Monday, December 16, 2019

#KANYA 2020 Yearly Horoscope (Virgo) Moon Sign -- 2020 #Annual #Horoscope

#KANYA 2020 Yearly Horoscope (Virgo) Moon Sign -- 2020 #Annual #Horoscope

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This article applies to MOON Sign KANYA (Virgo). It will be also applicable to Virgo/Kanya Lagna / Rising Sign too. (If you have Moon 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.  

Some well-known moon sign Virgo folks: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Balasaheb Thackeray, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Prity Zinta, George W Budh (junior), VP Singh. This article also applies to some extent Virgo Sun Sign i.e. people born from September16 to Oct16. Sun Sign Examples: Amitabh Bachchan, Vinod Khanna, Narendra Modi, Ranbeer Singh, Manmohan Singh (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

Virgo Sign Characteristics
Virgo folks are often described as “paralysis by analysis”. These folks are highly meticulous, structured and organized. They have very good control over speech and are natural at mimicry / imitation. While Aquarius (Kumbh) is intellectual, Virgo is analytical. Short writing, drama, white papers, statistical analysis, making sense from a bunch of data is their forte. They like cleanliness and being organized. Their bath (ladies especially) begins by cleaning bathroom! Their attention to detail is unparalleled. They are mostly shy unless they have a major Leo, Aries influence. Virgo + Aquarius makes a person unusually taller (than family members.) Virgo rashi people have a habit of worrying too much and often have acidity, stomach issues. Adjustments / negotiations, trading is their strength. This is a very natural sign for politicians. Virgo sun sign folks born from 16th Sept to 16th Oct also show these characteristics. Folks born from April14 to May14 MESH/ Aries Sun opposes these characteristics (Firebrand, Direct); Folks born from Aug16 to Sept16 Singh/Leo Sun also oppose Virgo characteristics due to bold, extrovert, ego, dashing, firebrand personality.

(1)    You had a very good success from career changing May2012 to May2013 which ended in July2015 with full and final payoff!
(2)    July2015 to July2016, the 12th Guru effect was about “political exile” and hence planning for the next 12 years of life/career. Slow & Saturation period! It was not easy as it was suddenly going out of form - patience was the key.
(3)    End of Sadesati from NOV2014 and hence: “parakrami” and “increasing importance” 3rd house Shani from Nov2014 to Jan2017 & again from July2017 to Oct2017 ensured you were a “king maker”. This Shani reduced the intensity of July2015 to July2016’s hollow feeling. 3rd Shani till OCT2017 means you got to play your cards very well. You had a politically sound position with your team and your mass-base was in a very good position. The 3rd house Shani was of great POWER and should have been used judiciously with self-esteem but not ego!
(4)    Guru in your rashi from Sept2016 to Sept2017 increased your image, social and physical weight. It gave some image & recognition. It brought you back on line and track with some 9 to 5 kind of duties and a permanent good position.
(5)    The 2nd house GURU from Sept2017 to Oct2018 you got some permanent increment or wealth gains; good investments and new income will start in your life. 2nd Guru was also family expansion and also extended family doing well. It was finance sector Guru position which improved finances for you.

(6)    GURU 3rd from OCT2018 to OCT2019 was a GREAT news! Catching a new break which could make you relevant for the next 9 years, getting work you love to do, good for relationships and also quick travels and presentations, visible impact on surroundings! It gets you IN-FORM slowly but surely!
(7)    SHANI from NOV2017 to JAN2020 was/is in the 4th house! It demands rejuvenation, attending to the domestic matters patiently and ensure that you are learning new things. It does show some slow & saturation with your mass-base and also shows mass-unrest at some level. It forces you to revisit of some the abuses of power from NOV2014 to OCT2017.
(8)    RAHU 10th and KETU 4th till Sept2020– RAHU continues good work-flow and image work but gives some pressure and need to push with hard-work!

