Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Monthly Horoscope JUNE2020 - Rashi-Bhavishya JUNE2020

MONTHLY & WEEKLY Horoscope JUNE-2020

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(1)    All Timings are Indian Standard Time (GMT + 5:30) (2) Based on Moon Sign – Health could “also” be checked from Ascendant (rising/Lagna)
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MONTHLY HOROSCOPE JUNE-2020: (or from the home page – click on HOROSCOPE in the top-menu and select monthly)

July is much better than June as Guru changes to the 9th house at the end of the Month. June-15 onwards is better than till JUNE-15 as Surya Budh 3rd house are better for personal impact & success. June 18 onwards need to be careful with injury and health and vehicles and no risks with physical adventures.
(1)    11th MANGAL till JUNE-18 shows income and gains and support from friends and colleagues. Good income increase.
(2)    12th Mangal from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 shows need to look at health, blood circulation, blood quality, body heat. Get vehicles inspected in time, avoid physical extreme adventures. Look for injury prone stuff around. A round of vehicles before driving off could help to avoid surprises.
(3)    2nd SHUKRA in your rashi for most of the month shows good income and gains and good food and family time. Good food. Support from ladies.
(4)    2nd SURYA till JUNE-14 is about increased income and wealth management. 3rd house SURYA from JUNE-15 increases support and your impact on surroundings and creates a good conductive environment for you to do things with flair.
(5)    3rd BUDH in the months is great for expression and impact! Helps Surya from JUNE-15 more. BUDH wakri from JUNE-19 to JULY-15 means need to ensure there is no communication gap and clear concise messages are passed.
(6)    Guru movement to the 9th house at the end of the month means July is going to be much better!
(8)    10th SHANI change from 24Jan2020 to April2022: MORE OF THE SAME – Increased influence, power and social/work status, support from reporting people, Good mass-mentality or customer mentality knowledge use for increasing revenue. Older people will delay your growth – you need them but they slow you down from dream positions. Must consult older and experienced people as else Shani will test you and make you mature by working VERY HARD and unnecessarily at times! Guru will help hugely in 2020 and Oct2021 to May2022 increasing the positive effects of this Shani! 2021 is happening but pressure-cooker indeed! (

*The Best Days of the Month*:
From TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02 to THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04
6+ days From SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13
From SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21 to TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23
From THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27
From MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29 to WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01
6+ days from Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

*Problem Dates in the Month*:
From THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06
From SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13 to TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16
From WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01 to Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

Long term: You are becoming right time right place for next several years! Brooding time of 2016 / 2017 is over and is all about expansion and growth for you now that Major Grahagol Shani and Guru are blessing you. New mass-base, consumers/customer-base, increased revenue and also expansion is the same of the game for you. 8th house GURU created peeda, chaos & fatigue and misaligned efforts till Oct2019. NOV2019 onwards GURU CHANGE 2020 is LIFE CHANGING year!! RAHU KETU will support you wholeheartedly till 19Sept2020.

(1)    SURYA in you rashi till JUNE-14 is about energy & optimism but good news is that it ends issues with seniors and govt legal etc.
(2)    2nd SURYA from JUNE-15 is about incremental income, trading & negotiations gains and income. BUDH with SURYA in the 3rd house and 3rd BUDH the whole months helps with this trading & income. BUDH wakri from JUNE-19 to JULY-15 initial 2-3 and last 2-3 days beakerful with trading and risks and overall watch communication/commitments and don’t sign papers without reading.
(3)    10th MANGAL from till JUNE-18 shows strong momentum and force, creating force and power at workplace
(4)    11th MANGAL from JUNE-18 to Aug-13 shows income and gains. Shows support from partners /spouse and friends and colleagues.
(5)    Rashi-Swami SHUKRA in the rashi helps reduce health issues and gives good optimism. Shows creativity and artistic output.
(6)    GURU in MAKAR helps KRITTIKA a lot till end of June.
(7)    8th Guru from NOV0219 to NOV2020 shows too much work and most of it is misaligned and not well planned. Inheriting someone else’s issues or problems with miscalculations of efforts/timelines and price etc.  GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(8)    9th SHANI change from 24Jan2020 to April2022: Slowly becoming right time right place. New mass/consumer base. New customers and new revenue under your influence. Good reporting people under you to support you and grow with you for the next 7 years ahead. Start of good new things. Good mass-base overall. Relocation possibility with or against wish but mostly it will be good! Guru does not support in 2020 but 2021 is magical due to Guru support!! So, 2020 see running around and unnecessary fatigue at times whereas 2021 shows HUGE Bhagyakarak year for you which is life changing! (

