Wednesday, May 29, 2019

AstroMNC: Monthly Horoscope JUNE2019: JUNE Weekly and Monthly Horoscope

MONTHLY & WEEKLY Horoscope JUNE-2019

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(1)    All Timings are Indian Standard Time (GMT + 5:30)
(2)    Based on Moon Sign – Health could “also” be checked from Ascendant (rising/Lagna)
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(1)    MANGAL IN MITHUN from MAY-07 to JUNE-23. MANGAL IN KIRK from JUNE-23 to AUG-09
(2)    SHUKRA in MESH from MAY-10 to JUNE-04; SHUKRA in VRISHABH from JUNE-04 to JUNE-28
(3)    BUDH in MITHUN from JUNE-02 to JUNE-21; BUDH IN KIRK from JUNE-21
(4)    RAHU KETU Change: MARCH-23 to MITHUN and DHANU respectively for 18 months

(1)    2nd house Surya till JUNE-14 is about increased income and pending payments coming to you. In Guru drushti L5 Surya in 2nd house shows some speculative gains and easy money.
(2)    2nd house SHUKRA till JUNE-28 adds to the income of 2nd Surya till June15. It shows good food, income, family time.
(3)    3rd SURYA from JUNE-16 increases effects of MANGAL till JUNE-23 below and continues effects of MANGAL mentioned below till JULY15. Surya opposite SHANI is tussles with masses and bosses. Govt versus public and so on. You will benefit by most of it as Vrishchik and Vrishabh get hurt the most.
(4)    MANGAL in the 3rd house till JUNE-23 is about EXPRESSING yourself freely. All-rounder approach and success by personal push, efforts and flair. Free-flow work and freelancer approach. However: RAHU with MANGAL means Mangal force and aggression (& even agitation or hysteria partly) is increased. As MANGAL would be opposite SHANI: take care of belongings in travel and plan travels in day-time. Avoid 2-wheelers and especially with siblings and cousins. Avoid hysteria in sports and physical activities else fractures are easy to come. Avoid social media politically incorrect or sensitive posts. Avoid unnecessary arguments by diplomatically stating you don’t agree with things but limit at that!
(5)    3rd BUDH till JUNE-21 gives good negotiations, trading, presentations, quick travels or simply communication/coordination for sales/marketing etc. 4th house BUDH from JUNE-21 to Aug-25 (Maargi till JULY-8 wakri from JULY-9 to AUG-01 and maargi from AUG-01 to AUG-25 in KIRK etc) reduces running around a bit and brings some sukoon.
(6)    RAHU change is detailed above which shows great support from people of different caste culture religion etc for 18 months and shows travels. RAHU KETU will support you wholeheartedly till Aug2020.

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    From TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04 to THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06
(2)    From SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08 to MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10
(3)    WEDNESDAY 23:21PM JUNE-12 to SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15
(4)    6+ days from MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17 to MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24
(5)    2 days from MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From TUESDAY noon 12:20PM MAY-28 to THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30
(2)    From SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15 to MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17
(3)    From MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24 to THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27

2019 till Oct is not the best!! But still – long term: You are becoming right time right place for next several years! Brooding time of 2016 / 2017 is over and is all about expansion and growth for you now that Major Grahagol Shani and Guru are blessing you. New mass-base, consumers/customer-base, increased revenue and also expansion is the same of the game for you. 8th house GURU does create peeda, chaos & fatigue and misaligned efforts till Oct2019. 2020 is LIFE CHANGING year!!