(9)    NOW: 4th house GURU is refining & finetuning the gain or new things of 2019! It shows good SUKH and better luck with domestic matters in 2020 which were stressed by Shani till Jan2020. This GURU is however SLOW and SATURATION In some way as it is about not new things but improving things.
(10)  However, SHANI moving to the 5th house in 24-Jan-2020 to Appril2022 is GREAT NEWS! It ends slow saturation period of Shani. Shani being masses/consumers, it helps you acquire new revenue and consumers and being relevant to the surroundings and more so your customers. SHANI 5th is detailing, clerical work but success!
(11)  RAHU moving to the 9th and KETU to the 3rd house ONLY ADDS to the success of 5th Shani!  SHANI demands attention to kids and hard-work for students for application of knowledge!
(12)  April May June 2020 are especially of great success!

GURU would be 4th From NOV2019 to NOV2020:
(1)    This is perceived as stagnant and slow period by ambitious folks and certainly the ambitious and pride/self-esteem folks like Leo/Singh ones! :)
(2)    Nobody knows what to be done with the time given to them! Just divide your salary or monthly income with 160 and you will know what is the value of your 1 hour is! When you have been given slack time, you need to treat your time with that much value! ANY KARMA you do in this free time decides WHO you and HOW much you are in the 5th Guru from 2021 which is going to be DREAM COME TRUE Success!
(3)    It is a Moksha-Trikon house which means it is great for meeting near & dear ones, taking care of mom, interior design, decoration, spend time money and efforts on your house/vehicles to make them look better! :)
(4)    It is time to meet with some experts who have no conflict of interest with you. Also, a great time to read books, rejuvenate by reading and also gym and overall health revamp.
(5)    It is blessing of time given to you and most people don’t know what the heck to do with it. Most people cringe with this Guru movement!
(6)    USE it and you will be rewarded richly in the 5th Guru in 2021. Do some trainings and certifications and upgrade yourself. Increase your ability, skills so that you can reach higher magnitude of success after Nov2020. Pushing for speed & hurry would result in frustration! Things would be slow and better adjust to it.
(7)    As you can see the 4th house GURU is great for MANY things in life, it is just that it is not the best period for a working, career oriented and achievement-oriented personality.
(8)    The 4th house Guru is really great for family life as the person gets time for enjoying family life and enjoy luxuries of life & also good support from within the house (or your circle).
(9)    This Guru in MOKSHA TRIKON and is actually in a DIGBALI house (as Guru uchcha in the 4th sign – Cancer). So, this Guru makes you meet with some very learned and well hearted people who share things with you.
(10)  As GURU is in own rashi and with uchcha KETU till 19Sept2020 -- you meet some REAL experts, evolved and also spiritual people. Proximity of high-class people!
(11)  You will get great help from experts in various fields or dare I say “Guru-Mantra” or simply great-advice will come your way now.
(12)  It is a great time for any academics, training and acquiring some certifications. In a way, this Guru prepares you for the glorious success of the 5th Guru in 2021. Until then, you must prepare, put in as much hard-work and put in as much heat and energy in to that stuff in the “pressure cooker”. 
(13)  Pay attention to domestic needs, home décor and need of the parents. This Guru also is a great time to bond or spend time at your native place. Or rather, wherever you are you will find your “base”, your “native” or your “comfort” people close to you heart. Some no-strings-attached relationships are formed in this travel are beyond any “interest-groups” or politics.
(14)  Don’t expect some designation, promotion -- if you get it very well! Additional angle of the 4th Guru is to report to a person of equal or less caliber in some respect. Deal with patience & perseverance while you make folks aware that you deserve equal or better position.
(15)  This Guru has drushti on the 8th and the 12th house – both these drushti are helpful with inheritance-matters, alternate medicines (8th) and Paramartha-spirituality, “Sant-Samagam”, visiting temples and so on.
(16)  As GURU owns the 4th and 7th house - it is good for academic qualifications and certifications & proximity with spouse/partners & group events. Good quality time spent with kids too. Sharing your knowledge and investing in your kids with you time. For students it is not the best for campus interview maybe but GREAT for academic qualification with time spent with top-notch professors/Guru type people.
(17)  You will get chance to create good environment around yourself and give a good platform for people to enjoy their time or even use it to thrive etc. The 4th house SHUBH planets are about creating a location like Starbucks or CCD where people have good quality time.