The Best Days of the Month:
From SUNDAY morning 10:18AM MAY-31 to TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02
From THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06
6+ days From MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08 to TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16

Problem Dates in the Month:
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06 to MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08
From TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16 to THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18
2+ days from Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

Expansion by Oct2019 of what you got from Sept2016 to Sept2017 pro-period. 8th Shani continues to keep you away from “mass-base” and not much “reporting-to” people and work in alone or SME capacity till JAN2020. 8th Shani also raises inheritance issues. You need to keep moving slow & steady without HUGE risks which are long-term in nature. 7th GURU till Oct2019 ensured EXPANSION of work and life. Now 8th Guru from NOV0219 shows too much work and most of it is misaligned and not well planned. Inheriting someone else’s issues or problems with miscalculations of efforts/timelines and price etc.

MITHUN / GEMINI: Till JUNE-14 manage seniors, bosses, govt legal stuff with more care.
(1)    12th SURYA till JUNE-14 must manage bosses, seniors carefully. Govt and legal work would need more attention, expense and some fatigue etc.
(2)    SURYA in you rashi from JUNE-15 is about energy & optimism but good news is that it ends issues with seniors and govt legal etc.
(3)    9th MANGAL till JUNE-18 is a great news as it ends issues with vehicles and injuries etc. Shows good support from friends, colleagues, siblings and well directed efforts and better health. Good travels too which are more of good investments.
(4)    10th MANGAL from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 is about increased power, momentum and at time dictatorial approach.
(5)    12th SHUKRA for the whole month adds to the health issues to 12th Surya till JUNE-14. Take enough sleep, watch body heat. Women to watch their surroundings and company and avoid late night dinner/party etc stuff.
(6)    Rashi Swami BUDH in your rashi helps with optimism and activities. BUDH wakri from JUNE-19 to JULY-15 initial 2-3 and last 2-3 days beakerful with trading and risks and overall watch communication/commitments and don’t sign papers without reading.
(7)    Guru changes to 7th house from end of the months which starts helping again!
(8)    GURU CHANGE means Better partnerships and collaborations and much needed FEEL GOOD in life: GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019: IN 2019, MRIG will get most of its immediate effects
(9)    8th SHANI change from 24Jan2020 to April2022: Reducing mass base, away from mass-base, reducing customers and revenue base and working alone as an expert without bigger team or people to do work for you. Using education and knowledge to get things done and not just manpower! 7th Guru helps in 2020 and again 9th Guru helps in May to July2021 and Oct2021 to May2022 So this Shani impact is the most in 2021. 2020 is helped by Guru quite a bit! Knowledge and education will save the day for you as customers or revenue reduces! (

The Best Days of the Month:
From TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02 to THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06 to MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08
6+ days From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18
From THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27
From MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29 to WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
From MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08 to THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11
From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21

6th GURU from Oct2018 to OCT2019 showed stagnancy: respect refine and serve what you already had! Shani from Nov2017 to Dec2019 is trying to get rid of excess fat, excess mass-base which is not needed and also testing your relationships / partnerships & temper. Shani is also testing health of your mom and yours too. Reduction of weight it is the best time actually! Spouse / relationships under scanner. NOW GURU change gives much better results with M&A and partnerships and shows much needed expansion and feel good by NOV2020. IN 2019, MRIG will get most of its immediate effects.