(1)    Surya in your rashi till JUNE-14 shows new found energy & optimism & brilliance and inspirational approach.
(2)    MANGAL 2nd house from MAY-07 to JUNE-23 is about new income and support from friends. As SHANI is opposite Mangal: At the same time – avoid quick money efforts and gambling. Avoid estate and inheritance related deals or tussles – handle them with patience and delay them as much as possible. Watch your choice of words.  Don’t eat too much of spicy stuff!2nd BUDH till JUNE-21 adds to Surya effects above with good gains. It tries to defuse or mediate tensions or Mangal and Shani pratiyog for communication.
(3)    2nd house Surya from JUNE16 to JULY14 joins Mangal and Budh already there. It shows incremental income and gains but opposite Shani and hence manage bosses better with tact & diplomacy. NO hurried decisions with investments and inheritance. Don’t play “on-looker” role to any fights or tussles – stay away.
(4)    SHUKRA in your rashi in this month shows some charm and artistic output or pursuits and good health. Reduces health issues of 12th SHUKRA till JUNE-04.
(5)    RAHU change is OK with wealth and income whereas KETU change is below average for health and hereditary health wealth issues

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06 to SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08
(2)    From MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10 to WEDNESDAY 23:20PM JUNE-12
(3)    From SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15 to MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17
(4)    6+ days From WEDNESDAY 18:01PM JUNE-19 to THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30 to SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02
(2)    From MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17 to WEDNESDAY 18:00PM JUNE-19
(3)    From THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27 to SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29

Expansion by Oct2019 of what you got from Sept2016 to Sept2017 pro-period. 8th Shani continues to keep you away from “mass-base” and not much “reporting-to” people and work in alone or SME capacity. 8th Shani also raises inheritance issues. You need to keep moving slow & steady without HUGE risks which are long-term in nature. 7th GURU now till Oct2019 ensures EXPANSION of work and life.

MITHUN / GEMINI: Manage bosses, Seniors, Govt etc till JUNE-15 with care and tact & diplomacy!
(1)    Till JUNE15 handle Seniors, Govt, Legal etc issues with tact & diplomacy. SURYA in your rashi from JUNE16 helps with energy. However, it puts you in cross-roads of masses versus bosses fight. Need to show tact and diplomacy. You have ability to trade and negotiate and hence could use these situations skillfully. MANGAL SURYA BUDH In your rashi and more so till JUNe-23 give you such opportunities. Do not add fuel to the fire though!
(2)    MANGAL in your rashi from till JUNE-23 is good news as it gives much needed energy and optimism. However, as MANGAL with RAHU and opposite SHANI: Handle spouse, relationships, partnerships carefully. Show patience. Some tough decisions needed but with maturity. Shani Mangal opposite from 1 and 7 house with RAHU KETU affects partnerships, spouse/relationships and collaborations. Very tough time with these things.
(3)    BUDH moves to 2nd house June 21 and MANGAL on JUNE-23 – this helps reduce tensions of Shani Mangal opposite each other. They give you incremental income and some positive movements.
(4)    12th house SHUKRA for the month shows expense for vanity and opposite sex. Good time and rather expense for romance. Great for young folks. However, girls advised to be mindful of surroundings and the company too!

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    6+ days from TUEDAY early-morning 02:20AM MAY-21 to SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02
(2)    From SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08 to MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10
(3)    From WEDNESDAY 23:21PM JUNE-12 to SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15
(4)    From MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17 to WEDNESDAY 18:00PM JUNE-19
(5)    6+ days From SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22 to SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02 to TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04
(2)    From WEDNESDAY 18:01PM JUNE-19 to SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22
(3)    From SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29 to MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

6th GURU from Oct2018 to OCT2019 shows stagnancy: respect refine and serve what you already have! Shani from Nov2017 to Dec2019 is trying to get rid of excess fat, excess mass-base which is not needed and also testing your relationships / partnerships & temper. Shani is also testing health of your mom and yours too. Reduction of weight it is the best time actually! Spouse / relationships under scanner.