Shani would be 5th from Jan2020 to April2022:
(1)    5th SHANI reduces the adversity and saturation and slow period of the 4th Shani till Jan2020 and also to some extent the 4th Guru in 2020.
(2)    So far, this SHANI was more applicable to UTTARA Nakshatra in 2020. Hasta and Chitra (of Kanya only) will get to see results of 5th Shani in 2021 early 2022. Uttara continues to get good results of 5th SHANI while stagnancy of 4th Guru more so till Oct2020.
(3)    Things would be moving for you now that’s for sure. Shani gives complex programs with many moving parts and it requires cold & dispassionate calculations. Instinct or gutfeel etc is always useful but it needs to be substantiated by cold calculations.
(4)    Hope you have used the 4th Shani well for your skill upgradation and your rejuvenation from NOV2017 to JAN2020. :)
(5)    The 5th house is about tactical success and execution excellence. This Shani will slowly but surely will give you success in executing your plans.
(6)    You will be able to rally around masses or simply workers or co-workers for a common cause well. The 5th house Shani cannot be felt in a day or a month but it is a slow & steady progress.
(7)    This 5th house programs and initiatives END when Shani moves off to the 6th house in April2022 but more so Dec2022. (2021 5th Guru and 6th Shani means GLORIOUS success!)
(8)    So, these are time bound things you undertake and make success.
(9)    As the 5th house is the house of duties – this is a very good position for people in jobs as this shows a position with specific daily weekly & monthly duties.
(10)  Elder & older people will move away and create a position for you. A promotion is quite likely but cannot be directly attributed to the 5th Shani as it does not happen overnight but it is an effect of mass-base and steady hard work you do.
(11)  This Shani is especially great news for lawyers and police & even auditors of all sorts. You would get the best of the assignments and decorated cases.
(12)  This Shani is a testing aspect for students & even sports-people. Students would see some or at least one subject tough and would need hard work. Exam scores would need lot of hard-work as you will need to gain by talking to senior students and also elderly people and rather even older people. It is important for students to consult experienced people.
(13)  The sports people will need to set aside their natural game and play war of attrition and game of patience. Flashy moves or adventures would show some set-backs. Patience would make you achieve anything!
(14)  As the 5th is the house of romance and love affairs, it is simply put: tough! :) as it shows who is yours and who isn’t! Reality check will happen and it would be a blessing in disguise!
(15)  Shani’s 3rd drushti would be on the 7th house (marriage partnerships) would recommend going careful with partnerships and collaborations. It will be an early indicator of what is going to happen in the 7th Shani movement after 5 years from March2025 to July2027.
(16)  It helps to behave a bit lawyerly and with some inquisitive manner in the 5th Shani as many things are not as straightforward as they seem to be. Patience is the key.
(17)  Shani drushti on the 2nd house means going steady and slow on investments. No hurry for quick gains – for new investments. Even existing investments would show how great or how bad they are – mistakes of the past 5 years would be exposed and you would be asked to take dispassionate and calculated decisions with such investments.

Planetary Formations:
(1)    WAKRI / Maargi:
a.     NOV2019 to APRIL2020 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.
b.     SHANI WAKRI from MAY-11-2020 to SEPT-29-2020 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.
c.      Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.
d.     MAY2020 to SEPT2020 would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!
e.     OCT – NOV2020 would be very fast results & major recovery!

(2)    MANGAL/ MARS would be in the 8th house & cause PEEDA for you from AUG-16-2020 to OCT-04-2020. Before AUG-2020, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. In this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear are a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.
(3)    MARS would be wakri and again come back 8th to MESH rashi from DEC-24-2020 to FEB-22-2021 and hence again above applies “as-is”.

