Wednesday, February 13, 2019

GURU in a Horoscope : JUPITER in a Natal -Chart

Effects or patterns of GURU (Jupiter in the 12 houses of birth-time chart)

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GURU (JUPITER) is the planet with massive magnetism which even pulls the Sun towards it and that’s why even the SUN doesn’t travel in the straight line but zig zag manner (ever expanding universe). GURU is so massive it can swallow 3000 earths. Still, it resolves round itself in 10 hours compared to 24 hours for the Earth. This explains massive GURUTVAKARSHAN (Magnetism) and hence the name also (“GURU”). Obviously, the house GURU is in the chart is of utmost importance. GURU indicates the balance of knowledge collected in the past birth or the subject or the topic where you have surplus knowledge in this life or would have surplus knowledge. The sign and the house or constellation GURU is – that subject and topic would show which subject people refer you for advice! GURU increases the imp of the TRIKON (Triangle) it is in. Means 1 5 9 – Duty/Dharma Trikon; 2 6 10 – Arth (Economic Zone) Trikon; 3 7 11 KAAM Trikon (Freelancing stuff) and 4 8 12 Moksha-Trion (Spiritual Zone). GURU in SHANI (Saturn’s 1 3 7 10) aspect shows some deficit with karma which needs to be fulfilled by the age of 29. After that it shows getting status of being an expert of some subject. SHANI drushti means some knowledge was stolen or achieved in the past birth by wrong deeds or wasn’t paid or your GURU was deceived. In this life it results someone stealing your knowledge or research or credit of your work! A QUICK FACT CHECK: One can steal white papers & research and patents of someone (GURU pls BUDH) but not knowledge itself (GURU). Also, one can steal such artifacts and even knowledge but can’t steal karma or sheer hard-work or knowledge achieved by hard-work (GURU-SHANI). SHANI in NavaPancham yoga with GURU shows good use of knowledge and education for masses/consumers or customers. DHONI has GURU SHANI which shows knowledge of experience due to wicket keeping coupled with KETU 1st house which is “reading body language and “sensing” the situation and also NEPTUNE opposite Mangal again giving sports intuition and spotting PATTERNS. His GURU SHANI ensures it complies with practice and results in actual case studies. In short – GURU in knowledge for the sake of knowledge like DHANU and MEEN signs but BUDH SHANI or other planets can direct this knowledge to achieve things. Knowledge itself is not bad or can NEVER be bad but the use by it for wars/sports (Mangal:  Sachin Tendulkar Guru-Mangal), RAHU GURU - -some Baba people, BUDH GURU - -commerce and proposals and sales and marketing and so on. GURU KETU is selfless approach. GURU SURYA is inspirational and entrepreneurial use of knowledge to spawn institutes.

GURU takes aprox 12 years to go thru 12 signs and hence 12 years are very imp. 12th 24th 36th 48th running ages show getting very good GURU and advice and knowledge. Whereas ages of running 18th 30th 42nd shows ability and chance to work alongside, collaborate and work with GURU type people in the job. 30th 60th running shows EXACT same positions of SHANI and GURU as your birth time chart and hence significant changing points and completion of cycle of Karma – good bad both and a fresh start in many areas of life. That’s why the ages of running 24th results in KAPIL wining world cup and 24/25th and 29 / 30 running results in people playing very critical role in World cup wins of a country!

Given the above information let us look at GURU position in each and every house of a chart! Without reading above information directly jumping in to the following paragraphs is futile and like those blind guys trying to make sense out of an Elephant.

