Friday, February 22, 2019

NAKSHATRA Wichar (Constellation Series) - ASHLESHA

NAKSHATRA Wichar (Constellation Series) - ASHLESHA

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Ashlesha & Moola night be the most notorious of the 9 Rakshas-Gan nakshatras. Yes, Jyeshtha are notorious too and so is Magha to some extent but nothing beats Ashlesha and Moola in reflecting past birth intense karmic events and obligations! Last 3 degreed of Ashlesha and first 3 of Moola are of particular issues. and

(1)    Ashlesha is in emotional sensitive & caring motherly sign of Cancer. So any planet in this nakshatra does prosses emotional angle and sentiments of self or some folks related to you in this birth and connected from the past birth.

(2)    Being water sign and nakshatra owned by BUDH this is not the best fit for fire planets like SURYA / SUN and MARS/MANGAL.

(3)    Mangal is considered neech in this sign of cancer anyways and in Ashlesha further shows diabetic tendency or some content of blood lesser or missing.

(4)    Being in the sign of CHANDRA / MOON and Nakshatra Swami of BUDH / MERCURY – obviously this constellation is directly connected to the maternal family. CHANDRA – Your Mother and BUDH your Mama mousi!

(5)    Obviously, RAHU in this nakshatra would point to your father’s maama mousi (maternal uncles) or KETU in this nakshatra would point to you mother’s maama mousi! This shows how RAHU and KETU can change the WHOLE direction of analysis – DNA / Karma / past birth memories today!!

(6)    KIRK / CANCER points to small water sources like wells, small river or ponds. Planets in Ashlesha show some intense events in the family near such water sources. The Governorship or the BHAVESH of the planets in Ashlesha would point to the people affected or people who participated in these events!

(7)    It shows your obligations with these people or people affected by these people! Usually SHANI with these planets shows non-family (workers or such) folks affected by these planets.

(8)    It amazing to note that the boy named “PRINCE” (India Haryana I suppose) who fell in BOREWELL some 60 feet or so – and was brought out in 3 days was on his birth-day 13th August -- ! Means his Surya in the last 3 degrees of Ashlesha and at the time this incident happened transit SHANI and MANGAL both were aspecting his Natal Surya in Ashlesha. Don’t know this full chart! He had enough emotional maturity and CHAR rashi KIRK Surya strength to hang in there until he was rescued!!

(9)    The planets in this nakshatra often try to do notorious things or intense things but not as DAAHAK or extreme as Magha Moola etc. There is some emotional angle to it and hence it limits usually in the close relatives.

(10)  Chandra in Ashlesha shows some lungs or respiratory or minor health issues to the mother. When in the last 3 degrees more so! (Self too) – fever and cold are common.

(11)  Mangal mentioned above shows blood related deficiency and need to walk and run and so on for good blood supply etc.

(12)  GURU in this despite being uchcha shows some pending karma with teachers but more so kids. Some ignorance of kids in the past birth.

(13)  SURYA in this one is usually younger kids as their father by then is quite older and not his full strength like MESH Surya kids or Leo or Dhanu Surya kids.

(14)  Last 3 degrees of Kirk planets are more prone to swine flue or anything to do with viral or more so lungs and cold related stuff. LUNGS is the weakest link for Ashlesha!

(15)  Owner of the 7th house in this nakshatra would show emotional attachment to partner but some ignorance in the past birth! Or even some mental harassment.

(16)  Moon Venus in the last 3 or last degree of Ashlesha shows some major intense event with a LADY in the maternal family and you are somehow attached to that event!

(17)  Venus or L7 in the last 3 degrees of Ashlesha and ill aspected 7th house or L7 --- combined – could even show marrying gay or bisexual or mentally weird person. Past birth karma bad with partners and hence some weird experience this birth! Hormonal imbalance is shown Venus and Moon last 3 degrees of Ashlesha!

(18)  AS YOU CAN SEE INTENSE events are related to the last 3 degrees lot more and not rest of the 10 degrees of this nakshatra -- SO NO fear mongering please.

(19)  WHEN MOON is troubled in the chart it obviously impacts health and outcome a lot more! Troubled means SHANI MANGAL RAHU drushti etc and also intense degrees or Rakshasgan nakshatras!

(20)  When BUDH is troubled like above – or wakri – the impact is quite increased.

(21)  When CHANDRA and BUDH are well placed and in Devgan nakshatra and or in Guru drushti – these ill-effects are reduced a lot! Past karma is not as bad and CHOICE of paying by good deeds or delays is there in this life and not MUST to go thru sufferings.

(22)  GURU drushti on Ashlesha planets helps A LOT just like above! It provides good advice and direction and hence ability to pay back by good deeds etc.

(23)  Good side of this nakshatra is emotional maturity, emotional intelligence, taking people together, change management awareness and overall sentimental side to the nature which usually helps and doesn’t let them make things worse if something happens.

(24)  GREAT part of any planets in this nakshatra is MONEY and being busy and personal achievements! They show success no matter what! Any planet in KIRK gives MONEY!

(25)  Also, there IS a good and big family to have some issues with them!!! Itana bhi kisi ko kaha naseeb hota hain! :)

AGAIN – Last 3 degrees of more critical and hence this article is not to be taken with broken heart if you have Ashlesha planets in Dhanu Makar or Kumbh Navamansh.



  1. Please upload about Jyeshta nakshatra as well .

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