargi:
a. Things are very fast till March-2019 – decisive and clear!
b. SHANI WAKRI from MAY-01-2019 to SEPT-18-2019 slows down things a bit.
c.  More so when GURU is also wakri from APRIL12 2019 to AUG-11 2019.  – Back and forth! Not a clear indication!
d. MAY to AUG would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!
e. OCT – NOV2019 would be very fast results & major recovery!
(17)  SHANI-KETU in the 8th house for a large part of the year can make one inert and aloof with partnerships/spouse/marriage stuff. DO things if fully committed and interested and not half-hearted. Delay them if not in right frame of mind! KETU could make you agree to a forceful guy regardless of what he/she is saying! :)
(18)  SURYA SHANI yuti in the 7th house in 2018 and 2019 both from DEC16 to JAN14 of the next year will show more of legal tussle and govt issues! So need to handle partners MORE carefully in this period.
(19)  MANGAL in MITHUN Rashi your rashi from MAY-07 -2019 to JUNE-23-2019 would be with RAHU and opposite KETU – this would be VERY troubling and shows some turbulence with temper, emotions, mother and also relationships. VERY CHAOTIC period indeed!

RAHU 2nd house till MARCH2019 helps with wealth and KETU 8th shows issues with maternal elders. From MARCH2019 1st house RAHU in your rashi increases some energy, gives you some image and can also make you a bit hysterical at times with unknown energy! Initial 5 months till AUG2019 is for PUNARVASU and then next 5 months for ARDRA! RAHU changes personality in some ways! KETU 7th better than PEEDA-STHAN 8th but it adds to the cyclones of relationships and partnerships! Handle them with diplomacy. Punarvasu would be more affected and ARDRA somewhat by SHANI -KETU – Mrig the least!

MNAGAL/ MARS would be in the 8th house & cause PEEDA for you from MARCH-23-2019 to MAY-07-2019. Before 23MARCH2019, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. IN this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear is a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.

SUN: In the following two months, watch what seniors / upper management wants in the following period; deal with them with tact & diplomacy! Avoid direct stand-off if possible.
(1)    May-14th to June-14th: Adversity with seniors & authority, Govt, Father
(2)    Jan-14th to Feb-14th: PEEDA from seniors & authority, Govt, Father etc

Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh) for several years! 9th house Neptune is quite good actually! It shows that your subconscious mind is in synch with your conscious one! Your subconscious mind can help a lot with a bit of meditation & focus. This Neptune would make good ‘yoga’ with faster planets like Mars, Mercury, Venus going through the 3rd house and help you “express” yourself in a influential way. It is just that you need to trust your instincts. This would happen more in say August September timeframe!

Harshal in continues in the 11th house of gains which continues to give income from advanced tech and modern sciences. Anyone dealing with advanced stuff would be highly benefited but even agriculture etc folks would also benefit by technology.

For all Moon Signs and not just this article
FROM Nov2017 to Dec2019:
(1)    If you are born from Dec16 to Jan14 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(2)    Same with people born from SEPT 16th to Oct 16th of any year – Lesser issues than what you had from Sept2009 to August2012 period but similar and leftover effects.
(3)    Same with people born from JUNE16 to JULY15 of any year but Lesser till Sept2018. But mixed also.
(4)    Same with people born from FEB14 to MARCH13 of any year – lesser Extent and mixed one, Lesser till Sept2018.
(5)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year you need to check this more carefully.
(NOW in 2019 this is more applicable to the later period of these dates means 1st of the next month to mid-next month!)

FROM OCT2018 to OCT2019 GREAT support from bosses/Seniors or Govt matters:
(1)    If you are born from 14-MAY to JUNE-14 OR 16-NOV to 15-DEC or even 14-MARCH14 to 13-APRIL of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.


  1. Dear Milind,

    I am not able to understand this statement.

    "This article applies to MOON Sign MITHUN (GEMINI). It will be also applicable to Gemini/Mithun Lagna / Rising Sign too. (If you have Moon 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)"

    I am Kirk rashi and Mithuna Lagna. Now I do not know which should I consider myself to read.

  2. When will mithun moon sign folks will marry those who are yet single???

  3. My daughter is 8th April, 2003 but ceasarian delivery. Can astrology be true for ceaserian children

  4. Nice information.thanks for sharing the information.horoscope making is very useful things.