[1] GURU in the 1st house of a BIRTH-CHART
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The first house of duties or “Dharma Trikon” shows the person himself. GURU the governor of knowledge and education in the 1st house shows an SME – Subject Matter Expert or a person who would collect knowledge of some subjects in deep but at the same time “GOVERN” the knowledge harvesting, mentoring & teaching the subject but the process as well. Not just teaching the subject but also how a subject should be taught! Principals and higher-level professors who also “train the trainers” would be governed by 1st house GURU or even Guru in Dhanu rashi 9th house too. The 1st house shows desire to act and execute and hence part of the knowledge is also acquired via practice and rather most of the higher-level knowledge is acquired while working (“on the job”). Yes, education is imp but practice makes it perfect! These people would tend to get into job or execution and not just keep learning for the sake of learning like Moksha Trikon GURU in the 4 8 12 houses. There is also DHARMA or DUTY driven approach towards this knowledge which means harvesting it distributing it all the while using it! I have often seen people running “Knowledge Management” kind of initiatives in IT industry having such formation. They do occupy higher positions due to what they know and not who they know! Every 12th year of their life they are given a higher position with higher responsibility which also increases their knowledge and forces them to teach and train people below them to do their job going forward so they can take up higher role. Sharing knowledge & teaching is side-effect of this GURU which is predominantly towards execution. Often, they move into practice and consultancy as they grow old and move into supporting roles helping people get better like Top Gun instructors! :)  CHANDRA in 1 5 9 houses makes this GURU amazing as desire and destiny and higher positions match with what a person wants to do. CHANDRA in 3 7 11 also works quite well with this Guru where CHANDRA brings in flair and freelancing to their work and a playful approach. GURU in 1 4 7 10 signs (cardinal /char signs) in the 1st house extends career or earning money and positions longer than power/sthir rashi 2 5 8 11 and much longer than expressive signs 3 6 9 12. GURU in 3 6 9 12 (Mithun Kanya Dhanu Meen) likes to talk and write and share the knowledge a lot than just practicing it. But still they end up being back office folks for people like Arnab Goswami and such – collecting data and info on multiple topics but with some depth and relevance and not like radio jockey folks. GURU in 2 5 8 11 (Vrishabh, Singh, Vrishchik, Kumbh) signs would spend lot of time on governing the knowledge and education institutes and so on. GURU in DHANU would be like PRAKAAND PANDIT with depth and breadth of knowledge and rather teaching mentoring generic guide but also in specific subject. GURU in MEEN would like to design syllabus and curriculum and courses and teach the trainers and also sample basis teach students to check if they are on right track. Broad forehead is one of the signs of GURU in the 1st house. Even Kanya lagna-or Surya-rashi which resists broad forehead – gets broad forehead due to 1st house Guru.

As GURU strengthens the Duty-Triangle of the chart – these folks are seen occupying higher positions in society and well respected by society on the whole. Social law, social justice and being fair comes under GURU. These folks ensure order in society and overall sense of purpose of various institutes put forth by society.

A soul is born under 1st house GURU to enrich knowledge collect & share knowledge while practicing it – applied knowledge is what this GURU is about. Compared to 5th and 9th house of Dharma Trikon – their knowledge is more operational.

[2] GURU in the 2nd house of Chart
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The 2nd house belongs to the economic zone. Share markets, FDs, BONDS, Various investment instruments, jewelry, wealth in the family and so on. GURU in the 2nd house is of course increasing these aspects but not the easy way as you think. It shows the person having knowledge about these things from the past birth! They are perfect people for wealth management knowledge. RBI Governors would or should have GURU in 2 6 10 houses which is a no-brainer actually! Dhirubhai had it in the 10th house, Bill Gates has it in the 6th house and many industrialists have it in the 2nd and 10th house especially when the owner of the 6th and the 10th house! They accumulate knowledge and ensure sense of purpose and greater good with investments and wealth management. Not the short-term gains like Budh-Mangal or quick trading but fundamental analysis and keeping things sane and in the right speed and pace! Understanding big picture and greater good is their thing when it comes to wealth and investments. GURU aspects 6th house of loans/banking and service sector and the 10th house production industry – which is obvious as these things would need the wealth management the most! This GURU could be seen in the successful Mutual FUND managers and wealth management folks’ chart. It is all about useful knowledge and not the knowledge for the sake of knowledge. There is certain focus to the study than generic one. Only in DHANU and MEEN Rashi in the 2nd house there is lesser grid with wealth. Still, this GURU could show earning money thru classes & tuitions also if in DHANU or MEEN Rashi! :) Knowledge and wealth are very much related. These folks are seen getting stock options or profit sharing due to their education and knowledge. When significant planets are in 6 and 10 houses including CHANDRA - -these folks even get offers due to their projects and ideas even in colleges and some profit sharing and stock options right out of the college! This GURU is about useful to self and society knowledge to upfit the economic state of self and surroundings.

