Saturday, December 26, 2020

#MESH in 2021 (#Aries in 2021) #Annual #Horoscope 2021


#MESH in 2021 (#Aries in 2021) #Annual #Horoscope 2021


Summary for 2021:

Happening but Stress! Pressure Cooker Situation, too much work, MUST FIND EXPERTS else will struggle hours for 2 hours of job. Spend time finding experts than just keep working! Possible for a few weeks or months to report to someone equal or lesser ability without fault of anyone! :) Make seniors aware but keep working hard. 5 months from APRIL2021 shows great income, desire fulfillment, gains, blessings etc and more so Ashwini nakshatra. Too much importance also costs a person health or mental stress is the lesson of 2021. It is good to be imp and busy and that way 2021 is way too busy and being imp. But it is PRESSURE COOKER! April2021 to Aug2021 will bring in much needed gratification & fulfillment even if it is temp.


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This article applies to MOON Sign Aries (MESH). It will be also applicable to Lagna / Rising Sign too. If you have Moon 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

The Moon Sign plays significant role when it comes to “Kriyamaan”. (Some well-known moon sign Aries folks are Amit Shah, Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, Lalkrishna Advani, Imran Khan, Sharad Pawar, Anil Ambani, Gautam Gambhir, Lalit Modi). This article also applies to some extent to people born from April 14 to May 14th (Aries Sun Sign). (The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong: )

Aries/Mesh Sign Characteristics

Aggressive, forthright, Initiators, Direct, Fighters, Warriors, Action oriented, Positive, Workaholic, bow-like eye-brows, do not like to talk much, Fast, Impatient, Anger from time to time, Accident prone if combined with Sagittarius Sun or ascendant! More like Chandragupta than Chanakya! You could see these characteristics in folks born from April14 to May14 also who are Sun Sign Aries. (Those born from Nov 16 to Dec 15 i.e. Scorpio Sun and those born from March 14th to April 13 Pisces Sun sign oppose Aries characteristics.)

For example, Mr. Sharad Pawar is Mesh rashi but born on 12th Dec with Scorpio Sun and Ascendant so Scorpio figures a lot more in his nature and character but still 27th age MLA and 38th Ages CM is all Mesh rashi and his career graph is also quite connected to Mesh rashi. Mr Amit Shah is Mesh Moon sign but Tula/Libra Surya Rashi (Oct 22).

IMP Disclaimer: SHANI Antardasha/Sub-Periods (Bhukti) or Antardasha (Bhukti) of planets in 9 12 houses have their own impacts which can alter the following effects quite a bit. They can’t be covered in annual articles.)


(1)      The 8th Shani (peeda/adverse) got to you in slow/saturation & issues stuff from Nov2014 to Oct2017. This Shani made you reduce your mass-base, influence and people working for you. It meant increasing your skills and working alone on something instead of delegating it all the times!

(2)      The 5th Guru helped you a LOT from July2015 to July2016, it must have given you a promotion, a prominent position & an office of a good duty! It also meant a lot of plans from May2010 coming true in this period.

a.        However, the Shani 8th had drushti on this Guru so the 5th Guru usually which is Dream Come True sorts was not as powerful as it could have been.

(3)      The 6th Guru from Sept2016 to Sept2017 further made matters slow for you along with the 8th Shani.

(4)      The things are getting on track from late Sept2017 and you are going to be IN and in FORM and rocking for the next 7.5 years ahead with GREAT Shani support which would be very similar to what you had from say 1988 to 1995 end. 9th SHANI from NOV2017 to DEC2019 gave you new mass-base, new consumers, new revenue sources and new employees who would support you till March2025.

(5)      The 7th house Guru from SEPT2017 to OCT2018 was about EXPANDING your workplace, career, revenue and collaborations with experts and NEW good knowledge and skills coming your way & giving you good image and recognition. Physical and social weight gains and well directed efforts.

(6)      8th GURU from OCT2018 to OCT2019 was about misaligned efforts, miscalculations of efforts & timelines making you work like crazy to meet them and HUGE FATIGUE and over-worked etc for something which might not have lasted long.

(7)      RAHU 3rd and KETU 9th helped you from MARCH2019 to SEPT2020 with increasing impact on surroundings, success and also image and good luck often a bit mystical etc.

(8)      9th GURU from NOV2019 to NOV2020 (except April May June2020) was about making you RIGHT TIME RIGHT PLACE with massive importance and center stage.


(1)  RAHU now 2nd and KETU 8th till MARCH-16-2022 are showing mixed results which is about highlighting some obligations with the maternal family and health issues to the maternal elders. 2nd Rahu shows new income in life and career.

(2)   The 10th Shani from JAN-24-2020 to Dec2022 is increasing your mass base, revenue, customers, output and a bit too much work pressure cooker situation could be possible.

(3)     10th GURU from 20NOV2020 to MARCH2020 and SEPT-14-2020 to NOV-20-2021 is about increasing work pressure, Satva-Pariksha, test of character, too much stress, gadhe logo ke pair padana but happening. The 11th GURU from APRIL2021 to Sept-14-2021 will help you a lot in between with income and importance increase and desires fulfillment. It is more so to Ashwini nakshatra though!