KIRK / CANCER: Drive carefully till JUN-18 – vehicles etc be careful and avoid physical adventures. Manage bosses/legal etc from JUNE-15 carefully/
(1)    11th SURYA till JUNE-14 helps with support from bosses/Govt and authorities. Good gains and income. Surprising support from bosses.
(2)    12th SURYA from JUNE-15 must manage bosses, seniors carefully and get imp govt work done before JUNE-14. Get approvals etc done before that. Later it would need more attention, expense and some fatigue etc.
(3)    8th MANGAL till JUNE-18 warrants care with sports, safety, injury and vehicles. Avoiding undue risks & having safety equipment etc for sports or adventures and factor in some contingency etc. Some tussles with elder siblings and cousins. Blood circulation regulation needed – so walk 3 to 5km per day “slowly”.
(4)    9th MANGAL from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 is good news. Shows good support from friends, siblings, surroundings and also colleagues. Overall positive changes indeed. Helps a lot.
(5)    SHUKRA 11th house for most of the month adds to the success of Surya till JUNE-14 mentioned above. Shows income and gains and support from opposite sex folks.
(6)    12th house BUDH suggest being careful with communication and concise. Be careful with trading & negotiations and do all calculations carefully! BUDH wakri from JUNE-19 ti JULY15 affects this more.
(7)    GURU change to the 6th house means refine serve and protect what you got from Oct2018 to Oct2019. Increased income and social status & good investments but not immediate celebrations etc. GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(8)    7th SHANI from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022: Reduction of excess fat or baggage and getting lean. Good selection of customers and removing some troubling folks. Some partnerships with business need relook and permanent decision only based on data and not emotions. 2021 Guru will reduce the 7th Shani effects with some much-needed expansion! (

*The Best Days of the Month*:
From SUNDAY morning 10:18AM MAY-31 to TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02
From THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06
From MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08 to THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11
6+ days From SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27 to MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29
From WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01 to Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

*Problem Dates in the Month*:
From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13

From SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21 to TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23

(1)    10th SURYA from MAY-14 shows increasing influence & power at workplace, some positive friction & stress but happening! Presentations and some activities with bosses.
(2)    11th SURYA from JUNE-15 helps with support from bosses/Govt and authorities. Good gains and income. Surprising support from bosses. Increased income.
(3)    7th MANGAL till JUNE-18 is about collaborations & partnerships & team events than just solo! Good for sports folks indeed. Fights end, territory marked and getting to negotiations table.
(4)    8th MANGAL from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 means driving carefully, avoiding physical adventures and risks. Get vehicles inspected /pending services etc done before JUNE-18!
(5)    SHUKRA 10th house for most of the month helps with easier success and relatively easier approvals.
(6)    11th BUDH for the most of the month shows increased income and gains and cash flow. BUDH wakri from JUNE-19 to JULY14 means being careful with communication and be clear and concise. More so initial 3 and last 3 days!
(7)    GURU changes to the 5th house from end of the month—this is REALLY Good! As 6th GURU for 3 months from APRIL to JUNE 2020 is about increased enemies & bad mouth and secret enemies while it increased some money or debt loan related success.
(8)    GURU change is a MASSIVE change as it gives you much needed success: GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(9)    6th SHANI from 24Jan2020 to APRIL2022: Social circle change, New people/customers in career and life, Trust fully only after tests and review, some micromanagement needed. Out of comfort zone but increasing status and social presence. Some excess baggage and customers and crowd or expansion in anticipation which might not be needed in future. Success over competition using your mass-bae, size of revenue or power and connections! Indirect Shatru-Naash! Due to Guru support 2020 is Wonderful – 2021 is OK slow as your competitors get visibility and Late 2021 to May2022 is expansion and again major Guru help! All is all its your time! (

*Good Days of the Month*:
From TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02 to THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06 to MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08
From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13
6+ days From TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16 to TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23
From MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29 to WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01
2+ days from Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

*Tough Days in the Month*:
From SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13 to TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16
From TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23 to THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25


GURU 4t till Oct2019 was about slow and steady period. Some stagnation and saturation! Loss of momentum is seen. But it is about serving & protecting what you got from Sept2017 to Oct2018. The 5th Shani till Dec2019 is about slow & steady “projects” – things that finish in some stipulated timeframe and mostly by Dec2019. 5th Shani is happening but it a SLOW effect of becoming relevant after Nov2014 to Oct2017 of being irrelevant in 4th Shani. 5th GURU from NOV2019 shows Swapna-poorti! RAHU KETU change is MONUMENTAL for 18 months from MARCH-23 2019 to 19 Sept2020! It is amazing change which would make you have better time. Good support from karma of both the paternal and maternal families without side effects.