(1)    11th SURYA till JUNE14 shows great increase in cash flow, income and approvals from Govt and legal stuff etc. Get imp Govt & approvals done by then.
(2)    12th SURYA from JUNE-16 adds to the fire of Shani Mangal Rahu fun mentioned below. Of course, MANGAL moving to your rashi from JUNE-23 reduces major issues. But 16 to 23 need to be extra careful and more so from Punarvasu and Pushya of Kirk rashi folks with seniors but Ashlesha with accidents and health and stomach and so on.
(3)    The 12th MANGAL till JUNE-23 recommends getting vehicles serviced on time, avoiding major physical risks and also watch body heat etc – take enough sleep. Left eye or eyes could have minor issues and so do feet/ankle. June first 2 weeks Pushya under scanner and June 15 to 23 Ashlesha is under scanner with these things.
(4)    11th SHUKRA gives much needed gains and income and support from opposite sex folks in the month of June.
(5)    12th BUDH till JUNE-21 shows need for communication and coordination and expense of time money and efforts for that. This will help pacify some of the anxiety till JUNE-21
(6)    BUDH In your rashi from JUNE-21 till AUG-15 is much better and at least not the expense if not huge luck!

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    6+ days From TUESDAY noon 12:20PM MAY-28 to TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04
(2)    From MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10 to WEDNESDAY 23:20PM JUNE-12
(3)    From SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15 to MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17
(4)    From WEDNESDAY 18:01PM JUNE-19 to SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22
(5)    6+ days from MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24 to MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04 to THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06
(2)    From SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22 to MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24
(3)    2+ days from MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

NOW – 5th GURU is here to make your dreams come true by OCT2019! :) After lackluster period till NOV2018 now slowly it is YOUR time. It is a period of catching a major break by OCT2019!! Great success which you always wanted. The 6th house SHANI till JAN2020 is changing your social circle and adding NEW PEOPLE in your life and career which is out of comfort zone. Examine every person in details before you can trust and do micromanagement initially. But it DOES show increasing political & economic powerful connects.

(1)    10th SURYA till JUNE-15 shows increased influence and power at workplace. It shows pushing things hard with force.
(2)    11th SURYA from JUNE-16 to JULY15 increases income but increases chaos till JUNE-23 mentioned below for MANGAL. Shows good income and support from bosses though. Handle bosses with tact & diplomacy and there will be good gains by July-15. Illegal income or illegal activity of others you might need to take care. Handle with care. Your benefit by this but still care needed.
(3)    MANGAL in the 11th house till JUNE-23 shows income, gains, increased cash-flow, support from colleagues and friends and siblings. HOWVER, As MANGAL with RAHU and opposite to SHANI – Kids need attention and also drive with care and without aggression. KIDS need attention more to till JUNE-23.
(4)    11th BUDH till JUNE-21 helps mediate and play pacifier and peacemaker in some fights and tussles. Will increase your imp due to this role till June-21.
(5)    12th MANGAL from JUNE-23 to AUG-09 recommends driving carefully, avoiding physical adventures and hectic travels. Need enough sleep else body heat and impact on eyes etc.
(6)    BUDH 12th house from JUNE-22 to AUG-25 shows need for “complete communication” and ensuring communication is not incomplete and open for interpretation. Need to spend time money and efforts to communicate well.
(7)    SHUKRA 10th house adds to the power in JUNE and also ease of success despite the chaos around.
(8)    RAHU KETU change is MONUMENTAL for 18 months from MARCH-23 2019! It is amazing change which would make you have better time despite 4th GURU stagnancy! Good support from karma of both the paternal and maternal families without side effects.

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    6+ days From THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30 to THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06
(2)    From WEDNESDAY 23:21PM JUNE-12 to SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15
(3)    From MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17 to WEDNESDAY 18:00PM JUNE-19
(4)    From SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22 to MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24
(5)    6+ days from THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06 to SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08
(2)    From MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24 to THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27

GURU 4t till Oct2019 is about slow and steady period. Some stagnation and saturation! Loss of momentum is seen. But it is about serving & protecting what you got from Sept2017 to Oct2018. The 5th Shani till Dec2019 is about slow & steady “projects” – things that finish in some stipulated timeframe and mostly by Dec2019. 5th Shani is happening but it a SLOW effect of becoming relevant after Nov2014 to Oct2017 of being irrelevant in 4th Shani. 5th GURU from NOV2019 shows Swapna-poorti!