A soul is born under this GURU for wealth management, increase or manage wealth of family and society and instill sense of purpose and long-term approach with wealth management.

[3] 3rd house GURU
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3rd is the house of expression and peripheral things in life – like travels, blogging, short-writing, quick poems, inspirational small jingles and so on. A “Pokta” or matured planets like GURU could be considered out of place and out of elements in this house. It shows being naughty with things and playing around with things in MUKHCHHAND. It shows visible short-term impact on surroundings. Most artists have something in the 3rd house and certainly those with Guitar or Tabla or Dhol or drums etc and more.  Most singers have this house well populated with Lata Mangeshkar having CHANDRA itself in Kirk in 3rd house! “(Either 3rd house or 3rd Rashi which is Mithun). GURU in the 3rd house tries to put order to these freelancing efforts. Rather, it could help form a platform for say blogging or sharing artistic stuff like art library or even Facebook page or even say FB itself! :) GURU will try to put sense of purpose, structure and some order to chaos of the 3rd house. It will rather try to get some music composer kind of environment to a single artist with a single instrument which is shown by the 3rd house. So, in a way GURU will bring in 5th house and 9th house order to this freelancing. Trying to put things in a situation or context or an idea or alignment to something worthwhile – say politics or more so governance and where society is going. Lyrics commenting on Vietnam wat like “Born in The USA” or Iraq 1st war - -“THE ONE” from Metallica or Megadeth (I guess “Hanger 18) might be under the 3rd GURU in transit or the 3rd Guru in the birth chart of the lyricist itself.

GURU tries to find sense of purpose behind things and hence these folks could end up helping an guiding artists, writers and freelancers while being part of their work and not just like directors or their managers only. They could be seen in all these activities of picnics, travels and free flow expression etc (Governing concerts or bikers rallies or races and so on.) Event coordinators could do well to have such GURU too. Of course, GURU in 3 6 9 12 is the most natural in these houses as it can express well and connect well to this freelancer world. 2 5 8 11 sign would want to govern it more than practice it and 1 4 7 10 signs GURU would be too busy earning money from such activities.

[4] 4th house GURU (I have this one)
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4th house is SUKH sthan, inner peace, Anta:Karan, close to heart people (Suhrud-sthan) Mom’s house and ability to give platform or good  environment for people to use/enjoy, giving good environment for others so on. 4th house GURU is well placed as it is Uchcha in the 4th house. North East is God’s direction and hence GURU is quite strong in this house. As this is the 1st house of Spiritual Trikon GURU shows desire to know bigger picture but it is still in operational and case study ways and “on the ground” and on the job way.  It is not directly connecting to higher self like the 12th house GURU-KETU. Yes, this GURU gives very good ability to connect to the spiritual side and gives easy of understanding of ancient wisdom. It is natural house for GURU to understand astrology or to accept such empirical knowledge without getting stuck into logic too much initially. Most folks get stuck with astrology when planet’s aspect start coming up and Vinshottari mahadasha years are put forth! :) This GURU takes it in stride and says – “well, sometime in future I will be able to find why 120 and why 19 18 17 and 16 for Shani Rahu Budh Guru” without getting stuck! :) or why Shani has 3rd & 10th house aspects but not 11th (i.e. forward 3 but backwards 4th) :)