It is YOUR time – Just look at Amit Shah or even Gautam Gambhir and Pawar saaheb now! :) Just that 2021 is a bit too challenging and complex!

You will have much better and more impact of these planets in the months such as: i.e., the best months of the year would be as follows:

(1)     3 months from DEC16-2020 to 13 March-2021

(2)     A month from 16-June-2021

(3)     A month from 16-Aug-2021

(4)     3 months from 16-Dec-2021

The 10th GURU from 20NOV2020 to MARCH2021 and again 14SEPT2021 to 20NOV2021 is a pressure-cooker situation.

(1)     Everything related to career becomes THE focus & the home front is ignored a bit.

(2)     The 10th Guru will increase pressure, hard-work & stress at workplace. Experts (SMEs) consultation is highly recommended in this period – it will make things easier for you.

(3)     Reporting to or working for a boss of equal ability or even less in some respects is quite possible until NOV2021 even if it is for a few weeks or a few months! No fault of your or your boss as you had different career paths & they crossed here. Need to keep patience.

(4)     However, 11th SHANI 5 months from APRIL2021 (mostly to Ashwini) and 6 months from NOV2021 to APRIL2022 shows huge success! For all MESH rashi April2021 to AUG2021 could slowly will reduce this impact and keep you strong due to your numbers (people & revenue!) This period could relax matters a bit.

(5)     In this 10th GURU: IMP: You could benefit from advice & support from your parents! Actively seek their help in any matters regardless of their field of expertise. You would be surprised – they can read your body language & just by your way of speech or silence they would know “exactly” how much it is wrong! They know you from childhood and know your every move. So even you wouldn’t the extent of issues but they would know! :)

(6)     This is overall a PRESSURE-COOKER period! Some folks fall thru the cracks or react violently or with anxiety to the 10th Guru stress & it hurts unnecessarily as you are anyways doing all the hard-work.

(7)     The ones who work hard regardless of insults (direct or indirect) or ignorance will get MAJOR MAJOR success from NOV2019. Only you would understand the situation you are so you will need to communicate more with the family members and even the team members. At least they will not add to issues if can’t solve them for you!

(8)     Remember EXPERTS / SME are a “Sanjeevani” in the 10th Guru. There is no substitute for specialists / experts (Guru) but also experience of older (Shani) people.

(9)     Experts have their own priorities and whims and you need to show patience and show them your NEED for them to help you. Desperation is yours to show and not theirs. More desperate you are for advice the better you would get.

(10) What you read now needs to be DIRECTLY useful in your work and not pleasure or leisure reading – keep it aside for some-time! Gains.

(11) The 10th Guru is also good for investments due to aspect on the 2nd house and also health advice and medicines etc due to the 6th house aspect. In short, this GURU makes your ARTH-TRIKON (economic-zone – 2 6 10 houses) of your chart very strong.

(12) SHANI in the 10th house only adds to the 10th GURU – work, too much pressure, expansion, importance but “Satva-Pariksha” too!

 GURU will be in the 11th house from APRIl2021 to SEPT-14-2021This is a great period of almost 5 months which shows income, gains and fulfillment. This time 11th Guru gets split in 5+6 months from April2021 and Nov2021. This in-between period of 5 months is VERY significant. It does show multiple gains. As Guru would not cross the 10th degree in KUMBH Rashi, it would predominantly benefit Ashwini nakshatra of MESH Rashi. However, Guru travels 3 Navamansh of Kumbh rashi that are Tula Vrishchik and Dhanu which help whole of Mesh Rashi in some or other way depending on your Chandra navamansh! It’s too complicated to track such movement in the annual article.


The 10th house Shani from JAN2020 to APRIL2022 & SEPT2022 to 17JAN2023:

(1)     Although all this period gives you these effects to all 30 degrees of MESH rashi – in 2021 it is for ASHWINI & Bharani nakshatra more so BHARANI as Shani moves away from first 13 degrees faster this year! Of course, it IS seen for all MESH Rashi folks now in 2021. Lesser for Krittika of Mesh. Krittika of Mesh to see major effects first 4 and last 4 months of 2022.

(2)     The 9th Shani from Nov2017 to DEC2019 was supposed to give new mass base, new revenue sources or rather increased revenue from the same revenue sources, a new bigger position and sort of a slow but sure Bhagyoday. Now the 10th Shani is giving you expansion (more of the same), volume and displacement! :) increased orders, customers and revenue!

(3)     You will be subjected to great pressure, stress and pressure cooker situation but it is part of the growth and increase in business. People working for you will increase.

(4)     The 10th Shani will give you complex work assignments that need micro-management. It is almost a must to take advice from experienced and older people who have done this before. Complexity of work you will get will be very high and all decisions should be supported by facts & figures -- & economic analysis. Finance and related analysis are a MUST & just following your hunch etc would get you in trouble.