(1)    9th SURYA till JUNE-15 is terrific as it shows very good support from bosses and Govt stuff. Starts new things for you. Great for new job or new work in existing job and catching next level of break in career in the 90 days starting from MAY-14-2019!
(2)    10th MANGAL till JUNE-23 is about increased influence, power and strength. Shows getting things done. Friends and colleagues to help. MOM health a worry & also avoid domestic disputes etc – show patience. Workplace safety is very imp – fire etc related stuff. Relatives need to handle with patience.
(3)    11th MANGAL from JUNE-23 to AUG-098 shows increasing income, good support from colleagues, siblings, friends. Good luck with real estate folks and vehicles dealers etc.
(4)    10th BUDH till JUNE-21 helps pacify relatives or workplace “fires”. Could be able to play middleman role and negotiate a win win solution for all parties etc.
(5)    11th BUDH from JUNE-21 to AUG-25 – RashiSwami 11th is very good income indeed! Shows good luck overall!!
(6)    9th SHUKRA helps a lot in JUNE. Start new things, Support from opposite sex folks in workplace.
(7)    RAHU KETU change is overall good from March-23-2019 for 18 months – Shows some image work coming to you due to 10th house RAHU to work with people of different caste culture religion or language etc.

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    6+ days From SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02 to SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08
(2)    From SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15 to MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17
(3)    From WEDNESDAY 18:01PM JUNE-19 to SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22
(4)    From MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24 to THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27
(5)    6+ days From SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30 to SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02
(2)    From SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08 to MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10
(3)    From THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27 to SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29

GURU moving to the 3rd house from OCT2018 till OCT2019 is a great news. It allows you to make visible impact on surroundings. Shows new things to start, new life path and some break which REALLY want!! It makes you “relevant” for the next 9 years ahead and also PAVES the way of DREAM COME TRUE success of 2021!!  SHANI 4th is till Dec2019 about domestic trouble (house/relatives, political party/MLAs or members etc) & infighting – need to take care of self-health with stomach and mom health overall.

TULA / LIBRA:  Till JUNE-15 Manage bosses, Seniors, Govt etc matters with care and tact & diplomacy!
(1)    SURYA 8th house till JUNE-14:  Manage bosses, Seniors, Govt etc matters with care and tact & diplomacy! Get imp govt work done before May14 if possible.
(2)    SURYA 9th house from JUNE-14 supports for 3 months ahead. Good support from bosses, relevant advice from bosses, income increase & new income for business folks.
(3)    SHUKRA 8th till JUNE-28 shows some fatigue, running around, easy money, profit sharing.  Good for business folks with some quick money but fatigue too. Ladies beware of your surroundings and company too.
(4)    MANGAL 9th house from till JUNE-23 is a GREAT NEWS! Shows start of new things support from siblings’ cousins etc. Take care of imp stuff in travels as MANGAL opposite to SHANI. Travels with and against wish possible from time to time till JUNE-23. Some travel related issues/delays or tussles possible.
(5)    MANGAL 10th from JUNE-23 to AUG-09 is about increased power at workplace and showdown with the help from colleagues & friends. Do not abuse power.
(6)    BUDH in MITHUN till JUNE 21 is a GREAT support which helps starting new things. and in 10th house from JUNE12 increased power & gives good visibility due to good communication.

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30 to SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02
(2)    6+ days from TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04 to MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10
(3)    From MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17 to WEDNESDAY 18:00PM JUNE-19
(4)    From SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22 to MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24
(5)    6+ days from MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02 to TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04
(2)    From MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10 to WEDNESDAY 23:20PM JUNE-12
(3)    From SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29 to MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

GURU 2nd house now will start giving monetary benefits to your & family wealth from Oct2018 to Oct2019. It shows returns on the investments and actions etc done from Sept2016 to Sept2018. It is NOT a major impact on surroundings but they start to appreciate you yet again. The 3rd SHANI (till Dec2019) has been completely away from your income and investments now and not affecting your wealth anymore. 3rd Shani will allow you to play your cards and maneuver your people and masses to achieve things and also do a SHOW OF STRENGTH! Your mass-base will be critical now which will propel you to newer posts and higher levels by end of 2019. RAHU-KETU changes to 9th and 3rd house is FANTASTIC from March-23-2019 for 18 months ahead till AUG-2020.