This GURU might not give huge property on its own without 2nd house and Mangal blessings but it does give FULL ability to USE and have SUKH & Sukoon of property and estate! They are happy within the confines of their house with good books, good cable-connection or Netflix subscription and so on! :)  These folks are perfect for running a BOOK library or education library or an art library. With L2 and L11 – it could very well be a franchise of Starbucks or CCD or Dunkin Donuts! :) Giving good stuff to people is their desire and destiny! Alternate methods of healing such as reiki and pranic healing are natural to them and also (again) creating good environment for such methods holistically is their thing! GURU in spiritual trikon MOKSHA TRIKON is about BIG picture and holistic approach towards knowledge – connecting knowledge of one subject to all other subjects! Not restricting thinking to a structure or a pattern or focusing it to earn money or a business but knowledge for the sake of knowledge and rather without any strings attached. Worldly achievements using knowledge is oftentimes difficult unless GURU in 1 4 7 10 signs which are material in many ways! SHANI would alter the behavior as it will reduce tendency to create good environment or give it to only the deserving people – or some one like missionary Theresa who will convert you while helping you! It won’t come without their own goals and objectives. The 4th house is that of academics and actual exams and certificates and not directly about applied knowledge.  Hence, these folks collect good knowledge and degrees etc easily! They score good in exams as they have knack to represent knowledge in correct manners.

[5] 5th house GURU 
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This is regarded as a “Swatantra Bhagyoday” means an independent luck-factor for a person – this is more to do with Indian or Vedic astrology philosophy than outright luck. This GURU is NATURAL in the house of BUDDHI & education! It is about applied knowledge and not collecting it for the sake of it! It is about DUTY TRIKON and like 1st house GURU – it also has all this ability to use knowledge and education for achieving personal designations and higher positions in career and life. Success and positions due to WHAT YOU KNOW and not WHO YOU KNOW like Surya in the 5th house. GURU is about knowledge and education and hence it shows higher sense of purpose and higher alignment to bigger goals and objectives when in the 5th house. Even better and more than the 1st house GURU. It is about 9 to 5 job but taken 9 to 9! :) Highly responsible and dutiful. This is the house of FORCE and INSPIRATION and outright extrovert nature which is perfect fit for SURYA but GURU in this house can feel suffocated just the way it feels in the 5th sign of SINGH. GURU does not like this SUDDEN urge of inspiration without higher sense of purpose and hence it will curtail this approach and side of the 5th house. It is both good and bad as it is more about being a music composer than playing one instrument! :) it is about being a director a movie than being an actor with 5th house SURYA Shukra or Chandra! Well 5th SURYA would also make director and actor as it is dutiful and inspirations also. This GURU is about mentoring and teaching folks too but it is more like on the job just like the 1st house GURU. It is great for tuitions and classes but more so part-time and not doing full time business with it! Sharing knowledge is more thru case-studies and applied knowledge and not just writing books about a topic!

GURU in 1 4 7 10 signs reduces teaching and sharing knowledge quite a bit. It used it to earn money and career designations! In 2 5 8 11 it is about creating a framework for good work to be done and getting powerful positions but using knowledge. Whereas in 3 6 9 12 signs it is about sharing knowledge thru blogs writing, books and podcasts and making self and also others talk about what they learned and read etc. in Especially 9 and 12 it is VERY high-level connection to SHARING and teaching and mentoring people. In DHANU it wants to check eligibility of receiver of knowledge - - in MEEN it does not care much – it shares knowledge as personal need to share!! :)

[6] 6th house GURU
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6th house is a bit tricky as it is natural Du:Sthan (paap-sthan), house of deceases but also house of social status, service sector, banking, loans, debts services, financial services when connected to 2nd house and overall it is service sector including medicines. It belongs to ARTH-TRIKON (economic zone). GURU knowledge and education and 6th house is status, deceases and also money matters. So, you can see, this is good for medical field if GURU is L10/L11 or L6 itself. It is good for education services if in GURU nakshatra and also Guru-rashi. Good for gym and health advisory services etc if in Mesh rashi. All said and done, this GURU knows how to monetize knowledge! :) Some of the ultra-rich people in their respective field have this positioning. Bill Gates and Bachchan are two quick examples. Traditional astrology might frown upon this GURU but it is quite powerful for business, career and overall earning money. Monetization of knowledge is the key here. GURU being Kaarak of mentors and high knowledge people and also Kids in one’s life, 6th house Guru does show some tussles with them from time to time. The kids might inherit all this wealth but might not reach the level one wants them to (they don’t need to!). Some deficiency is seen with the kids for this person. Or maybe later in life their own achievement could collide or indirectly impact with their kid’s. 6th GURU will keep working and keep earning wealth without stopping which could eclipse their kid’s achievement until later age despite being good achievements.

