Wednesday, March 18, 2020

AstroMNC take on CORONA – COVID-19

*AstroMNC take on CORONA – COVID-19*

Quick Summary: 
(1) Corona should come in some control from NOV-2020 or rather 16-Dec-2020 onwards and by March-end of 2021 is should be more in control. 
(2) It will linger on till April2022 or rather Dec-2022 until Shani moves out of Makar. 
(3) India is at MAJOR issues from JULY to JAN-14-2021 -- all around issues with various things.  This is about global stuff and also mischief of NaPaak and China.
(4) India especially problematic with Corona from July but lot more from Aug16 to Sept15. 
I have had huge number of individual and social media notes/request to write about Corona. I was avoiding to write on it as it is not one country (means one specific sign) and also there are not very common grahayog across various pandemics. But after so many requests I did some digging and found following:

(1)    Shani in Singh and Dhanu causes major issues in India (no surprise given India is MAKAR ruled country – MEDNIYA astrology) – Even Guru in these signs causes issues in India. Guru in DHANU from NOV2019 to NOV2020.
(2)    Planets in MAKAR and Shani in MAKAR is seen for worldwide stuff – worldwide – MAKAR Rashi is sign of masses, workers, voters and large number of groups. Shani in MAKAR JAN2020 to APRIL2022, SEPT2022 to 17JAN2023.

So YES GURU / SHANI in SINGH (1920 and 2008/2009) MAKAR or Planets in MAKAR rashi seem to be causing such large-scale stuff. Swine Flu was also in MAKAR Guru & / or Singh Shani. Now the real confusion starts here:

(1)    Shani in MAKAR – yes but in Surya nakshatra in 2020 so not much viral – but Shani in Shravan in 2021 is lot more viral as it is ruled by Chandra or nakshatra of sales marketing.
(2)    Shani stays in Makar till April2022 and rather till End of 2022 (17Jan2023). So this CORONA might die a very close death etc and not sudden one.
(3)    Guru is in Dhanu and Guru would enter MAKAR from APRIL-2020 for say 3 months: Should it HELP being GURU or hurt as being in MAKAR Rashi?? :) What it is interpretation?? :) Makar makes it reach masses but Guru is like good direction. So one can't comment with confidence -- it should help with medical stuff but it could increase the contamination.
(4)   Guru in MAKAR again from NOV2021 and parts of 2022 = should it help or hurt? Help India but hurt America as America Mithun rashi? Again, interpretations can VARY vastly! -->> This would help with good direction and mostly help India but not USA as much.
(5)    MANGAL entering MAKAR from MARCH 22 – should help India as it gives some heat/energy to Shani in Makar or hurt as it is entering Makar!? :) It will help India but hurt USA badly as USA 8th house GURU SHANI MANGAL. USA would see better stuff from MAY-04.

Many pandemics Guru Shani are seen closer or opposite – so Guru is helping contain them or adding them? These things are open to interpretation and without credible past data – any comments are based on SWABHAV – NATURE OF Rashi and Nakshatra!

So, I tend to agree to following observations:
(1)    So, SHANI in MAKAR should hurt and
(2)    GURU IN Makar should help! (India that is NOT USA)
(3)    Shani in 2020 is not hurting as much as Shani in Uttarashadha nakshatra but Shani will hurry more in 2021 in Shravan nakshatra?
(4)    BUT GURU will balance Shani in April May June 2020 and also in most of 2021.

This means the worst is behind us? Maybe! But this lingers on. The assumption (2) above is THE KEY here! The assumption about GURU in MAKAR should help has not helped in 2009 due to SHANI in Singh. Hope it helps in 2020 as Shani is not 12th or 8th now to India.

I am sure this article does not help! What I am stunned is my 2008 and now 2020 prediction of stock market major crash(s) – reasons completely different. Also, 9 10 11 Guru to Makar or Sept2004 to Nov2007 of markets going high and also this time Sept2016 to Oct2018 Guru 9 10 11 India markets going high! India as MAKAR Rashi works almost all the times and has worked from many decades and centuries also!

SHANI in MAKAR is cause of CORONA spread and Guru in MAKAR should help! So APRIL MAY JUNE better? And Nov2020 onwards better? But Shani is not going to back down as it enters Shravan Nakshatra in 2021.



  1. Interesting points although you reserved it to conclude.
    Indirectly you are referring that April/May/June would give a big relief, but similar situation may happen in 2021.

  2. Corona apparently doesn't aerosolize in a big way. If it'll spread, it would do so relatively slowly with all the safeguards in place.
    The fear and the lack of economic and life activity is causing more loss than the disease and deaths.
    The stock markets have taken a 30% hit.

    Such a peculiar situation in Makara - too much weightage for foreseeable future - but where an uccha Mars would welcome Guru and stay around for a month probably supporting it!? Helping quite a bit to flatten the curve maybe, if Jupiter won't do it by itself? I really don't wanna look beyond that though.
    If that happens, the stock markets might take a little breather starting the nearest supporting moon between the Mars and Jupiter transits.

    It is indeed intriguing to watch the dark spots in the time-line unfold.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am stunned by your analysis. I thought you would know.

  5. No clear cut prediction, all gol mol Gyan. Not happy at all

  6. What I understand that april, may, june 2020 will be relief period before a more worst period starting from july 2020 till Nov 2020 or say upto 14 Jan, 2020. After that its will be ok ok..till 2022 endend with ups and downs. Atleast the april to july 2020 predictions seems to have come correct with regard to corona as in april, may, jujune it was in control and now in july the spread is increaing much faster. Hope and pray that we get a major relief by end of this year.