(1)    9th SURYA from MAY-14 helps by starting new things. Good support from bosses & seniors. Govt & legal work etc. Shows good 3 months with the authorities till AUG-15.
(2)    10th SURYA from JUNE-15 shows increasing influence & power at workplace, some positive friction & stress but happening! Presentations and some activities with bosses.
(3)    10th BUDH helps with achievements and good luck at workplace and good negotiations and trading. BUDH wakri from JUN19 to JULy15 go steady with negotiations and not push matters. Calculate well and be clerical etc.
(4)    6th MANGAL till JUNE-18 is about success over competition, increased income and impact! Watch body heat though!
(5)    7th MANGAL from JUNE-18 is about collaborations & partnerships & team events than just solo! Good for sports folks indeed. Fights end, territory marked and getting to negotiations table.
(6)    9th SHUKRA for the whole month is an excellent news as helps with positive news indeed. Even though wakri – 9th planet always great!
(7)    GURU was supporting from APRIL to JUNE 2020 and more so UTTARA nakshatra folks. GURU supports in JUNE but moves to the 4th house in JUNE end which could slow down some things. BUT rest of the planets are there to offset this & ensure continued success!
(8)    4th Guru change adds stagnancy as you need to serve and protect and refine what you got in the 12 months till Oct2019. (This is assuming more planets are 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses from Chandra and not lagna.) GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(9)    5th SHANI from 24-JAN-2020 to APRIL2022: Step by step success, clerical work, number crunching, good for lawyers, timebound work/projects with specific start & end dates. Success but with hard-work. Kids will need attention; romantic matters will trouble and give reality check. Need to be careful with partnerships – personal or business and choose wisely. (

The Best Days of the Month:
From THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06
From MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08 to THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11
From SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13 to TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16
6+ days From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25
From WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01 to Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

Problem Dates in the Month:
From TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16 to THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18
From THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27


GURU 3rd house from OCT2018 till OCT2019 was a great news. It allowed you to make visible impact on surroundings. Shows new things to start, new life path and some break which REALLY wanted!! It made you “relevant” for the next 9 years ahead and also PAVED the way of DREAM COME TRUE success of 2021!!  SHANI 4th is till JAN2020 about domestic trouble (house/relatives, political party/MLAs or members etc) & infighting – need to take care of self-health with stomach and mom health overall. RAHU KETU change is overall good from March-23-2019 till 19SEPT2020 – Shows some image work coming to you due to 10th house RAHU to work with people of different caste culture religion or language etc. 4th house GURU from NOV2019 shows slow and stagnancy and saturation period.

TULA / LIBRA: Handle bosses/legal/ Govt authority etc tactfully FROM May-14.
(2)    9th SURYA from JUNE-15 support from the next 90 days ahead with start of good new things for you and support from bosses, seniors and overall feel good. GURU change from 1st July to 3rd house only adds to this success indeed.
(3)    8th house SHUKRA for a long time now recommends young women to handle their surroundings carefully & with awareness – especially parties and so on. There could be folks trying to take advantage. Also take care of health as Rashi-Swami – enough sleep & rest.
(4)    5th MANGAL till JUNE-18 helps beat the issues of 8th Surya Shukra quite a bit with go-getter attitude, energy & momentum.
(5)    6th MANGAL from JUNE-18 is about success over competition and enemies. Shows overachieving stuff and not just inspirational. Doing more than others.
(6)    9th BUDH will help SURYA from JUNE-15 a lot more. Adds to the feel good overall.
(7)    GURU change from end of the JUNE to the 3rd house is MUCH welcome change! :) It will help you till Oct2020.
(8)    RAHU KETU have been in excellent position and continue to be so till 19SEPT2020. Shows good karma from both the families helping you and more so from NOV2019 and again JAN2020 after Shani change.
(9)    Guru change is excellent for you! GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(10) 4th SHANI from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022Slow & Saturation with mass-base and revenue and power, earlier misuse of power could be audited by seniors.  Domestic troubles and home front issues. 3rd Guru will offset this slow period and help you a lot in 2020 and hence 2021 will be slower but again Guru will help in May to July2022 May2022 and help r reduce the stagnancy of this Shani. So, Guru is helping you balance most part except 2021 which is very slow. (

*The Best Days of the Month*:
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06 to MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08
From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13
From TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16 to THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18
6+ days From SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27
2+ days from Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

*Problem Dates in the Month*:
From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27 to MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29

GURU 2nd house had monetary benefits to you & family wealth from Oct2018 to Oct2019. It showed returns on the investments and actions etc done from Sept2016 to Sept2018. The 3rd SHANI (till JAN2020) has been completely away from your income and investments now and not affecting your wealth anymore. 3rd Shani will allow you to play your cards and maneuver your people and masses to achieve things and also do a SHOW OF STRENGTH! Your mass-base will be critical now which will propel you to newer posts and higher levels by end of 2019. RAHU-KETU changes to 9th and 3rd house is FANTASTIC from March-23-2019 for 18 months ahead till 19SEPT2020. 3rd GURU is a major change which shows START of new things which you always wanted.