It is obvious that 6th GURU doesn’t force a person to share knowledge etc without charging for it! :) It is not a free-flow sharing of knowledge and 6th house which in some way acts like 6th signs of Kanya ruled by BUDH is about commerce and trading and negotiations! :)

GURU in 1 4 7 10 signs would earn HUGE money. 2 5 8 11 would GOVER the money and in 3 6 9 12 will help people earn a lot of money by a role of an analyst & consultant or mentor / teacher. Tuitions/Classes typical of Indian scenario are also related to this formation. Teaching self is L10 in 5th or l5 in 10th or 11 – Anyonya yoga of 10/11 with the 5th house but making it a big business empire and not just teaching is about L5 in 6 or L6 in 5 and also GURU being one of them!

[7] The 7th house GURU

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Not the most natural house for GURU as it is natural for SHUKRA which is the natural planet of partnerships and collaborations and owner of the 7th sign. GURU in the 7th house is a bit misfit! :) Like a Rishi in a bar or a night-club – well, not that extreme but you get an idea! In some intense degrees it is not the best for the marriage aspects. Detailing of the chart is imp! In a good nakshatra it will help marriage for sure. So not to jump on conclusions right away! :) They do tend to marry an overweight person or someone overweight with knowledge or education! :) More learned in short or more matured in some ways if not older like shown by 7th SHANI!

Well placed 7th GURU is about being ex expert of “MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS”. They are able to guide partnerships and collaborations for a greater cause with a sense of purpose. An initial analysis of YES NO itself is needed for such things before one gets into detailing. This GURU helps build such collaborations. GURU gives greater sense with team or group events without just individual achievements. 7th house is KAAM TRIKON – Freelancing and peripheral things in your life. GURU helps bring in some structure to these activities like picnics or leisure events or event coordinator etc but 7th GURU means not just entertainment but some serious industry or knowledge-sharing fairs and get-togethers! It is perfect for someone to get into industrial exhibitions and such coordination. Or even education institute or related exhibitions.  GURU lends sense of purpose and structure to such freelance TRIKON (3 7 11 houses) but also becomes playful with use of their own knowledge and education for such activities – “Aadaan-pradaan”! :)

Some granth tend to say that these people tend to marry their GURU itself or Guru sambhog etc – It is far fetched and though is makes sense logically – L7 and SHURKA are the decision makers ad not this GURU for sure!

[8] The 8th house GURU
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Any 8th house planet shows some obligation with either of the house it owns or the Karakatva of that planet. The 8th house is about peeda and kaarmic obligations and also about easy money and inheritance. An intense degree GURU here would show major issues with kids and also some tussles with GURU or mentors and your knowledge/credit or intellectual property being stolen as you did the same thing in the past birth! :) A Devgan nakshatra or well-placed GURU here would show some secret information or patented knowledge coming your way which gives you profit sharing or stock options and so on. It shows easy money but thru knowledge and special knowledge and being a specialist. As 8th house is about alternate medicines like homeopathy or healing such as past life regression or reiki and pranic healing etc – this GURU is perfect for these kinds of side career which later becomes main career. GURU in 8th house of mystique is also good for astrology but it goes more into perception than into logic. As you can see well placed and badly placed planet in the same house has completely different outcome! 8th GURU when owner of 1st 5th house aids in alternate healing mechanism or astrology also but brings deficiency to health or kids respectively. One planet in a given house could be good for X things and not so good for Y things! 8th GURU has FULL drushti on the 2nd house which shows good investments and wealth management luck assuming SHANI Mangal Rahu combined impact not on the 2nd house or L2. GURU drushti on 4th house shows good home décor and ability to have SUKH of estate and property. Drushti on the 12th house shows well directed expenses and investments and good planning. Good brain storming. 8th house has SINUSOIDAL wave patter – ultra-active to ultra-passive. 8th GURU also shows very extreme good results with education and complete apathy and ignorance at times!

