Friday, March 20, 2020

RAHU GURU SHANI Sequence of Mahadasha Antardasha or Bhukti (SubPeriod) Pratyantar (SubSubPriod)

This could be one of the MOST significant articles and as imp as SADESATI or Shani Mahadasha or Chandra Rahu articles I published since 2006 (limited) and broad (2009 onward). This is FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR which is CODED deeply into Vinshottari Mahadasha. Let us look at an example first. Even though I am yet to test alcohol, I have attended more “parties” - dinner or overnight sessions with friends than probably anyone I know! :) Let us look at the phases of a heavy booze party! :) You can relate this to the movie “The HANGOVER”.

Phase-1: Heavy Drinking, drunk folks following the usual discussion topics starting with 1st peg with office, 2nd – 3rd peg with politics and 4-5 peg onward you are looking at trips to Goa or “Aarawi”! :) :) Next step is fights and if it is at home and the crowd is younger -- then some on field cricket rivalry or room-mate rivalry comes out via fights, debates, arguments—most of the times resulting in to some physical fights, throwing things around including glasses, bottles and at times even TV and Guitar etc too?! :) This continues for some time and then there is a fatigue and folks go to sleep!

Phase-2: The next phase is waking up in the morning – HANGOVER – waking up and trying to take a stock of things you did! Things you broke, threw around, people cursed, hurt minds and bodies and egos at times – mostly reversible yet intense! :) This period is where folks start texting or calling each other to apologize or compensate etc for the damage done. STILL – there is no compulsion to do this – it is still hangover and all folks are trying to “assess” and collect information from surroundings and others as “actually what all happened”. It is a phase of dispassionate data collection. It is a CHOICE to take corrective actions and revert the damage done. There is still NO COMPULSION for you to do so! You end up reverting most of the damage you can. But – possible to not even know what all you did, maybe you don’t want to undo all you did – maybe you always wanted to do it but alcohol made you do it! :)

Phase-3: FORCED: It’s not a choice anymore! This phase maybe next evening or 1-2 days later or a week later – you MUST directly or indirectly are forced to pay back things you did by overt actions or covert actions. If you had chosen not to pay back on phase-2, at best you miss out on good parties or hangout with friends, at worst, you are explaining to lawyer or police or your or friends’ parents on things happened. It is a phase you MUST pay the price for all you did in PHASE-1 which you did not chose to pay off in PHASE-2.

APPLY Same logic to a RUMOR: A rumor is created in Phase-1 with right-wrong data and information. After some time in Phase-2– hrs or days or even minutes, some of it is known to be false, some of it right but with different intensity and some of it is still not verified. And in the next step Phase-3, creator of the rumor & the folks who spread it have to explain it or refute it and real complete data is FORCED to come out. This is a “reality check” phase.

Connect this to Astrology
Now, you got a fair idea whats described above. Now let us apply it to Vinshottari Mahadasha Antardasha and Bhukti (Sub-Period) Pratyantar (SubSubPeriod).

Vinshottari Mahadasha Sequence is as follows:
(1)    Ketu
(2)    Shukra
(3)    Surya
(4)    Chandra
(5)    Mangal
(6)   Rahu
(7)   Guru
(8)   Shani
(9)    Budh

Check my own Example of CHANDRA MAHADASHA below:
(1)    RAHU Antardasha was from OCT 9 2013 to APRIL 10 2015.
(2)    GURU ANTARDASHA was from APRIL 10 2015 to AUG 9 2016.
(3)    SHANI Antardasha was from AUG 9 2016 to MARCH 11 2018.

Mo/Mo May 10,2012
Mo/Ma Mar 10,2013
Mo/Ra Oct 9,2013 (Abroad with in this)
Mo/Ju Apr 10,2015  (Back to India)
Mo/Sa Aug 9,2016 (Decision to start Astro & then full time!)
Mo/Me Mar 11,2018
Mo/Ke Aug 10,2019
Mo/Ve Mar 10,2020
Mo/Su Nov 9,2021

NOW look at the RAHU ANTARDASHA break up in to 9 periods:
(1)    Initial RAHU SubPeriod from Oct 9 2013 to DEC 31 2013
(2)    GURU SubPeriod from DEC 31 2013 to MARCH 14 2013
(3)    SHANI SubPeriod from MARCH 14 2013 to JUNE 8 2013

