Monday, July 8, 2019

RANDOM Thoughts 35: Results of a Planet

The way a planet gives results is as follows: You can see how difficult and complex and intertwined it is to analyze any chart! One HAS to focus on the CRUX of the chart and a THEME of the chart to decide which planet gets how much importance. Below is just analysis of what results - this doesn't talk anything about TIMELINE (WHEN)! :) So you can understand how difficult and time consuming robotic analysis of the chart would be. So typical Kanya rashi inquisitiveness and analysis helps and necessary but not sufficient -- it does need KETU NEPTUNE and MEEN Rashi sort of intuition and inspiration of the 5th house or Surya! Not to mention common-sense and basic intelligence.
(1) House the planet is BUT also MAJOR
(2) The sign and
(3) Nakshatra of the planet (nature and character, swabhav what and how)
(4) Rashi-Swami of the planet placements (its own rashi and nakshatra swami)
(5) Nakshatra Swami placement (its own rashi and nakshatra swami)
(6) KAARAK GRAHA of whatever you are trying to check. Or KAARAKATVA of this planet.
(7) Drushti of Guru or Shani
(8) Bhavarambh gets huge imp.
(9) How the planet is placed from Chandra Kundali....
(11) Placement for this planet in D9 D10 and other divisional charts.
(12) Numerological analysis – which planets get more imp in the chart as per primary BDate and total addition and other numbers.
(13) Family history when RAHU KETU involved.
NAVAMANSH and other divisional charts are "predominantly" covered if you pay attention to degrees of Grahayog how close etc they are to drushti or lagna or Chandra.
When there are patterns repeating in the above mentioned 11 things (& more) then one can draw some worthwhile conclusion. It is utterly complex and unless someone is born in planets in own rashi or nakshatra or Karakatva house or having Governor planets as the owner of the same house from lagna or Chandra - - Vargottam Navamansh and so on – it is VERY VERY difficult to predict extreme good or bad things. One should not fall trap to fatalistic or overtly confident good or bad predictions!!

An Astrologer can be as confident as how extreme a given chart is!! It is NOT about YOU but it is about the person and the chart you are analyzing – keep aside your ego and ego ideas about your ability of analysis!


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