VRISHCHIK / SCORPIO: FROM MAY-07 to JUEN-23 drive carefully, get vehicles serviced or checked before that and avoid physical risks; Handle Govt, bosses, legal stuff from JUNE-16 to JULY15 with care, tact & diplomacy and more attention!
(1)    8th MANGAL being rashi-swami not the best for health till JUNE-23. Drive vehicles very carefully and avoid night time travel. Watch body heat - take enough sleep. HEALTH is WEALTH. Take B-Complex pills as needed. Pulling muscles etc possible. More critical for sports related folks who should use all care etc.
(2)    7th SURYA till JUNE-15 is about collaborations and partnerships and finding the middle ground.
(3)    8th Surya from JUNE-16 to JULY15 is about tussles with bosses, Govt and legal stuff: express carefully and talk respectfully with any sort of authorities, avoid impulse investments and dramatic stuff with investments. June16 to June-23 and again July08 to July15 are more critical.
(4)    7th SHUKRA till JUNE-28 is great for romance, partnerships, group events, and great indeed for single folks!! Marriage related developments as applicable.
(5)     BUDH 8th house till JUNE-21 adds to the issues with fatigue and unnecessary running around but also tries to pacify Mangal and Shani Pratiyog by some negotiations & not direct action. BUDH 9th from JUNE-21 is a GREAT news indeed for you!

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    From SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02 to TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04
(2)    6+ days From THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06 to WEDNESDAY 23:20PM JUNE-12
(3)    WEDNESDAY 18:01PM JUNE-19 to SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22
(4)    From MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24 to THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27
(5)    From SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29 to MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04 to THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06
(2)    From WEDNESDAY 23:21PM JUNE-12 to SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15
(3)    2+ days from MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

GURU change to your sign from Oct12, 2018 to OCT0219 is a huge positive change!! It ends your political exile and WHAT NEXT period. It is not a period to start taking actions!! It is not like an immediate success but gets your new position and designation and good image etc by Oct2019. The 2nd house Shani till Dec2019 will expose earlier mistakes in wealth management and investments. It will also START NEW income in your life from new things you are doing. Invest wisely and SLOWLY and for the long run – no theatrics and no unnecessary optimism against the popular current! RAHU KETU change is not the best as they move away from the 9 3 houses which they love. RAHU 8th from March-2019 for 18 months means obligations with the paternal elders in the next 18 months. KETU 2nd house is not going to give great gains as it would be with Shani. Watch dental stuff and mouth related stuff.

(1)    6th SURYA till JUNE-14 helps having competition over success and grabbing some opportunity over colleagues or competition at workplace.
(2)    7th SURYA from JUNE-16 to JULY15 brings focus to collaborations, group events and constructively working together. You could get sandwiched between bosses and masses. Be tactful and political and don’t align to any one side at all. Be the patient negotiator. Don’t be an onlooker to fights on streets!
(3)    7th Mangal from till JUNE-23 can increase frustration of Sadesati & emotional stress and mom health issues too. Don’t drink water outside or use bottled one. New partnerships & collaborations and M&A sort stuff will trouble. Earlier partnerships could throw some surprises and expenses.
(4)    8th MANGAL from JUNE-23 tot AUG-09 recommends being careful with vehicles and sports. Ensure safety equipment for sports and get vehicles serviced on time. Check air pressure & oil level etc and so on. Siblings could have some issues and you would have fatigue and body heat rise. Enough sleep is a must!
(5)    BUDH 7th house till JUNE-21 tries to defuse tensions and tussles of Shani Mangal opposition. 8th BUDH from JUNE 21 adds to the issues of 8th Mangal from 23rd. It underscores need for enough sleep etc. Mental stress – massage would work like magic from June 21 onwards.
(6)    6th Shukra till JUNE 28 means ladies need to be careful with surroundings and company too. Some naughty approaches possible – bad mouth possible.

