Sunday, December 22, 2019

VRISHCHIK Rashi-Bhavishya 2020 (Scorpio in 2020) MOON Sign -- #2020 Annual Horoscope

VRISHCHIK Rashi-Bhavishya 2020 (Scorpio in 2020) MOON Sign -- #2020 Annual Horoscope
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This article applies to MOON Sign VRISHCHIK (Scorpio). It will be also applicable to Scorpio/Vrishchik Lagna / Rising Sign too. (Birth-Chart: If you have Moon in the 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

Some well-known Moon sign Scorpio folks: Narendra Modi, Nitish Kumar, Late VilasRao Deshmukh, Manohar Joshi, Late RR Patil, Zaheer Khan, Al Pacino, Wasim Akram, Nana Patekar Sun Sign Scorpio: Indira Gandhi, Dilip Kumar, Dharmendra, Sharad Pawar, Manohar Joshi, Sushmita Sen, Rajnish. This article also applies to some extent Scorpio Sun Sign i.e. people born from Nob 16 to Dec 15 (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong: )

SCORPIO Sign Characteristics
They love power & they love to intimidate. They look very stable on surface and very stubborn but just below they are boiling with emotions. The word “Khunnas” and “Passion/Junoon” is synonymous with Scorpio Moon / Sun Sign. These people go to extremes. They are VERY intense and they can & do take a lot of stress/load/responsibilities. This is reflected in black circles around their eyes (especially Scorpio Sun Sign). They are very secretive – information / knowledge are like power and not to be shared easily. They do have some psychic abilities and often know what other person is thinking. They have great instinct and often it is true. They need to keep POSITIVE approach always – negativity can make them sting themselves! This is a great sign for military jobs. Scorpio sign planets in a horoscope denote tremendous passion for an incomplete desire of the past birth! Contrary to Western Sun Sign calendar – Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Shah Rukh Khan, Leonardo etc are Sun Sign LIBRA and not Scorpio. “Tragedy king” Dilip Kumar although moon sign Leo, he is Sun Sign Scorpio (Dec 11). Scorpio Sun sign folks born from 16th Nov to 15th Dec also show these characteristics. (Folks born from Jun14 to July14 Gemini (Mithun) Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; Folks born from Oct16 to Nov16 Libra (Tula) Sun sign also oppose Scorpio characteristics.)

Background and Summary
(1)    Sadesati start from (Nov2011) August2012 hasn’t been an easy period for you. It is a tough test with new learnings & also understanding of who is yours and who isn’t.
(2)    The 12th Shani from August2012 was going away from your comfort zone and your mass-base/sphere of influence. June2013 to June2014 was especially tough due to the 8th Guru which showed mis-aligned hard-work & stress.
(3)    The 9th Guru until July2015 was good to get some good new position which is strategic and you always wanted it –an important position for sure.
(4)    The 10th Guru from July2016 to July2016 was of stress but happening & reporting to someone of equal or less ability!
(5)    From Sept2016 to Sept2017 Guru helped you get paid for your efforts from July2014 onwards! It was of increased income and also wind-fall gains.
(6)    Shani in your sign from Nov2014 to Oct2017 helped with coming back on track in career, getting closer to your mass-base or win back your mass-base. However, it was a mental torture or rather maturity test. Also, it was about the health of mom especially kidney and reproductive/ progeny organs.
(7)    From OCT2017 to OCT2018: The 12th GURU is political exile/Slow & Saturation and away from the action! It was about reflecting back on past 4 years and learn new things, learn new skills, read and read and read some more. Rejuvenation, recuperation but also preparation, planning and blueprint for the next 12 years of life. It was NOT about JUMPING into action without completing planning.
(8)    2nd house Shani Sadesati and 12th Guru was a TOUGH time till Oct2018– no sugarcoating! But this time DEFINED WHO you are WHAT You are going to be for the next 12 years of life. As they say “be careful what you wish for in the 12th Guru” – you WILL get it in the 3rd and 5th house Guru! :)
(9)    GURU in your sign (1st Guru) from Oct2018 to OCT2019 was about coming back on track slowly and surely, with permanent or a dutiful position which is more like 9 to 5. It was time to start execution of plans done in the past 12 months till Oct2018! Good image & visibility.
(10)  SHANI in the 2nd house from 26-Oct-2017 to Jan-2020 was & is about starting NEW income in your life. It SLOWLY gave you new income and also showed you mistakes of previous investments. Anything done in a hurry, anger and too many emotions with investments of wealth was audited and you were given an audit report for your wealth. Your decisions with wealth needed to be pragmatic & long-term and with patience and without greed, slow and steady.