As part of MOKSHA TRIKON 4 8 12 house: This GURU aids planets in 12th and 4th house with their spiritual pursuits. 8th GURU itself is haphazard with it but it DOES have deep understanding of these things. It is just that it could first be used for easy money and profits unlike 4 and 12 houses where there’s more self-less approach. GURU in water signs is natural here and fire signs not as much. In Earth signs it collects practical knowledge that helps earn money and estate.

The REMEDY for bad impacts of 8th GURU:
(1)    GRATITUDE - -stole knowledge in the past birth so teach people and share knowledge early in life. Say THANKS for each & every even if minor help or advice.
(2)    Orphanages: Help and donate! Spend time with less privileged kids – teach them / help them!
(3)    Use of Pukhraaj helps – but expensive and rather use of Yellow Golden and Blue color helps a lot.

[9] The 9th house GURU
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A WOW house for any planet and for GURU it is obviously THE house. GURU owns the 9th Sign Sagi/Dhanu and hence it is kaarak of 9th house too. GURU is broad knowledge and so is 9th house. GURU here is VERY happy. Dutiful, sincere, knowledge gainer, broad thinker, traveler, expander, strategic thinker. DHARMA (DUTY) TRIKON house is the best match for GURU. Even in the most intense degrees of say last of Ashlesha and first of Fire signs – it still gives good kids even though one of them could have some intense events or some tussle with these folks (the father). People in the positions of Governor or MP/Senate etc or Delhi bound folks have such GURU. Guru drushti on the 1st house of self: sense of purpose and well directed life. Guru drushti on the 5th house shows good kids and good education and sud-buddhi. GURU drushti on the 3rd house shows VERY good next sibling unless you have 1 3 6 house Shani. GREAT logic, fast thinking and 360 degree thought process is the HABIT of this GURU. Planets in the 1 5 houses become MAGICAL due to this GURU. They show promotion every 4th year! :) Met a guy who had 1 5 9 house planets including Guru and was promoted every 4/5 year in a traditional company whenever GURU entered the element these 1 5 9 planets were in (Air sign for this guy). His Mahadasha were OK and neutral so transits mattered more. 9th house being travel – bigger planets here show abroad kaarmic connections, travels/employment, exports etc. Smaller planets show frequent travels and bigger longer ones. This GURU shows growth due to travel. More the travel more the knowledge and broader it is. Every relocation with or against wishes brings in invaluable knowledge and growth in career/life.

One quick note is that: Without good smaller planets – GURU SHANI RAHU KETU are of NO USE. Budh is basic intelligence of reading and listening and hence without good BUDH – GURU which is about Graduation/Post and PhD etc is of NO use! The smaller & faster moving (including Sun) planets DEFINE the person WHO and WHAT he/she is. These bigger planets bring in alignment to higher cause and greater sense of purpose etc. Without blessings of smaller planets these larger slower moving ones have hardly any role to play!

[10] The 10th house GURU
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Any planet in the 10th house makes a person “Kaarya-Pravan” means workaholic or action-prone literally. GURU – Kaarak of knowledge in the 10th house is great for mentoring & teaching career especially 12 and 30 born folks and more when it is the owner of the 5th house. GURU in the 10th house is a great stabilizer for the mom and mom’s health. GURU here in intense degrees shows health issues to the father but more so with GURU or mentor type people at workplace. Becomes a bit difficult to get imp knowledge or inner circle knowledge at workplace a bit difficult. Same when GURU is under SHANI drushti – deficit of “working” knowledge has to be overcome with karma or simply. On the job experience and not just bookish knowledge. 10th house GURU makes CAREER or Arth/Economic zone of the chart very strong. Dhirubhai had GURU in Kanya in the 10th house and Shani in the 2nd house in MAKAR. The knowledge from the past birth is about career and wealth and making people work and giving people employment and not just bookish stuff taught in colleges. This GURU makes 2nd and 6th houses powerful which are about capital, wealth management or debt and loans and financial services. Depending on which house GURU owns, 2nd or 6th shows using family wealth or loans/debts etc for business expansion. SHANI in 2 6 could also mean share markets IPO or raising money from people for business. This GURU is not about sudden inspiration like 3rd and 5th house but is about perspiration. Relentless work without sudden blips of throttle. Planets in 3 and 5 houses would create such sudden urges though. GURU is NEECH/debilitated in the 10th sign MAKAR/Capri which would make one argue that the 10th house is not the best for GURU. However, this is more philosophical in nature as Vedic astrology is about moksha and not accumulation. i.e. knowledge should be selfless and shared without inhibitions and without creating IPR and patents and royalty etc. This is NOT the best thought as it would not then create enough competition and moving ahead with more work. Hence 10th GURU is about NOT the respect for the person for knowledge but money and wealth earned by knowledge. MAKAR GURU though neech results in practical knowledge and huge money! 