548 Total days of  RAHU ANTARDASHA
9-Oct Start
10-Apr End date
9-Oct 82.2 Rahu
30-Dec 73.06666667 Guru
13-Mar 86.76666667 Shani
8-Jun 77.63333333 Budh
24-Aug 31.96666667 Ketu 
25-Sep 91.33333333 Shukra
25-Dec 27.4 Surya
22-Jan 45.66666667 Chandra
9-Mar 31.96666667 Mangal

The term below as PERIOD could be applied to MAHADASHA, ANTARDASHA or even BHUKTI and PRATYANTAR!

As you can see the sequence of the phases above is very much correctly depicted in the Mahadasha or Antardasha or Sub Period and SubSubPeriod sequences. This means a human being also follows these 3 phases in their life thru RAHU MAHADASHA particularly BUT ALSO in EACH MAHADASHA (regardless of which Mahadasha is ongoing) divided in 9 parts in the same sequence & again in EACH ANTARDASHA divided in to 9 parts in the same sequence for Subperiods and each SubPeriod is divided into 9 parts of the same sequences! So, you have this Rahu Guru Shani sequence repeating ALL the times in your life and in each year thru Sub-Periods or at least SubSubPeriod.

The PHASE-1 – Rahu “Period” – chasing image & not a reality, scratching an itch, insatiable desires, un-quantified objectives. Incomplete desires (not like Chandra which are clear/quantified but something like FB likes – 100/10000/10000 are also not enough). In Addition to example above RAHU period also shows PATERNAL FAMILY DNA and FAMILY KARMA – generations of karma which can’t be explained by events of this birth! So, this is in addition and not covered in the examples above. Also, RAHU is people of different caste culture and religion. So, interactions with these folks also happen in this period. Again, this is not covered in the example above. (For me Rahu is designations and also duties and more so publicity and personal image. IN each Rahu Period people think of me as much more capable and much better than what I’m (was) actually – “GHODE pe Chadhana” knowingly unknowingly – freaks me out as the same people start saying things in Phase-3 below in other direction! :) )

The PHASE-2: GURU “Period” Getting correct data, stats, sense of alignment, realization of right wrong, choice to drop incorrect, wrong things, adopt new things, CHANGE earlier started good things (if any!) and move on by ensuring normalcy. Good advice and good direction. No force but its like showing the direction for you to walk the right path. (Of course, Guru will own some house of the horoscope, Guru means experts and Guru means kids – this is not covered in this analysis.) (For me Guru is family and kids house owner)

THE PHASE-3: SHANI Period: Auditing, policing, complete review and paying back of bad or wrong things did especially from PHASE-1! No choice but to drop things, change things and add new things etc etc. FULL REALIZATION and clarity. Reality check. Shani likes stats and Rahu is image/irritation/impulse. You can only imagine how TOUGH this “period” would be in Rahu period! :) Well depends on with how much IRRITATION & ANXIETY you did things in Phase-1 and what you avoided to pay back and understand in Phase-2. Apart from this SHANI will expose pending past birth karma and even previous period and not just Phase-1 things as Shani is the auditor. Also, Shani would own 2 houses of your chart etc etc. These things not discussed in this article. (For me siblings and mother.)

This happens with every person! Be it employee, employer or PM or Minister or a beggar!! This sequence repeated in each Antardasha. Even each Sub Period – SubSubPeriod also this repeat. For example, my RAHU SUB PERIOD was from OCT 9 2013 to DEC 31 2013 and within that you can see further break-up below. This explains that initial period of RAHU is lot more intense and immediate next is lesser and the 3rd one would be SHANI one which is an intermediate chance of reverting by letting go of hysteria or an itch.

83 Total days of  RAHU Sub-period
9-Oct Start
31-Dec End date
9-Oct 12.45 Rahu
21-Oct 11.06666667 Guru
1-Nov 13.14166667 Shani
14-Nov 11.75833333 Budh
26-Nov 4.841666667 Ketu 
1-Dec 13.83333333 Shukra
15-Dec 4.15 Surya
19-Dec 6.916666667 Chandra
26-Dec 4.841666667 Mangal

SUCCESS or PROBLEMS – TOUGH PERIOD – Depends on how RAHU is placed and how Shani Guru related to Rahu. BUT One thing is sure – THIS IS TEMPORARY. This goes back to the original state before Phase-1! :) When the RAHU PERIOD (MD AD or SP or SSP) – the things go back to their original state after the Rahu period is over.

