Monday, December 23, 2019

#DHANU Rashi-Bhavishya 2020 (#SAGITTARIUS202020) MOON Sign -- #2020 #AnnualHoroscope

#DHANU Rashi-Bhavishya 2020 (#SAGITTARIUS202020) MOON Sign -- #2020 #AnnualHoroscope

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This article applies to MOON Sign DHANU (Sagittarius). It will be also applicable to DHANU Lagna / Rising Sign too. (Birth-Chart: If you have Moon in the 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

Some well-known moon sign Sagittarius folks: Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Gavaskar, Aishwarya Rai, VVS Laxman; Sun Sign Sagittarius: Swami Vivekanand, Atalbihari Wajpayee, Kapil Dev, Salman Khan, Nana Patekar, Richard Hadley, Michael Schumacher, Rahul Dravid, Deepika Padukone, Bipasha Basu, This article also applies to some extent Sagittarius Sun Sign i.e. people born from Dec 16 to Jan 13 (The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong: ) Sir Don Bradman DHANU Lagna-rashi.

These folks are idealistic & have childlike purity. With strong Mars they tend towards sports, with strong Jupiter, towards academic/education field. They have robust bone structure & a big forehead which shows thought leadership and broad vision. They are outspoken and cannot lie. Even a kid would know if they lie! J Idealistic/positive speech is their forte. As they are fire sign their response to any event is action – what do I need to do and not “Why it happened to him/me”. They are often termed as “Role Model Student”. They have a “can-do” attitude which can move mountains without the passion/prejudice or khunnas of Scorpio. There is NO NEGATIVITY in their approach and always a sense of a greater good! Moon in Moola nakshatra is intense and serious/disciplined & shows some Karmic issues with Mother. Purvashadha is a milder one. A soul that wants to be a GREAT sportsman takes birth on Sagittarius Moon Sign (Sachin, Sunil), Sun (Kapil Hadley, Schumacher) or ascendant (Don Bradman). Although Saints are born under this ascendant or Sun, they are more towards religion / action / DHARMA - The Sense of Duty is more their Cup of Tea (Samarth Ramdas Swami) than spirituality (Saint Dyaneshwar, Saint Tukaram). Great professors are also born under this rashi.

Sagittarius sun sign folks born from 16th Dec to 13th January also show these characteristics. Folks born from July15 to Aug15 CANCER Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; Folks born from Nov16 to Dec15 Scorpio Sun Sign also oppose Sagittarius characteristics.

(1)    You had been sort of right time right place due to support from Shani from July2007 to Nov2014 for 7.5 years! This Shani 9 10 11 to your sign increased clout, mass-base, sphere of influence etc. This Shani gave great cash-flow, monthly income.
(2)    Guru was 8th from July2014 to July2015 recommending health check. It also made you overwork with physical exertion! It was more like “Mission impossible” until July2015 where your hard-work was appreciated but you didn’t gain any big position personally!
(3)    However, this work ensured a strategic/important position in the 9th Guru from July2015 to July2016. A promotion, good position, natural support from environment & some strategic position was highly likely despite Sadesati.
(4)    Start of Sadesati from Nov2014 for 7.5 years was time for a complete overhaul, rejuvenation, regrouping & planning for the next 30 years of life. Architecting, planning properly before jumping into big execution. It was imp to spend Time, Money & energy on planning of life for the next 30 years! You needed to gain new expertise to lead higher level of people just like Narendra Modi had to do from August2012 to Nov2014 (Vrishchik rashi). From Nov2014 to Oct2017 was about reducing mass-base, reducing employee base, reducing revenue impact.
(5)    The 10th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 was pressure-cooker environment with tremendous stress and reporting to someone of equal or less ability but with a happening feel.
(6)    The 11th house GURU from SEPT2017 to OCT2018 was about getting paid fully what all you did from July2015 onward. One-time high payments and income.
(7)    The 12th GURU from OCT2018 to OCT2019 was slow / saturation and a tough time indeed! It was the year to decide WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years of life ahead. Needed to learn new stuff and rejuvenate and plan before execution of big actions in 2020. It was a TOUGH time 2019 – no point in sugarcoating stuff! BUT understand mandate from the planets!! GURU wanted you to learn and plan and not jump around and respect the precious time given to you to invest in yourself! You were the architect of your own life for the next 12 years of life & career ahead! It was the time to decide WHAT and HOW for the next 12 years ahead!
(8)    SHANI continued to be in your rashi: From 26th Oct 2017 to JAN2020. It was emotional test & maturity test and maturity increase. BUT you started to win back some of the mass base lost from Nov2014 to Oct2017. Mom health and self-health needed focus. PATIENCE was the key – loss of temper could have caused MAJOR issues!!