(5)     But the same older & experienced people will stop your next level promotion by seating on top of you. So, it is catch-22: you need them but you don’t like them! :)

(6)     Older, experienced matured people advice are absolutely necessary in the 10th house Shani expansion. This is more exposed if you have SHANI or RAHU Bhukti in 2020/2021.

(7)     You will get respect and a place on a podium due to the number of people working for you (i.e. your mass-base) and not exactly for what personal skills/capability.

(8)     However, 9th GURU does ensure your knowledge and education gets due importance and rather much needed for success of expansion of 10th Shani.

(9)     As it is usually understood that masses follow a capable person they can trust and entrust to do the right thing. At times, the 10th Shani puts some ego & bubble in the person thinking that it is their skill and their uniqueness that is causing this success but remember: it is the people that work for you are doing the difference for you.

(10) The 10th Shani has drushti on the 4th house means mother and native and house. So, this Shani takes away from parents logically or physically. Handle them with maturity and care as there could be some friction.

(11) Work place stress would need mom’s help at home and workplace stress would need dad’s advice BUT your higher positions make it difficult to deal with people without ego! :) Patience is the key dealing with parents and a smile on the face goes a long way!

(12) Shani drushti on the 7th house shows deficiencies or mistakes in the partnerships. It also takes away from spouse for some time. If partnerships / collaborations are not handled well, it can even go to the litigations/courts.

(13) Shani drushti on the 12th house shows travels against your wish to meet very highly placed people with great vision and strategy and they calling the shots without people knowing it!! It also gives an early indicator what kind of expenses might be required after 5 years when Sadesati starts sometime in March2025 to July2027.

(14) As SHANI is owner of the 10th (power, career, father, production, workplace) and 11th house (gains/income/cashflow) – this SHANI Movement is massive in many ways for career and income.


The 2nd house RAHU is not a great change till MARCH-16-2022. It is not bad etc as it does help with house of wealth. It shows good wealth matters more so in MAKAR Guru times mentioned above. It does show being a bit over-ambitious with wealth matters which could impact in the months of NOVEMBER both years 2020 and 2021. Need to decide your own limit and be happy with it. 2nd is called as MAARAK sthan by Vedic Astrology as personal does not know where and when to stop. It is not literally “Maarak” etc. :) SHANI in MAKAR is helping this Rahu Ketu as it forms very good yoga with them unlike the last transit. This helps with wealth matters for Mesh folks. 2nd house Rahu shows good economic support from paternal side or also people of different caste culture religion etc. KETU in the 8th house is an issue. It shows problems with hereditary health issues in the maternal family mostly to elders, inheritance related issues in the maternal family giving some problems. The top 1% people in the society might not be easily available to you now.

These RAHU KETU transits are coinciding with supportive Shani and Guru transits & hence overall impact despite tough 8th Ketu is --- “OK”. 10th Guru 10th Shani is a happening BUT HUGE pressure in 2021 – character test! But it is good to be an imp person! :)



Beware of what seniors/Govt/authorities want from you. Deal the difference of opinions with seniors or authorities with tact & diplomacy! Obey traffic and other laws.

(1)     Nov-17 to Dec 16 (the 8th House Sun)

(2)     March-14 to April 13 (the 12th House Sun)



Following two sections are based on Birth-Dates: For all folks regardless of your MOON SIGN:

For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year: The period from JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father health and bosses and govt or legal stuff.

(1)     If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(2)     Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(3)     Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.

(4)     Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.

(5)     If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2020 to MARCH2021 and 14SEPT2021 to 20NOV2021: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.

(1)     If you are born from 16-JULY to 16 AUG of any year OR 14-JAN to 14-FEB or any year: Guru will reduce ill-effects of Shani impact on your Sun in this period. There is mixed experience with it now.

(2)     Born from 14-MAY to 15-JUNE of any year!

(3)     Born from 16-SEPT to 16-OCT of any year!


(1)      This article is strictly about MOON Signs!

(2)      However, one can mix & match rising/ascendant (lagna) sign and also the real SUN-SIGN (the real one and NOT the western Sun-Sign!).

(3)      Even if you have multiple planets in signs above where GURU movement is good (hence, AstroMNC 360 degrees to be launched!)  – you will have a good time regardless of how it is to your MOON Sign!

(4)      For example, I am moon Sign VRISHCHIK / Scorpio but have Shukra Guru in KUMBH and Uranus in Tula and Shani Mangal in Mithun – so Sept2017 to Oct2018 when GURU was in TULA -- despite having 12th GURU to Vrishchik which was indeed “very bad”: was WHAT-NEXT for the next 12 years of life --- it DID give me feel-good due to 5 planets blessed by GURU in the chart!

(5)      However, YOUR personal BHAAV-WISHWA (Emotional Makeup and your emotional state of mind) IS driven by MOON and hence Moon Sign is FIRST & FOREMOST when it comes to transits of bigger planets like GURU (Jupiter) and SHANI (Saturn)



  1. Waiting for all Rashi

  2. If moon sign is Vrishabh and lagna is Mesh.. Or vice versa.. How will it be overall

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