(11)  END OF SADESATI from 24-JAN-2020 is a HUGE news! Its an end of a tough era which tested and matured you to the next level of life. It was indeed tough and very cryptic and involving than whatever you did till Aug2012 (Ask Modi Saanb!) :) NOW, you are out of Sadesati and it means you become right time right place slowly but surely and become a King Maker with massive power. Avoid any abuse and use your power in a fair and just manner. Its possible to become like Shahrukh “aaaahyyaaaaa” with over confidence. Be humble and people will support you. This SHANI give positional advantage and power and long-lasting mass-base!
(12)  2nd GURU from NOV2019 to NOV2020 is about income gain and new income and expansion of income and good new investments and wealth. Expansion of family too. Help with inheritance matters too. Planning & effort of GURU 12th and 1st from Oct2017 to Oct2019 now will start giving you major success or rather new income.
(13)  RAHU in the 8th house till 19Sept2020 shows hereditary issues from paternal family with health and wealth. Shows health issues to the paternal elders. KETU 2nd is good for wealth. Now GURU with KETU only helps with wealth matters and income from high-class people too.

2nd Guru from NOV2019 to NOV2020:
This Guru is all about wealth creation or rather wealth expansion. This 2nd Guru until NOV2020 would start some new income from new method / job / business etc in your life which is the result of the exposure & self-investments from SEPT2017. New endeavors will open for you now. You will invest wisely & focus on wealth creation. It will be a very good time to make some investments. You will also come across with new mentors/Gurus (mild & not hard-core) in your life (more so in investments).  The 2nd house Guru even would show increasing wealth for families & even expansion in the family. Good time to have kids for couples. For those in the field of education, this period is of some great success. You could start or expand your trainings or business related to education, education material and all the related aspects. Inheritance matters would be resolved and resolved in your favor (of course greed is not good!). overall it will make surroundings realize your value again which they had forgotten from SEPT2017. This Guru overall makes your economic-zone very powerful. Traditional astrology treats 2nd Guru as a great and a huge Bhagyoday. My analysis/experience shows that it is true to a large extent however in the feel good, 5th and 9th and 11th & 3rd Guru trump the 2nd house Guru. The desires and the pleasure of achievements is lesser in 2nd Guru but the outcome with the wealth matters is good. As owner of the 3rd and 6th house this GURU will show good support from maternal family and cousins/siblings. The folks in real-estate – land property and investment consultants etc – this Guru would be a blessing! Of course, they will need to handle India MAKAR rashi issues skillfully. Same goes for banking and finance sector folks. MODI should expect his economic policies to start helping India now but MAKAR Rashi India might have other plans.