So, what happened with me? Abroad Travel (Unnecessary!) Great image, higher designation, higher position, great visibility etc. Abroad complete setup with family and such etc etc. The good part actual abroad happened in GURU SUB PERIOD from DEC-31-2013 to MARCH-14-2013. But anyways it was in Rahu Antardasha so it is not like GURU- GURU == but it is RAHU-GURU – which is sanity within image/temp things. SHANI sub period from MARCH 14 2013 to JUNE 8 2014 gave COMPLETE FEEDBACK – all hell broke loose! :) Of what should not and should have happened! :) Hare Raam period! Patience and hard work sincere approach and again HARD WORK 3am sleeping and 7am waking up etc etc. Most things not caused by you but you are responsible for them! :)

Anyways long story shorty – GURU ANTARDASHA started from JUNE2015 and I traveled India IN June2015 – all these decisions of going abroad or coming to India happened without astrology! Each time Guru AD and 9th Guru which is BHAGYA for me – gets me to India! :) SHANI and RAHU take me abroad – at times unnecessary (Rahu) chasing image and at times MUCH NECESSARY as you are serving abroad customers - MUST meet them (SHANI).

Could this have been avoided – or can this be avoided – answer depends case to case ---- in my case YES – certainly – it could have been & should have been avoided. It is like a concert coordinator living to another place! :) Given that it was RAHU Antardasha – the decision to travel abroad could have been postponed and then would have fizzled out in Shani SubPeriod anyways instead of actual travel!

BUT – one thing is sure - if I had NOT traveled 10 good more things would not have happened which were permanent for others despite this was TEMP for me. Also, not going would have kept me guessing “WHAT IF” for rest of my professional life! (I could have continued abroad but I decided to come back to India as I “belong” in India.) Not going abroad would have turned as a big regret for considerable time ahead for me! :) It gave great opportunity to the family and many other professional colleagues (my travel) which was a good outcome.

SO, what would be my advice to ALL folks – RAHU ANTARDASHA and RAHU SUB PERIOD – Please QUANTIFY your goals and objectives. Do not act on ITCH, irritation, impulse and agitation. Gather DATA – at least weigh for initial Rahu Sub period or Sub SubPeriod to get over. Or BEST let SHANI SubPeriod get over or SHANI SubSubPeriod get over to give you required quantification. BUT ONE THING IS FOR SURE – NOT doing these things on itch or image or chasing mirage causes more regret than not doing it! You could get your fingers burned by doing it – but not doing it a MAJOR regret and “WHAT IF” question that gets stuck to your mind. So what I advise is --  It is OK to get finger burned but not the face! Put 10% of your capital or efforts in Rahu periods and not 100%  - DOT NOT commit fully! Things would be TEMP and revert to original state regardless of success or problems! So better do a POC or PILOT etc and not get into FULLY!
Other BROAD way to look at this RAHU GURU SHANI sequence is -- 
RAHU Period: Great idea, chasing image and some major fantastic concept
GURU Period: WHAT and HOW and WHERE
SHANI: HOW MUCH (Customers & Revenue reality check) It is imp that until SHANI SubPeriod is over - you would not know how many customers are there and how many are repeat and how many were just one time etc.
This broad thing is more applicable at ANTARDASHA levels. BHUKTI levels it would be smaller things and initiatives and not like some new product launch or factory launch etc!



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  4. This article perfectly describes my life. I chased ambitions beyond my capability in Rahu Dasha due to insatiable need to do different things, but corrected many mistakes in Guru Dasha. Now Shani Dasha is true correction time.... But as you said, NOT doing things in during Rahu Dasha would have made me regret with "WHAT IF" questions...

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  7. It's a great article and explained in a very nice way. I can totally understand the itch part as I am currently going through Rahu Mahadasha and I can relate to quite a few things explained in this article ☺️.

  8. I am waiting waiting and waiting and final when I got my analysis year mentioned is wrong