(1)    4th house Mangal till JUNE-18 is OK – rest rejuvenation etc. Meeting good friends and having good time with friends. Dinner/rejuvenation etc with friends.
(2)    5th house Mangal from JUNE-18 is GREAT, achievements, go-getter attitude, getting things done, sports great success. Good support from friends.
(3)    SURYA 7th till JUNE-14 shows now collaborations and partnerships and not outright competition.
(4)    8th SURYA from JUNE-15 to JULY-15 shows need to handle govt and legal stuff with care and diplomacy. Pay attention to legal needs. Get major work done before by JUNE-14
(5)    8th BUDH in the whole month shows easy money and trading easy gains etc. Wakri BUDH from JUNE 19 to JULy15 means do not run after easy money and more so be careful what you sign and read carefully etc in this whole month but more so first & last 3 days of BUDH wakri.
(6)    SHUKRA in the 7th house for some time now shows good partnerships and collaborations. Good for single folks with romanticism etc etc.
(8)    3rd SHANI from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022: END of Sadesati! Right time right place in many ways! New things starting and increasing imp, good mass-base or consumer base making you relevant and imp again, good team to form under you. Tough time of sadesati prepared you to take on bigger role and responsibility for the next 23 years to come! Guru helps with wealth in 2020 but in 2021, it increases Shani positive effects MAJORLY and hence 2021 is life and career changing year for you indeed. (

The Best Days of the Month:
6+ days From WEDNESDAY start 01:24AM MAY-27 to TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02
From MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08 to THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11
From SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13 to TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16
From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21
6+ days From TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23 to MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29

Problem Dates in the Month:
From TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02 to THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04
From SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21 to TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23
From MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29 to WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01


GURU change to your sign from Oct12, 2018 to OCT0219 was a huge positive change!! It ended your political exile and WHAT NEXT period. The 2nd house Shani till JAN2020 will expose earlier mistakes in wealth management and investments. It will also START NEW income in your life from new things you are doing. Invest wisely and SLOWLY and for the long run – no theatrics and no unnecessary optimism against the popular current! RAHU KETU change is not the best as they move away from the 9 3 houses which they love. RAHU 8th from March-2019 for 18 months till 19Sept2020 means obligations with the paternal elders in the next 18 months. KETU 2nd house is not going to give great gains as it would be with Shani. Watch dental stuff and mouth related stuff. 2nd GURU now from NOV2019 shows higher income and new income in career and life.

(1)    3rd house Mangal till JUNE-18 shows impact on surroundings, good work, travels, support from friends and colleagues. Very good for sports/gym folks.
(2)    4th Mangal from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 is slow & steady – meeting good friends / dinner etc and having brainstorming with colleagues and friends.
(3)    6th SURYA till JUNE-14 is about success over competition, increased income and overpowering some folks. Be just!
(4)    7th SURYA from JUNE-15 to JULY1-15 is about collaboration & partnerships and group/team events. Good working with seniors.
(5)    7th BUDH for the whole month adds to the collaborations and team events.
(6)    SHUKRA in the 6th house most of the month: ladies should be careful with surroundings and late-night parties etc.
(7) MUCH needed Guru change for you!: GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(8)    2nd SHANI from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022: LAST 2.5 years of Sadesati: new income in life to start but need to manage wealth with care without risks. Step by step investments without major risks in this period is a must! Earlier mistakes of investments will be exposed. (

*The Best Days of the Month*:
6+ days From FRIDAY morning 06:57AM MAY-29 to THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04
From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13
From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13
From SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21 to TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23
6+ days From THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25 to WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01

*Problem Dates in the Month*:
From THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06
From TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23 to THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25
From WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01 to Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)


GURU the 12th house from OCT 12 2018 to OCT2019 was NOT the best news. Unless you are kirk lagna or Vrishchik Meen lagna etc and have planets in water signs or even Earth signs. This GURU showed or forced a period of WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years. (It was about: Plan what first & then how and NOT to jump on brand new things right away.) Shani in your rashi continues to increase stress levels and recommends checking mom’s health. RAHU KETU change from MARCH-23-2019 for 18 months till 19Sept2020 is relatively OK. GURU moving to your sign makes you relevant again slowly but surely from NOV2019 to NOV2020.