It is obvious that more one reads and studies and upgrades knowledge – bigger the position and wealth and respect one gets at workplace for the 10th house GURU. Their career is driven by knowledge and education and not just gadhamajoori. However, this knowledge of 10th house GURU needs or gets is useful and precious in terms of market value!

[11] The 11th house GURU (The Ambani guru!) :)
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I call it as “2nd generation Ambani-Guru” jokingly! :) Not Dhirubhai but next generation ones! :) ANY planet in the 11th house shows past birth unpaid karma which comes to you in this birth. Needless tot say GURU is VERY significant in this house. It shows you blessed or paid GURU and high knowledge people handsomely in the past birth and hence would get scientists sort of people to work for you and crate IPR for your company. Even in the least powerful GURU in this house would want to do some start up with some specific knowledge. SHANI in this house shows mass-mentality and consumer mentality to come up with products and services that people want. GURU In this house gives knowledge, education and also experts in the appropriate field for you to earn handsomely! There are lot of gains happen due to knowledge and education but also from such people too. It shows great cash flow and income. GURU cycle of 12 years so it starts at 24 and more so 36 and so on. Each 12 years of GURU cycle brings in more knowledge and more experts which results in various new companies like Reliance Mukesh Bhai launches every 12 years and sometimes 6 years – half Guru cycle if they are not completely new and are related to backward or forward integration.

GURU drushti on the 5th house ensures good kids & good education. Shows well directed life with sense of purpose and greater alignment. Like any planets in 3 7 11 it shows visible impact on surroundings and moving stuff quite a bit! Every GURU Antardasha results in some luck and expansion.

If GURU is wakri and in intense degrees or and in Shani drushti– one of the kids could have chronic health issues but still some good kids are seen despite such issues. GURU drushti on 7th house helps with spouse/marriage but also business partnerships and M&A and so on. The 3rd house drushti also shows good presentation and writing and also good siblings. Especially, elder siblings are stronger & more significant and many times act as your Guru.

[12] The 12th house GURU (The Architect) :)

Without reading information at the top of the article and directly jumping in to the following paragraphs is futile and like those blind guys trying to make sense out of an Elephant. PLEASE do read the top of article FIRST and then come here again!

The 12th sign is co-owned by Guru and Neptune.  Hence, this is a very natural house for GURU.  Bharatratna Babasaheb Ambedkar regarded as the architect of constitution – how Indians should live/operate for years to come had 12th house GURU SHUKRA in Meen rashi itself! The 12th is a “3000 feet view” house. It shows ability to see way in the future, or even dream way ahead of the times. It is the BIG picture house very PRO for architects. Get many charts with L1 or L10 in the 12th house. Earlier Govt Planning commissions came under this house influence. MANGAL in this house shows police commissioner whereas 6th house shows Sub-inspector. GURU in this house is rather teacher of the teachers! The one who designs the syllabus itself! The one who designs 3-4 years courses or training sequence and overall design for a course. At personal level this GURU shows some detachment and aloofness in daily activities. Not the fans of operational stuff and day to day matters. Execution is 5th house and 12th house is death house of the 5th house! :) Execution is not their forte! It is possible for them to give DYAAN from high level like Harsha Bhogale talks about cricket & newcomers without knowing how 140kmph ball goes past by!! Uses stats and various parameters to predict South Africa as winners for 1992 19996 1999 and forgets some factor which can completely change the outcome. Usually well placed 12th house Guru would avoid it as it shows past birth execution very strongly hence this birth 12th house planets. Still when transit SHANI goes over the 12th house GURU or planets it shows deficiency due to lack of execution and operational experience which needs to fulfill! :) Needless to mention the 12th house GURU points to IIM or such studies which allows planning activities and not forced in to execution. Foresight is natural and what needed is the right data. Sensing and perception ability is very strong and higher levels! 6th sense is also seen with the 12th house GURU as bigger picture helps them to think how local actions are aligned.