(1)   Overall it will make surroundings realize your value again which they had forgotten from Sept2017.
(2)   This Guru is all about wealth creation or rather wealth expansion. This 2nd Guru until NOV2020 would start some new income from new method/job/business etc in your life which is the result of the exposure & self-investments from Sept2016.
(3)   New endeavors will open for you now. You will invest wisely & focus on wealth creation. It will be a very good time to make some investments.
(4)   You will also come across with new mentors/Gurus (mild & not hard-core) in your life (more so in investments).
(5)   The 2nd house Guru even would show increasing wealth for families & even expansion in the family.
(6)   Good time to have kids for couples. Family expansion.
(7)   For those in the field of education, this period is of some great success. You could start or expand your tuitions or business related to education, education material and all the related aspects.
(8)   Inheritance matters would be resolved and resolved in your favor (of course greed is not good!).
(9)   This Guru overall makes your economic-zone very powerful.
(10) Traditional astrology treats 2nd Guru as a great and a huge Bhagyoday. My analysis shows that it is true to a large extent however in the feel good, 5th and 9th and 11th & even the 3rd Guru trumps the 2nd house Guru.
(11) GURU drushti on 6th house helps with debts/loans but also health advice. Guru drushti on the 8th house shows easy income.
(12) GURU being owner of the 2nd and 5th house and that being in the 2nd house shows good wealth due to education & knowledge (5th house) but also investments.
(13) This is NOT a MAJOR BREAK movement of GURU but it increases your value to the surroundings!
(14) 2019 mostly would see benefits to Vishakha and 2 Charan of Anuradha Nakshatra and 2020 early part would be Anuradha till Feb and March is about Jyeshtha – Wakri Guru mostly good for July to Sept2020 and & then Sept-Oct-Nov2020 again good for all Vrishchik Rashi and Anuradha and Jyeshtha.

The 3rd SHANI from 24-JAN-2020 to APRIL-2022:
(1)   The end of Sadesati for good in JAN2020 is the biggest news! Bravo, you came out of Sadesati now! Indeed, an ERA would be over with the end of Sadesati which started from Nov2021 but more so Aug2012.
(2)   You are now lean, mean and ready to take on the world for the next 23 years! 2020 is OK but 2021 is amazing to say the least!
(3)   Sadesati got rid of excess fat from you, forced to you to pay back your errors & omissions, forced to learn new skills and new maturity level.
(4)   Shani positions in the chart and also Gochar/transit are great in 3 6 11 houses and also good in 9 10 houses followed by OK in the 1st and the 5th houses. The 4 8 12 are the worst movements. So, you are going to get a GREAT 3rd position after 11th Shani got over in Aug2012! 
(5)   The house of expression, parakram, travel, and making a visible impact on the surroundings!
(6)   Shivaji Maharaj had 3rd Shani in uchcha rashi in his birth-chart whereas Balasaheb Thackeray had 3rd Shani to the Chandra and 11th to the lagna-rashi. (Modi Saab has 11th Shani in the birth-time horoscope too.) This aptly shows that this Shani gives power to the person and this power is delivered by and thru the people who follow you!
(7)   Your mass-base, your employees and your workers are not perfectly placed and you are perfectly placed to leverage them to the fullest extent. You will be able to play the king-maker. You will play your cards & deliver karma (good/bad) to the deserving people.
(8)   You could become police and also judge together! :)
(9)   Needless to say, politicians, police and lawyers make the most out of this Shani. Employees will win the office politics.
(10) The 3rd house is Kaam-Trikon house so it shows you will get the work what you love to do and not have to do!
(11) You will get assignments that are matching your interest quite a bit. The 2nd and 3rd Guru of 2020 and 2021 will only add to the power of this Shani!! Your word will have some great weight now!
(12) The 3rd Shani drushti is on all travel houses like 3 9 12 hence political travel is imminent, at times against your wishes.
(13) The 3rd house means siblings so you need to check what your siblings need. Spend time with them to understand what their plans are and what they are actually doing.
(14) Shani drushti is also on the 5th house which means education needs attention for students. Practical application of theory is needed as the 5th house is about execution and “applied” anything. Students need to watch as their popularity or politics power could get them in bad books of professors/teacher etc.  Need to manage them carefully.
(15) As the 5th house means kids – please do watch their needs and keep aside time for them deliberately. Don’t give quick fixes to kids as they will backfire – understand what they need by deep assessment.
(16) If your birth-chart have planets in MAKAR, KIRK or TULA rashi apart from Guru – this Shani will show some issues here and there and wouldn’t be all gung-ho.
(17) This is life and when some area of life becomes strong, some other area becomes neglected. Means the 3rd Shani will not allow 4th house activation to much which means quality time with family and near and dear folks. Means SUKH sthan power is reduced in this Shani a person works lot more than usual.
(18) It is great for personal achievements and achievements with your workplace but the family might not get enough time from you.
(19)  The 3rd Shani is especially great for lawyers and police and not to mention politicians. Big things happen to these folks who have interaction with masses and law for a living!