(1)    Raajyogkarak to MAKAR: 5th SHUKRA for some time to come is GREAT for romantic stuff and creativity and inspiration! It helps in the period of Sadesati.
(2)    2nd MANGAL till JUNE-18 shows good income & gains. Help from friends and colleagues.
(3)    3rd MANGAL from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 is very good indeed which shows ability to show your impact and skills and “parakram”. Good travels and using friends, colleagues well.
(4)    5th house SURYA from JUNE-14 is about tactical moves to get things done. Success and quick achievements. Go-Getter & inspirational work.
(5)    6th SURYA from JUNE-15 to JULY-15 shows success over competition and enemies – do not push too much and be “just”! 12th Guru from July-1 might make you work with them for greater good.
(6)    6th BUDH for the whole month shows good maternal connect and also shows good negotiations and Chanakya niti than just success over competition.
(7)    TEMP GURU change for 3 months from APRIL to JUNE is much welcome at least to Uttarashadha nakshatra.
(8)    GURU changes back to 12th house JUNE end which is not the best news as you need to be careful with wealth and health handling.
(9)    Guru change is tough – need to plan for the next 12 years of life: GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(10) 1st house SHANI from 24Jan2020 to APRIL2022: MIDDLE SADESATI PERIOD: A tough period which wants to increase your maturity! Mental stress & mom health issues. High stress indeed! However, with career: slowly back on track with execution of new things – it is still slow and steady but at least it STARTS new things without immediate gains. IMP to keep patience – patience is THE key in this middle sadesati period! (

The Best Days of the Month:
6+ days From SUNDAY morning 10:18AM MAY-31 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06
From SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13 to TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16
From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21
From TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23 to THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25
6+ days From SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27 to Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

Problem Dates in the Month:
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:13PM JUNE-06 to MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08
From THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27
2+ days from Midnight July-03 (July-04 00:07 hours)

11th house GURU from Oct-12-2018 to OCT-2019 increased income, cash-flow, one-time high payments, getting paid for eveything you did from July2015 onward!! Invest wisely and not spend it away as Sadesati and 2020 would be amazingly SLOW and SATURATION!!!!  SADESATI Shani 12th is forcing you to think WHAT NEXT for the next 30 years of life. Learning new things is a must. RAHU changes from MATRCH-23 2019 for 18 months till 19SEPT2020 to the 6th house is a blessing as it shows success over enemies. It shows increased income and support from new mass-base and new customers etc of different caste culture religion etc. The 12th KETU however shows hereditary issues from the maternal family with wealth and health. GURU 12th house from NOV2019 to NOV2020 is SLOW – test of character – very very slow and saturation – WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years of life. (unless you have multiple planets in Dhanu Mesh Singh signs! :) )

(1)    1st MANGAL till JUNE-18 shows some optimism and energy which is much needed in Sadesati and also temp 12th Guru. 2nd house MANGAL from 18th JUNE to 13th AUGUST is about incremental income increase & cash flow. Good for folks in business and own stuff. Good food and meetings with family/friends and siblings.
(2)    4th SURYA till JUNE-14 slows things a bit but shows brainstorming and meeting with higher level folks but not immediate results. Need to listen to unnecessary or necessary advice of seniors! :)
(3)    5th SURYA from JUNE-15 to JULY-15 helps with go-getter approach and achieving quick things. Good quick success. 11th GURU starts helping this SURYA from 1st JULY onwards.
(4)    SHUKRA 4th house for some time to come shows good SUKOON and domestic stuff and rejuvenation.
(5)    TEMP GURU changes to the 12th house for 3 months APRIL to JUNE is not good and more so for Dhanishtha nakshatra of Kumbh and not for others.
(6)    GURU changes to 11th house end of the month which is GREAT indeed which means JULY would be fantastic!
(7)    GURU change is a MASSIVE good thing! GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(8)    12th SHANI from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022: START OF SADESATI – First 2.5 years. WHAT NEXT for the next 30 years of life – WHAT and HOW: decide before starting new things – Do not jump into action right away! Sort of a political exile – Away from existing or previous mass-base! GURU will support in 2020 & hence Sadesati effect will not be seen as much! 2021 however is VERY SLOW and TOUGH! Do NOT push matters!  Learn new thing to be relevant, acquire new skills, new ability and show patience! Any Ati Ghaai – Sankataat Jaai – Ati suddha anhi – thodi ghaai suddha santataat neil! 2022 mid you will start to see a bit better prospect. (

