Saturday, March 21, 2020

WHAT IS AstroMNC 360 Degrees (Annual Paid Membership)

WHAT IS “ASTROMNC 360 degrees” (Annual Paid Membership Model)

WHAT is AstroMNC 360 Degrees:
(1)    It is Annual subscription service for Astrology notifications based on your birth-time chart (the WHOLE chart and NOT just Moon or Sun etc signs!)
(2)    Around 6 to 8 messages per month (emails right now and later Mobile App) about planetary formations and how they relate to you! “JUST IN TIME” messages.
(3)    Your complete chart (9 or rather 11 planets) to be used and not just Moon or Sun Sign.  All 11 planets but more so 9 one (Uranus, Neptune would be used for special analysis) will be used. Your Grahayog: Yuti, Pratiyog, NavaPancham, LaabhYoga, Drushti of planets, Bhavarambh, RashiGandaant and so on things would be used behind the curtain to customize messaging for you!
(4)    Rules/patterns are what I have observed in practice from 1992 without unnecessary fear-mongering/blind awe etc. Pragmatic use of Astrology. Bookish knowledge won’t be used as-is. The messages would be sent as per proven “case studies” found in practice. Also, intensity will be shared with as per your birth-chart.

(5)    ONGOING Messages: Customized notifications “at least” every 3rd day at least about planetary changes but more than that.
a.     Twice a week at least and monthly too. Usually 6 to 8 messages per month.
b.     TRANSITS applied to your chart and sent to you with YOUR individual chart analysis including lagna, Chandra Surya and other planets.
c.      MAHADASHA / ANTARDASHA / SUB-PERIOD – (Right now Shani and Rahu and will add more later)
d.     KARMIC Debt and Reward by birth of your chart: analysis: imp timelines when it could manifest.
e.     NO FATALISTIC messages about death or dire consequences (Deliberately: AstroMNC will NEVER EVER comment on DEATH timelines EVER!!)
(6)    BIRTH-CHART BASIC Analysis Messages (Ongoing short messages and not one time analysis etc)
a.     Information about your Birth-chart – Planetary formations & their impacts
b.     Your strength – weaknesses, kaarmic rewards and kaarmic burden (relatives or areas of life where you have gain or obligations.)
c.      You attitude and natural strength
d.     Your health aspects – analysis and projections. Possible areas of worries and tentative timelines.
e.     Hereditary stuff – family history etc.

(7)    Initial notifications on “email id” ---- Right now, Whats App Business integration is being considered but not finalized. Down the line in a year, a dedicated member MOBILE APP would be used for notifications. (Timelines not decided – being worked on.)

a.     (Yet to start on this) Tie-ups with *AYURVEDIC* Experts and *Homeopathy* experts for BIG DATA collections, disease-patterns mapped to planets and possible timelines and preventive & timely remedies. (This is W.I.P. & would be integrated down the line – Working on enough case studies)
b.     FEEDBACK: Website & APP would evolve and will incorporate feedback - -ratings 1 to 5 for predictions – rating would be incorporated in the “AstroMNC rules-based engine”.
c.      LANGUAGE Support: Will incorporate HINDI, TELUGU and TAMIL, SPANISH and other language support as we expand in the 2nd / 3rd year or so.  Will share plans as we work on them.
d.     Incorporate Mantra-Sadhana Experience and usage – right now nascent stages. Might involve experts from Nashik and Pune.
e.     Age group wise focus – Teen agers specific analysis for parents to track etc. Understanding of what kids might be going thru or should be aware etc. Older folk’s health wise analysis.

(9)    Rules will be added and refined and hence you will keep getting better improved services every month and say every quarter or so. (Videos and audio files for right Mantra-uchchar etc)
(10)  Lot of income from this will be used to increase experience, add Technology and sophistication.

Not included: No personal (manual) or one on one (visits or email or personal one-on-one chats) analysis, No personal queries. This is a push service by AstroMNC and not a pull service by members. Suggestion are of course welcome ( for adding focus areas for basic horoscope analysis mentioned above. The current services for one to one consultancy will continue as separate services outside this. (Recommend to Read Terms of Use for better understanding.)

WHY “AstroMNC 360 Degrees”:  Your “Pocket Astrologer”
Folks meet with astrologer & after 3-4 weeks or even a few days forget about the nuances or detailing etc discussed. Even written or recorded voice file reference has limited usage. What you need is timely regular update like weather channel or breaking news which you must be aware about nation/state/city & even stock market or weather. AstroMNC 360 Degrees intends to provide this ONGOING analysis – ongoing timely messages to you based on all your birth-time planets and not just moon or sun sign. Timely notification (email for now and a mobile app later) for your planning, awareness, preparation and expectation management. “Forewarned is forearmed”.

The key feature for AstroMNC 360 degrees is “AstroMNC RULES-BASED-Engine” as they call it in the IT world. (In future will venture into AI too.) I will have thousands of Astrology rules which I have observed since 1992 that work most of the times. Rules will be added and updated based on an on-going basis. Going forward: newer observations, tie-ups with Ayurvedic, Homeopathy experts, real world incidents and also membership feedback. The “AstroMNC 360 degrees” service will evolve just like FB or WhatsApp Did every week and every month.

These rules will be mapped to ALL the members (‘individual *complete chart*!) and applicable members would be notified about such GRAHAYOG and its current ramification or its kaarmic ramification i.e. effects on your life. GOCHAR means current/transit planets would be tracked against your chart but also PLANETARY formations in future would also be notified to members.  Mahadasha Antardasha and Bhukti Pratyantar would be used too (Rahu and Shani to start with and will add more later).

This will be an evolving service much like how FB ad Whats App started and I will keep evolving it with each passing month for better experience.

~Milind N Chitambar (AstroMNC)


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