(1)    WAKRI / Maargi:
a.     NOV2019 to APRIL2020 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.
b.     SHANI WAKRI from MAY-11-2020 to SEPT-29-2020 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.
c.      Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.
d.     MAY to SEPT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!
e. OCT – NOV2020 would be very fast results & major recovery!

(2)    RAHU in the 8th house till 19SEPT2020 shows hereditary issues from paternal family with health and wealth. KETU 2nd is good for wealth but with Shani it is tricky & creating deception -- image and not reality!
a.     Do not move around in grass and jungle etc without high quality and heavy-duty shoes as Rahu 8th means hidden creatures give trouble like snakes or scorpions! :)
b.     Avoid shady places to roam around and especially night-time do no wander around alone etc.
c.      Stray dogs (bikes/walks etc) or such or pets of other people could trouble a bit – CALM and Smile will settle this – easier said than done! Again, carry a stick or some quick self-defense stuff and use good quality shoes and denims! :)
d.     Initial 2 months it affects the whole VRISHCHIK rashi regardless of Nakshatra as Rahu would be in Vargottam Navamansh!
e.     This is more so to Jyeshtha for first 8 months from March to December2019
f.      For Anuradha it is the next 8 months from December to July
g.     For Vishakha this is more acute in July August.

(3)    Uranus moving to the 6th house from April2017 for 7 years shows some hidden enemies affecting your chances at times. Some sudden events & even get-togethers with the maternal family folks possible. Neptune continues in the 4th house which is good for spiritual or religious pursuits. It shows some sant-sahawas and visiting places of Sukoon.

(4)    SUN: In the following two months handle seniors, Govt /police related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; Do not take unnecessary “panga” with authorities in these 2 months. Humbleness is a virtue, of course without compromise of self-esteem but NO EGO!
1.     June-16 to July-16
2.     Oct-16 to Nov-16

ONLY For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year or the periods mentioned below:
JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father’s health and bosses and govt or legal approval etc stuff. Sort of an ego-hurt is seen!
(1)    If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(2)    Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year
(3)    Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.
(4)    Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.
(5)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2019 to NOV2020 GREAT support from bosses/Seniors or Govt matters:
(1)    ONLY: If you are born from 16-JUNE to 16 July of any year OR 16-DEC to 14-JAN or any year or even born from 14-APRIL to 14-MAY of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time. Similar for the folks bon from 16 Aug to 16 Sept of any year!


  1. Absolute Pranaams to you.You were with me to guide me throughout my sadesathi.A great friend indeed without personal gratification n trading you served us.May you n your tribe increase.Once my financial stability is restored I would like to contribute to your cause.ONLY GOD IS THE REAL GIVER BUT WE HUMANS MUST SHARE OUR FORTUNE WITH GOOD SOULS.Incidentally I am a vrishica/anurada born on05.06.1955.I have used all your graceful benevolent services n I am highly grateful for your services.lots of love Divine n

  2. sir your predictions and dates are so accurate!!! No words ...... why don't you start your own you tube channel sir?? Please start your channel.

  3. Super Predictions You shared sir.I searched all the time like your blog for astrology sign.and i found Searching for Best Astrologer in India People trust on Sai Balaji Anugraha

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    1. U expect to become IAS! And u are saying 9 lakh is debt! This shows ur eligibility in life!!relax bro start a tea stall and clear ur 9lakhs at rs 1000 per day saving at tea stall..hope this will help

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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