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30 to SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02
(2)    From TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04 to THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06
(3)    6+ days From SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08 to SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15
(4)    From SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22 to MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24
(5)    From THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27 to SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06 to SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08
(2)    From SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15 to MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17

GURU moving to the 12th house from OCT 12 2018 to OCT2019 is NOT the best news. Unless you are kirk lagna or Vrishchik Meen lagna etc and have planets in water signs or even Earth signs. This GURU shows or forces a period of WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years. Plan what first & then how and DO NOT jump on brand new things right away Shani in your rashi continues to increase stress levels and recommends checking mom’s health. RAHU KETU change from MARCH-23-2019 for 18 months is relatively good - -KETU moving 1st from 2nd is OK but RAHU moving 7th better than 8th for sure! It is not GREAT but at least ending adversity of 8th Rahu: End of paternal elder health or hereditary issues.

(1)    MANGAL 6th house from till JUNE-21 shows success over competition, income increase, showing some parakram and push ahead. Much needed force behind you. However, as MANGAL opposite SHANI - drive carefully – avoid major physical adventures and bikes etc with siblings or maternal cousins.
(2)    MANGAL moving to 7tht house from JUNE-23 now recommends to adjust, partner & collaborate and try to find the middle of the road approach and not fights as before.
(3)    5th house SURYA till JUNE-14 shows success, goo-getter approach to achieve things and moving ahead despite slow period of sadesati.
(4)    6th SURYA from JUNE16 to JULY15 shows success over competition and enemies and helps with legal stuff too.
(5)    5th SHUKRA till JUNE-28 is good for romantic stuff, artistic stuff – GREAT for artists and also single young folks!
(6)    6th BUDH till JUNE-21 gets help from maternal folks. BUDH 7th from JUNE-21 helps with collaborations and partnerships & related M&A sorts negotiations.

The Best Days of the Month:
(1)    From SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02 to TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04
(2)    From THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06 to SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08
(3)    6+ days From MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10 to MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17
(4)    From MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24 to THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27
(5)    From SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29 to MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)    From SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08 to MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10
(2)    From MONDAY 10:43AM JUNE-17 to WEDNESDAY 18:00PM JUNE-19

10th GURU till 12-Oct2018 WAS about GADHE KE PAIR PADANAA.!!! :) It was HIGH STRESS and high pressure especially due to Sadesati but it is happening in a way! THE BIGGEST GREAT change is GURU going 11th house from Oct-12-2018 to OCT-2019. It shows increased income, cash-flow, one-time high payments, getting paid for eveything you did from July2015 onward!! Invest wisely and not spend it away as Sadesati and 2020 would be amazingly SLOW and SATURATION!!!!  SADESATI Shani 12th is forcing you to think WHAT NEXT for the next 30 years of life. Learning new things is a must. RAHU changes from MATRCH-23 2019 for 18 months to the 6th house is a blessing as it shows success over enemies. It shows increased income and support from new mass-base and new customers etc of different caste culture religion etc. The 12th KETU however shows hereditary issues from the maternal family with wealth and health.

(1)    4th SURYA till JUNE-14 is slow and steady - rejuvenation and slowing down a bit after monthlong quick travels etc.
(2)    5th SURYA from JUNE-16 to JULY-15 helps with quick success, tactical moves, go-getter attitude and inspirational approach.
(3)    5th BUDH till JUEN-21 helps with achievements, communication, negotiations etc. 6th BUDH from JUNE-21 makes need to communicate clearly!
(4)    5th house MANGAL from till JUNE-23 shows good sports achievements, go-getter attitude, use of tools to achieve stuff. As MANGL would be opposite SHANI – kids would need attention. Drive with care and without hurry. Mangal opposite to Shani means kids would need some attention from time to time with injury and running around etc.
(5)    6th MANGAL from JUNE-23 shows success over competition and enemies. Shows aggression and increase in income too, Some sibling rivalry possible – some jealousy possible.
(6)    4th SHUKRA till JUNE-28 is good for rest rejuvenation and home décor and giving self or people around good env to enjoy. This is good counter to 5th Mangal and later 5th Surya which wants to achieve,

