Thursday, June 13, 2019

SHANI GURU Yuti, Pratiyog or SHANI Drushti on GURU in a Birth-Time (Natal) Chart (SATURN and JUPITER)

SHANI GURU Yuti, Pratiyog or SHANI Drushti on GURU in a Birth-Time (Natal) Chart

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TRANSITS: As given point in time the happiness index of a person is governed predominantly by GURU and SHANI: say 80%! The rest of the planets govern 20% and more so then show the months and weeks when this happiness or some lessons will be delivered to a person. All the rest of the (Except Rahu Ketu & Neptune Uranus) planets change all the signs in a year or say 18 months for Mars. So they do add or minus to the happiness index shown by Gochar GURU and SHANI. Mahadasha Antardasha have their own impact to course which is not considered in the above paragraph assuming it is middle class kind of a maha and antardasha.

So – if Transit SHANI GURU is so imp – their positions in a chart are of VAST importance. More so when they are aspecting each other. Guru aspecting ANY planet(s) in the chart is a BLESSING! Shows sense of purpose, greater goodness and well aligned efforts related to the topics associated with the aspected planet(s). GURU aspecting SHANI is about having good mass mentality, what people want, what consumers want and ability to guide/mentor and consult poors, workers, employees and so on (large number people in a group). Topic for this article is SHANI drushti on GURU. There are 4 types obviously.

Where GURU SHANI are at the time of your birth – at the age of 60 again they are exactly there. Guru is at the same position as birthtime at the ages of running 12th 24th 36th 48th 60th etc and SHANI is about 30th 60th 90th. As your can see 60th is common to both of them. It is significant fact that SHANI GURU do NOT return the same sign at the same time as birth for 60 more years! It means many of the karmic patterns repeat at 12 24 36 48 60 72 etc but more so 30 and 60!! RAHU KETY cycle is (9) 18 (27) 36 (45) 54 (63) 72 etc so they are also significant ages.

The observations below apply LOT MORE when there are planets in DHANU and MEEN Rashi as GURU impacted by Shani is more of an issue and it gets extended to these planets too. YUTI Or Pratiyog helps the planets in MAKAR and KUMBH Rashi and GURU drushti on SHANI elevates these planets.

Common aspects for all of the below configurations are:
(1)    Past Birth Karma with KIDS (Santati) is not good: Delayed kids around or after the age of 29/30. Kids before 29 could have chronic health issues.
a.     More so when GURU is owner of the 5th house OR SHANI drushti is also on the 5th house and or owner of the 5th house (L5)
b.     Lesser so when Shani itself is L5 and not aspecting 5th house.
c.      Lesser so when GURU aspects 5th house and or L5.
(2)    You have stolen some knowledge in the past birth or not paid for fully or some GURU (institution/college/university etc) was deceived in the past birth in some ways:
a.     This birth “patented” or precious or KEY Knowledge comes to you after the age of 30.
b.     You must prove yourself worthy of the knowledge.
c.      More efforts needed to earn confidence and respect of GURU type people.
d.     Some knowledge or information is stolen or credit is not given till the age of 30.
e.     Stock options or profit sharing etc starts to come later in life.
f.      Good advice is difficult to come by in early life.
(3)    Shani is ON THE JOB and experience and hard-work, execution and GURU is class-room knowledge or directly gained knowledge from books or people. So, there is a tussle – where SHANI doesn’t want you to continue education beyond a certain point and wants to “use” it. GURU wants to accumulate knowledge. It is possible to take a break from education to work and take a break for career for education to get ahead with this yuti.
(4)    Expansion GURU) of (life and career is seen more after the age of 30 when there is enough experience (SHANI) coupled with knowledge accumulated till the age of 24.
(5)    The houses OWNED by GURU – will see some delays or some lesser results or weaker results till the age of 30/31. Guru could own any house - which needs to be checked – more so check DHANU Rashi house in the chart and lesser so MEEN Rashi house unless Vrishchik lagna and Kirk lagna where MEEN is 5 and 9th house owner resp.

NOW let us look what ADDITIONAL things apart from above could be seen from following configurations. Above things are common to all below configurations.