Being MOKSHA trikon house – GURU increases spiritual connection which is anyways a big picture and foresight etc for life! Drushti on the 8th house shows some secret and imp knowledge and drushti on the 4th house shows good living conditions. Drushti on the 6th house helps maternal family – mama mousi folks’ stability. 12th GURU likes to serve regardless of whether the recipient is worthy or not! It is not context sensitive like 6th Guru and certainly not limited to the amount of money one pays like the 6th house Guru which also likes to serve.

12th GURU could show some delays and deficiency with the kids and more so the first born. Remedies for this deficiency:
(1)    GRATITUDE - -stole knowledge in the past birth so teach people and share knowledge early in life. Say THANKS for each & every even if minor help or advice.
(2)    Orphanages: Help and donate! Spend time with less privileged kids – teach them / help them!
(3)    Use of Pukhraaj helps – but expensive and rather use of Yellow Golden and Blue color helps a lot.


  1. Sir,please write a post on how to see kuladevatha and ishtadevatha from horoscope.

  2. Waiting for guru in remaining houses... Great work... Pls continue...

  3. Dear Milind, Amazing article. Keep up the good work. Waiting for guru's effect on the rest of the houses as my guru is not covered yet.

  4. Dear Milind,
    waiting for prediction of guru,when it is in other houses 8,9,10,11,12.

  5. Dear Milind Ji,

    Very informative article. Can you please also write about Guru in houses 8 to 12? Waiting for the same.

  6. Milind Sir, waiting to read about effects of guru in houses 8 to 12. Please write about it soon.

  7. Milind Ji,

    Very nice article. Just like other readers have commented, I too am waiting for guru's effects in houses 8 9 10 11 and 12. Please write about it soon.

  8. Please write about the effects of guru in houses 8 to 12. A lot of readers seem to be waiting anxiously for it.

  9. Sir, as requested by other readers above, request you to please write about effects of 8,9,10,11,12 house Guru

  10. Guru in rest of the houses?

  11. Dear Milind Sir,

    Everyone of your readers is waiting for the effects of Guru in the rest of the houses (8 to 12). Please try and take time out to write about the same.

  12. Milind Ji, please complete this article and write about Guru in houses 8 to 12 of a chart. Waiting for it just like a lot of your other readers.

  13. Dear Milind ji,
    kindly post for the effects when Guru is placed is 8th,9th,10th,11th and 12th house in a horoscope.

  14. Plzzz plzzz add 12th house also soon ..thankyou

  15. I'm Aquarius moon sign with transit Shani coming to my natal 12th Jupiter in Jan2020. I think, I have to take up a non-execution/operational role, else will be tough for me, right?
    I have no kids, so delay on first born also seems correct.
    However, I feel 12th Guru is also about going away from home (for good and betterment). I feel I'm happier in the US than when I was in India, and have settled down.

  16. Dear Milind, What about this scenario? Rishabh lagna,guru in makar. Guru is neech and in the bhava chalit it shows its in kumbh. Even though guru is in 9th its neech. So how does this affect the chart?

  17. - The kundali, or birth chart, describes the positions of the planets and constellations that are part of your chart at birth. If you want to interpret your kundali accurately, you must first know the abbreviated names of these planets. Want to know more? visit our website .


  18. Shree Sai Durga Jyotish Kendra is undoubtedly the best astrologer in goa ! Their precise readings and insightful guidance have been a beacon of light in my life. Highly recommended for anyone seeking clarity and wisdom.