The Best Days of the Month: 
(1)     From THURSDAY midnight 23:05PM MAY-30 to SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02
(2)     From TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04 to THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06
(3)     From SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08 to MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10
(4)     6+ days from WEDNESDAY 23:21PM JUNE-12 to WEDNESDAY 18:00PM JUNE-19
(5)     From THURSDAY 07:45AM JUNE-27 to SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)     From MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10 to WEDNESDAY 23:20PM JUNE-12
(2)     From WEDNESDAY 18:01PM JUNE-19 to SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22

11th SHANI till JAN2020 is all about gains, addition of mass-base, customers and revenue and right time right place. 9th GURU till 12-Oct-2018 was Bhagyoday & start of new things and higher strategic positions! Increasing importance and right time right place. GURU 10th house from Oct 12 2018 for 12 months is about increased revenue, influence and stress, pressure cooker and happening period. Some doubts will be put on your ability & hence need to consult and get EXPERT help and SMEs to help without wasting time. Some reporting to boss who is equal or less in ability is possible. Too much work unless consult experts!! Reporting to someone inferior is possible for a few weeks or months. RAHU KETU change from MARCH-23-2019 for 18 months is VERY good indeed. The 5th RAHU and 11th KETU is great for RAHU KETU axis. It shows good use of intelligence and education for achievements! Good support from karma of both the paternal and maternal families without side effects.

(1)    4th house MANGAL till JUNE-23 is rest & rejuvenation and lesser travels – meeting friends and some dinner and quality time with friends & cousins and siblings etc.  Par6ent’s health needs attention due to 10th Shani and 4th Mangal.
(2)    3rd SURYA till JUNE-15 tries to give some travels, expression, presentations and impact on surroundings. It is helping greatly. Good writing and meeting seniors by travelling or they visiting you. Good for artists with inspirational stuff.
(3)    3rd SHUKRA till JUNE-28 adds to the SURYA impact in the 3rd house. Help with inspirational stuff and rather artistic stuff and good for romance too. Good for single folks and for marriage matters.
(4)    BUDH in the 4th house till JUNE-21 helps reduce domestic disputes of 4th Mangal and 10th Shani by good negotiations and trading. 5th BUDH from JUNE-21 helps with achievements and go-getter attitude and inspirational moves.
(5)    GURU is blessing you till OCT2019 and SHANI 10th is direct indirect blessing too. It’s your time.

The Best Days of the Month: 
(1)     From SUNDAY morning 06:45AM JUNE-02 to TUESDAY 11:40AM JUNE-04
(2)     From THURSDAY 14:50PM JUNE-06 to SATURDAY 17:20PM JUNE-08
(3)     From MONDAY 20:00PM JUNE-10 to WEDNESDAY 23:20PM JUNE-12
(4)     6+ days From SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15 to SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22
(5)     From SATURDAY 16:00PM JUNE-29 to MONDAY 20:52PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
(1)     From WEDNESDAY 23:21PM JUNE-12 to SATURDAY 04:00AM JUNE-15
(2)     From SATURDAY 07:40AM JUNE-22 to MONDAY 20:20PM JUNE-24

GURU changing to the 9th house from Oct12th 2018 for 12 months till OCT2019 starts 3 GREAT years ahead for you with increasing success each year and higher profile in life and career. It shows BHAGYAKARAK events for you!!  The 10th Shani is STRESS and happening and too much work!! Older people troubling you but you needing them! :) Older people will stop your way – you need them but also have issues with them! RAHU KETU change is OK – it is lesser support than 5-11 houses till MARCH 23 2019 but it is NOT bad!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Something wrong in tula also...its May prediction or June

  3. Updates for the month of tula onwards awaited

  4. Tomorrow never comes

  5. When are you going to write for rest of the rashi. You said tomorrow,and its been 6days now
