Tuesday, July 9, 2019

One Good Memory!!!

One good memory can "save" you! One good memory can bring you BACK from any mood or any state of mind or situation! I have HUGE bhaandar of memories due to Vrishchik Lagna and Vrishchik Chandra-Rashi: who tends to remember everything including good but more so hurts & pains. But my MEEN /Pisces Surya Rashi makes me forgive and forget (well most of them) incidents and people. Pisces romanticism helps water down pain and hurt by selfless emotions and self-hypnotism and also detachment. Scorpio/ Vrishchik also has self-hypnotism but it could be positive (hero) or negative (Anti-Hero).
I have HUGE good and wonderful memories of NASHIK Yashodhara Society and Narsinvha Nagar and Gupte Classes and Morankar Sir classes and COUNTLESS CRICKET at all these places. TREMENDOUS hostel life of GECA, Cricket of GECA and of course Bloomington and BMI CRICKET and so on.
However, the memories of Tanish birth and also several incidences with Tanish from 2005 are un-matched!!! One such memory which LIFTS me in case circumstance & make me feel FREE spiritually -- I always remember it almost anytime and it rescues me or lifts my already good mood. Wanted to write about this when it again happened last night around 3am with me... saw it again in my dream -- the little Tanish (i used to call him Bal-Krishna) from 2005 to 2008/2009 had special effect on surroundings & all folks-- to make it joyful and positive with his extrovert smile and engaging people with smile and attention seeking gestures.
One day we were (was it 2007 or was it 2008 rainy season start?) at Deccan and Bela Aai were shopping in "Singapore len" and I was at TULSI the team stall. Suddenly there was a rumor about Raj Thackeray being arrested and some stone pelting etc at deccan and MNS call for bandh etc etc. There was tremendous tension in the air. I ran from Tulsi to The lane. Tanish was with Bela and he was as usual had smile on his face and was looking at the stall waala and answering his questions or returning his comments with MAGHA lagna-nakshatra ease!!! (Royal behavior). Tanish saw & smiled and jumped towards me with joy -- I picked him up and started walking FAST. I told Bela and Aai walk fast and follow me -- I picked Tanish. As I was hurrying towards my Ford Icon parking slot on Apte road...Tanish held me tightly and smiled at me and then kissed me on neck and again held me tightly... There was awareness of some tension in his body language, at the same time he was worried for me and wanted to de-stress me & at the same time trusted me and held me in embrace. On the way to the car -- I was only ensuring that if something happens (stones) nothing will touch Tanish not matters what --- my Scorpio mind had already imagined such scenarios and how I would behave then to protect my kido(!!). ---->>> This Tanish' actions and his affinity and love and trust & his sequence of action ----- make me feel elevated and FREES and rescues me from any situation and mindset!!
One good memory can save you -- I always thought it was cliched and used only in the movies like Harry Potter etc -- but it is indeed TRUE.
Try to give such ONE GOOD memory to people who you come in touch with! Show them they are worth it and not down and out. Give compliments overtly when you see something good, give hope to people -- dont make fun unless you know they are just out of some good success or good mood -- and finally NEVER take hope away from ANYONE..... even as a doctor or an astrologer or whatever -- without HOPE we are nothing and without at least ONE GOOD memory we won’t even be able to stay as a human being!


  1. 'One good memory can save you!' Literally one good memory can get a person going! Experienced this during many rough situations! I guess, we all need to have our own Patronus Charms ready with us at all times. ✨✨✨✨
    Thank you for the write up.

  2. Liked the thought... Specially the last para..

  3. Wow amazing i saw the article with execution models you had posted. It was such informative. Really its a wonderful article.
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  4. “ never take away hope from anyone “ should be written in letters 10 feet tall! Thank you I needed this- Hope

  5. Very interesting article. I have often done this when I am not in the mood. I just day dream of a good memory /situation and just try to get through the moment.
    However very often we have negative situations that come to mind. What would you suggest? Try to consciously change track or just come to the moment?