(1)    The Most effective where above observations apply a lot. There is not a tussle like Pratiyog but harmonious addition of effects.
(2)    It is amicable one which makes a person humble. There is tendency to not fight the Gurus or protest some stolen knowledge or credit assuming somewhere you deserve it early in life! Pratiyog fights with it.
(3)    Highly advised to not have kids till 29/30.
(4)    YUTI Or Pratiyog helps the planets in MAKAR and KUMBH Rashi and GURU drushti on SHANI elevates these planets.
(5)    Planets in DHANU and MEEN Rashi are impacted too as GURU impacted by Shani is extended to them.
(6)    GURU Antardasha SHANI sub-period and SHANI MAHA GURU Antardasha or Shani Antardasha and Guru sub-period are tough. GURU MAHA – SHANI Antardasha is tougher too.
(7)    SHANI’s 7th drushti is neutralized a lot in such case as GURU drushti is also on that house more so when the 7th house is Makar or Kumbh. Not as much if the 7th house is DHANU or MEEN Rashi! :)

(1)    Very effective for all the above observations and that too with tussles/boxing/confrontations and debates etc with GURU people.
(2)    Maybe difficult to just avoid kids till 30 but going thru actual chronic issues with the kids.
(3)    YUTI Or Pratiyog helps the planets in MAKAR and KUMBH Rashi and GURU drushti on SHANI elevates these planets.
(4)    GURU Antardasha SHANI sub-period and SHANI MAHA GURU Antardasha or Shani Antardasha and Guru sub-period are tough. GURU MAHA – SHANI Antardasha is tougher too.
(5)    SHANI’s 3rd drushti is neutralized a lot in such case as GURU drushti is also on that house - -more so if 3rd house is Makar or Kumbh. Not as much if the 3rd house is DHANU or MEEN Rashi! :)

(8)   GURU is 10th from SHANI
This is relatively mild but absolute!  As SHANI is not in check by GURU. So, the common observations are the ones mostly apply in this case. The 23rd 24th age is tough with the knowledge stealing but 24th is OK as transit GURU helps. 23rd is a bit tough as credit or knowledge could be stolen. Delayed kids are helpful but not completely necessary if L5 or 5tht house is in GURU drushti and NOT in Shani drushti. SHANI drushti on GURU usually shows damage happened in the family 8 years BEFORE your birth and lesser later on.

(9)   GURU is 3rd from SHANI
This is the mildest one – assuming GURU is not in intense degrees like RashiGandaant. The issues is the 30.31 age is extended to 35 36 with paying of some stuff even at that age additional to whatever is by 30th. Shows 20th /21 as a tougher age with knowledge acquisition. This is LOT more tough with kids IF L5 and 5th house is in SHANI drushti and NOT in GURU drushti. That means kids related obligations to be aid gets extended to the age of 36 too.

(1)    GRATITUDE: THANKING everyone who gives good advice OVERLTLY! Use FB What app and all forums to acknowledge good advice, a god article and so on. More and more people with share their knowledge with you slowly!
(2)    EDUCATION: Regardless of all sorts of reasons not to complete education – CPMPLETE it… somehow!! Ages of 18th and 24th running are VERY IMP as they reduce SHANI impact on GURU and give you chance to get good advice and good GURU! Read good books and pay attention to anyone who says something about some book being good.
(3)    KIDS – Donate to orphanages, spend time money and efforts for less privileged kids. – This is MAGICAL – Start as early as possible in your life. Quality of your KIDS’s health will increase magically!!


  1. Would strength(natal and D-9) of Shani and Guru matter ? For e.g. if Guru is stronger (and functional benefic) than shani planets in meen and dhanu would suffer lesser than vice versa ?

  2. Meen lagan with Jupiter n Moon. Saturn in Virgo. This is for my daughter. Trying to read each and every word written. Thanks for this post.

    1. And Saturn is retrograde too. Does it make any difference?

  3. SHREYA CHAKRABORTYJune 18, 2019 at 6:06 AM

    Thank You so much!!
    Gained a lot of perspective on my life!

  4. Would you say the same thing for Mithun lagna with Guru(29 degree) and Shani(17 degree) in 4th house? Here Shani is a functional benefic and Guru, a badhkesh.

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  6. THANKS, As per your advise for 3rd drishti on guru