The Best Days of the Month: 
6+ days From TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02 to MONDAY night 19:45PM JUNE-08
From TUESDAY early-morning 03:16AM JUNE-16 to THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18
From SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21 to TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23
From THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25 to SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27
6+ days From MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29

Problem Dates in the Month:
From SUNDAY morning 10:18AM MAY-31 to TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02
From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27 to MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29

11th SHANI till 24JAN2020 is all about gains, addition of mass-base, customers and revenue and right time right place. GURU 10th house from Oct 12 2018 for 12 months was about increased revenue, influence and stress, pressure cooker and happening period. Some doubts will be put on your ability & hence need to consult and get EXPERT help and SMEs to help without wasting time. Some reporting to boss who is equal or less in ability is possible. Too much work unless consult experts!! Reporting to someone inferior is possible for a few weeks or months. RAHU KETU change from MARCH-23-2019 for 18 months till 9SETP2020 is VERY good indeed. The 5th RAHU and 11th KETU is great for RAHU KETU axis. It shows good use of intelligence and education for achievements! Good support from karma of both the paternal and maternal families without side effects. 11th GURU from NOV2019 to Nov2020 is GREAT – great gains, income, higher position and sense of fulfillment.

MEEN / PISCES: Till JUNE-18 Handle vehicles carefully, no physical adventures and sudden movements, drive carefully and inspect vehicles before driving off.
(1)    3rd house SHUKRA for some time to come is GREAT for artists, expression, presentations, creative and inspirational artistic work.
(2)    3rd SURYA till JUNE-14 helps a lot and adds to the parakram and expression and impact of SHUKRA mentioned above.
(3)    12th MANGAL till JUNE-18 Handle vehicles carefully, no physical adventures and sudden movements, drive carefully and inspect vehicles before driving off.
(4)    1st MANGAL from JUNE-18 to AUG-13 is about energy & optimism and strength and helps with execution.
(5)    4th BUDH for the whole month is good for maternal family, mother and native connect. Wakri BUDH from JUNE-19 onwards to JULY 15 ensure communication or clean and clear and rather ensure connectivity such as WIFI or other is well-placed.
(6)    GURU changed to 11th house TEMP for 3 months from APRIL to JUNE which shows great gains and income etc and more so to PoorvaBhadrapada nakshatra only.
(7)    10th GURU increases stress but it’s happening! GURU CHANGE to DHANU in NOV2019:
(8)    11th SHANI from 14JAN2020 to APRIL2022: 11th SHANI – gains, cash-flow increase, income – one time and also monthly! Pay-off for all you did from Nov2014 of 9th Shani. 10th Guru makes 2020 very stressful and too much work and pressure-cooker! 2021 11th Guru adds “Chaar-Chaand” to the 11th Shani with additional income and money and cash flow for all things you did from Oct2018. So, you are looking at the best 2 years of the past 15 or even 30 years ahead! Last time in Similar planets Narsimha Rao of Meen rashi became PM out of nowhere! :)

The Best Days of the Month: 
From SUNDAY morning 10:18AM MAY-31 to TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02
6+ days From THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04 to THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11
From THURSDAY afternoon 15:03PM JUNE-18 to SUNDAY 00:36 hours (Saturday midnight) JUNE-21
From TUESDAY morning 07:34AM JUNE-23 to THURSDAY noon 12:27PM JUNE-25
From SATURDAY afternoon 15:51PM JUNE-27 to MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29
6+ days From WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01

Problem Dates in the Month:
From TUESDAY noon 11:59AM JUNE-02 to THURSDAY afternoon 13:07PM JUNE -04
From THURSDAY early-morning 03:42AM JUNE-11 to SATURDAY afternoon 14:45PM JUNE-13
From MONDAY evening 18:25PM JUNE-29 to WEDNESDAY night 20:56PM JULY-01

11th SHANI is PRO and gains and income and mass-base etc till APREIL2022. 10th GURU is Satva-Pariksha and test of character at workplace and reporting to someone of equal or less ability but happening period even though pressure cooker. Find experts and things would become very easy! Rahu KETU are OK till 9Sept2020 and MUCH better from Sept2020 for 18 months. SHANI GURU will propel you to higher levels till end of 2021 for sure.