(9)    GURU in your rashi (1st) from NOV2019 to NOV2020 is about coming back on track with good image, recognition, networking, social status, better health for self and the mother, physical and social weight gains! It is time to START execution of things planned in the past 12 months till Oct2019. It is not magic and NO sudden gains but some things start to move as per your desires and your CHANDRA at least is blessed by GURU now.
(10)  SHANI moving the 2nd house is GREAT! The last phase of Sadesati from 24Jan2020 to April2022 predominantly but again later July-12-2022 to Jan-17-2023. This SHANI uncovers earlier mistakes of investments & wealth management but it also SLOWLY starts NEW INCOME too! Whatever you were forced or happily worked from Nov2014 of Sadesati start – will now start to pay off in some manner with addition source of income or brand-new class of customers/revenue.
(11)  RAHU 7th house and KETU 1st house continued till 19Sept2019 which is now due to GURU is much better as earlier SHANI made matters chocked for Rahu Ketu! Now Guru Ketu make you meet with high class exerts and saintly people and get some DIKSHA or patented knowledge.
(12)  RAHU-KETU would be 6th and 12th from 19-Sept-2020 for 18 months. 6th Rahu shows success over competition and income increase. 12th Ketu shows expense on teerthyatra/travel and donations and ashram and spirituality but also hereditary stuff from the maternal elders.

(13)  Regardless of tough stuff – Feb-14-2020 to March14-2020 would be good and so would be April14 to May14 and again Aug16-2020 to Nov16-2020 would be good 3 months.

GURU 1st from NOV2019 to NOV2020: Execution, Action, 9 to 5 duties, position, designation
(1)    This is where most of the folks are comfortable. As this Guru gives success which is treated as success by your family, friends, relatives! :) Socially acceptable behavior is what everybody desperately looking for (Sad but true for geniuses!).
(2)    Guru in your sign improves your image, visibility and gives you a feel good. You are guided by experts that are now easy to access. You will get good books to read which are about “applied” knowledge and directly useful in your job.
(3)    Guru starts new endeavors for you where you get to execute your plans that you did until OCT2019. This execution will be now successful which was not the case until OCT2019.
(4)    Of course, Guru in your sign is also some sort of an exam or a test. This Guru gives your big responsibilities you always wanted. This means some designation or some office of specific duties – daily, weekly and monthly.
(5)    Most people are very comfortable with the 1st Guru support except the ones who are in wealth creation/stock markets. This Guru is not the most natural for investments it in a way opposes the 2nd house (mutual funds, stocks, FDs etc) and the 6th house (service sector)!
(6)    Yes, it is OK for the 10th house (career/production) but not the best. But folks in jobs, employment will see better and better prospects. You are coming back on track and in form.
(7)    Guru drushti on the kids’ house (5th house) ensures good progress on kids front – Santati-Laabh, kids doing well in their life etc. Also, you would be acknowledged in the education field or in intellectual circles. You could be called by education institutes to share your experience, knowledge etc.
(8)    Guru Drishti on the 9th house could show some minor travels that increase your sphere. Increase your business and overall bhagya. The more you are willing to travel the more the success until OCT2019!
(9)    Those who looking to get married have great blessings from this Guru as Guru’s full-force 7th drushti is on the 7th house – the house of marriage/partners/collaborations!
(10)  Overall, this Guru will increase your social and physical weight too by Nov2020! :)
(11)  As Guru is rashi-swami, this is really great for you and your mom health. 12th Guru till Oct2019 was not the best for health! Now it is a blessing for health with well-directed efforts that are holistic and not just medicines etc. There is some feel good in life now which was missing in 2019.