(4)    Every year: MAY-14-2020 to AUG-16-2020 are good at personal level and career – this year in 2020 – they will also show better success – both domestic and workplace!

(5)    RAHU 10th house till 19 Sept-2020 KETU 4th house): RAHU 10th house uchcha continues to help KANYA rashi as it increases people of different caste culture religion language etc in your office working for you. Good image within such people. Sort of a mystique! As RAHU KETU are always wakri the first 4 months it would be more effective for the CHITRA Nakshatra & then 8 months for HASTA nakshatra and then 6 months for UTTARA Nakshatra! However, March April – all Kanya folks regardless of Nakshatra would sense the change in RAHU KETU.

(6)    RAHU change to 9th house and KETU to the 3rd house is GREAT from Sept2020 and it is more so to CHITRA nakshatra in 2020. It counters stagnancy of 4th Guru quite a bit for all Kanya folk. Paternal and maternal family good karma results start coming to you now.

(7)    SUN: In the following two months handle seniors, Govt related matters with tact & diplomacy: Check if their & your priorities are the same! Remember that any fights with seniors do a lot more harm than good! Make your point of view heard but in a docile and diplomatic way without emotions and with COLD FACTS and Figures (data)
1.     August16 to September16: The 12th house Sun
2.     April14 to May14: The 8th house Sun

Uranus (Harshal) Uranus in the 8th house shows some sudden events with electricity or fire etc at places that are ignored for safety for a long time. Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh) for several years! 6th house Neptune is mostly insignificant. As 6th house is about service, economics etc and Neptune is about spiritual and metaphysical matters. It could show providing some service to some ashrams or religious places and gaining money from it.

ONLY For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year or the periods mentioned below:
JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father’s health and bosses and govt or legal approval etc stuff. Sort of an ego-hurt is seen!
(1)    If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.
(2)    Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year
(3)    Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.
(4)    Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.
(5)    If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2019 to NOV2020 GREAT support from bosses/Seniors or Govt matters:
(1)    ONLY: If you are born from 16-JUNE to 16 July of any year OR 16-DEC to 14-JAN or any year or even born from 14-APRIL to 14-MAY of any year: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time. Similar for the folks bon from 16 Aug to 16 Sept of any year!


  1. Iam a Virgo Chithira,likes to watch this life as a witness/observer.No room for free will because life is predestined.Experience the flow and accept whatever it is,no escape possible.If you are anxious about your future interpret your birth chart with an Astrologer and get some clues[He cannot predict exactly because his intelligence is limited] Forget the past and future,live in the present.Good luck and may Bhagavan Ramana Maharshis blessings shower upon you.

  2. ONLY For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year or the periods mentioned below:
    JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father’s health and bosses and govt or legal approval etc stuff. Sort of an ego-hurt is seen!
    (1) If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully.

    On one hand, you mentioned there is prediction for good learnings in 2020 and great success in 2021 due to 5th / 6th Shani and 4th Guru , on the other hand for 3 years (Jan 2020 to April 2022) about handling bosses well and possibility of ego hurts for specific birth dates.

    How do i correlate these 2 predictions?

  3. Hello sir,
    I belong to kanya rashi hasta naksha tra. Since, 10 yrs my life is in total mess with my child "s health and development. It's worst than ignatavasa. Will I be able to come out of these at least this year. My dob 07-04-1976. 05:20 pm.

  4. Really good article does shani dhaiya only test kanya rashi people. Had break up loss of money loss of confidence happened. Why so much testing of kanya rashi people.

  5. This 5th house programs and initiatives END when Shani moves off to the 6th house in April2022 but more so Dec2022. (2021 5th Guru and 6th Shani means GLORIOUS success!) Is shani transiting in 6th in 2021?

  6. Perfect Prediction You shared about kanya zodiac sign. its a good information i searched for all the time.I bookmark your blog for such kind of informative post. and the best astrologer is also Searching for Best Astrologer in India People trust on Sai Balaji Anugraha

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  9. Thanks for sharing 2020 yearly horoscope for Virgo moon sign.
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