Shani in the 2nd house:
(1)    GURU in your rashi in 2020 is MUCH MUCH better than 12th Guru in 2019! And now SHANI also lets go of your rashi and moves to the next rashi! :)
(2)    The 2nd house Shani starts the final phase of Sadesati where you family wealth, family wealth decisions, your investment decisions are put under Shani’s scanner!
(3)    Shani will expose all the mistakes and undue risks taken in the past 27 years with the investments. Any debts not paid would be affect severe financial penalty and hence you better ensure you are clear your records books.
(4)    You will be forced to cut losses in some investments by taking very pragmatic, curt and emotion-less decisions. Your decisions will need to be based on cold-calculations and not passionate outburst.
(5)    Any of your need for credit from your relatives might be met with a rude surprise giving you a reality check who stands by you in your crunch time.
(6)    You had this indication to smaller level in the 12th Shani from Nov2014 to Oct2017 and if you had not made amendments and continued to depend on these unreliable folks – you will be in for a rude surprise.
(7)    Any NEW investments must be slow and steady and staggered and not in dramatic manner or in a hurry!! Must do all calculations and verifications yourself.
(8)    However, like ANY planets in the 2nd house it gives or rather starts a new income in your life for all the efforts you put in when the planet was 12 and 1st to you.
(9)    So, Shani was 12 and 1 from NOV2014 to JAN2020 for you and NOW from JAN2020, the second house movement it will expose your earlier blunders, it will also now start fresh new income for you BUT slowly and steadily.
(10)  Whatever was planned and executed in the last 5 years from Nov2014 will not bear some fruits from 2020 to 2022 end.
(11)  Shani in 2nd and drushti on 11th advises NOT going after quick bucks and easy money! Karmanyewadhikaraste! It is hard-earned and hence much deserved and your own money and not riding a wave etc!
(12)  Shani is masses or workers and now AGAIN after 5 years of Gap – your income would be again be proportional to the number of folks work for you (your mass-base). Shani 12 and 1 makes you earn individually by your own skills and improving your ability but this 2nd Shani now gives you NEW mass-base, higher level of workers and hence your income now starts going up as people working under you start going up.
(13)  Shani drushti on the 4th house means some stays away from native / house / family / mom from time to time. Mom health needs attention but lesser than middle 2.5 years that went by! Shani 3rd aspect on the SUKH sthan shows how Shani is going to take you away from your comfort zone from March2025 to July2027 in the 4th house Shani movement. It is an early indicator for you.
(14)  Shani drushti on the 8th house shows some tussle and tough time with inheritance or prize money or simply easy money. No easy money for you in these 2.5 years and none from Shani at least as the 2nd Guru in 2021 CAN give some inheritance related matter partial success! :)
(15)  GURU in 2020 helps with optimism and slowly coming back on track as per your desires! It is slow but sure. 2021 GURU 2nd means additional new income and you becoming more relevant. But your next very good position is late 2021 toMay2022 period with the 3rd Guru giving you something you always wanted.

OTHER IMP Planetary Formations:
(1)    WAKRI / Maargi:
a.     NOV2019 to APRIL2020 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.
b.     SHANI WAKRI from MAY-11-2020 to SEPT-29-2020 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.
c.      Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.
d.     MAY to SEPT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!
e. OCT – NOV2020 would be very fast results & major recovery!

(2)    MANGAL/ MARS would be in the 8th house & cause PEEDA for you from DEC-25-2019 to FEB-08-2020. Before DEC-25-2019, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. In this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear are a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports. Check vehicles regularly and take a walk around before leaving from the parking lot.

(3)    RAHU will move to the 7th house till 19Sept2020 and KETU to the 1st house: 7th house RAHU shows collaborations and partnerships with people of different caste culture religion. Shows group events and team events but shows need for patience and being middle-man to defuse tensions from time to time.

(4)    RAHU-KETU would be 6th and 12th from 19-Sept-2020 for 18 months. 6th Rahu shows success over competition and income increase. 12th Ketu shows expense on teerthyatra/travel and donations and ashram and spirituality but also hereditary stuff from the maternal elders.

(5)    SUN: In the following two months, handle seniors, Govt or police related matters with tact & diplomacy. Check seniors’ & your priorities are the same!
1.     Nov16 to Dec 16
2.     July16 to Aug 16

Uranus (Harshal) Uranus moving to the 5th house from April2017 is good for some modern sciences research or some sudden inspiration especially for artists etc. It would also mean some sudden urge or sudden activity. One should watch-out for fire or electric issues (older places, ignored, not maintained etc) Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh)! The 3th house Neptune is very good for some expression and usage of subconscious mind for any form of expression. The things that you know but you don’t know you know! This would happen more so in Feb when Mars is with Neptune and also Feb 14th to March 13rd when Sun is with Neptune or even when Sun is in Leo from mid-August.

For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year or the periods mentioned below:
JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father’s health and bosses and govt or legal approval etc stuff. Sort of an ego-hurt is seen!
(1)    If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(2)    Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year
(3)    Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.
(4)    Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.
(5)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2019 to NOV2020 GREAT support from bosses/Seniors or Govt matters:
(1)    ONLY: If you are born from 16-JUNE to 16 July of any year OR 16-DEC to 14-JAN or any year or even born from 14-APRIL to 14-MAY of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time. Similar for the folks bon from 16 Aug to 16 Sept of any year!


  1. did not understood all this about Astro in house, etc.. I lost my job 3 years back and still in depression, stress, and trying to overcome with my situation. But n job till... :( is there any solution ? My born date is 20/12/70. cannot pay any single - as surviving somehow my home by selling ..... :(
    Please help if you can.
    I have came with all great and ugly people, colleagues, relatives, etc .. and no one help and gave only apart from virtual sympathy. No help getting from them, despite of requesting multiple times at all. Lost all my energy accept to slap my manager who framed me out of company three years back under unfavorable Conditions/reason. Help me if you can - to overcome my poor situation.

  2. Amazing predictions you shared about dhanu rashi. I bookmark your blog for such kind of informative post.

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