Tuesday, January 12, 2021

#KUMBH in 2021 (#AQUARIUS Moon Sign in 2021) #AnnualHoroscope2021


#AQUARIUS in 2021 (#KUMBH Moon Sign in 2021) #AnnualHoroscope2021

Aali re aali ata tuzi baari aali! :) (Sadesati)

SUMMARY for 2021: It is political exile for you indeed. 2021 is the slowest of the years unless you have several planets in Makar, Kirk or Kanya, Vrishabh rashi in your chart! 2021 forces you to plan next 12 and next 30 years of life ahead. Tula rashi had 12th Guru Shani together in 1981 1982 and even folks like RD BURMAN & Bachchan had major issues as they came out of GLORIOUS 11th house SHANI GURU which showed HUGE success and “leveraging” situation or milking the cows fully!! Now KUMBH has such situation and it IS TOUGH – think 1991 to 1993 and you get an idea. That time at least Guru supported quiet a bit and now Guru also tough! So, combination of 1991 to 1993 12th Shani and say, 2009 12th Guru at the same time. BUT what you do in this period – plan, vision, blueprint – DESIGNS your own life for the next 12 and next 30 years of life ahead. It is a very powerful period indeed as it DEFINES you for next decades!!!

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This article applies to MOON Sign KUMBH (Aquarius). It will be also applicable to KUMBH Lagna/Rising Sign too. (Birth-Chart: If you have Moon in the 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

Some well-known Moon sign Aquarius: Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Mathew Hayden, Salman Khan, Hillary Clinton; This article also applies to some extent Aquarius Sun Sign i.e. people born from Feb 14 to March 13 (Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong: https://astromnc.blogspot.in/2009/07/your-correct-real-sun-sign.html)

Aquarius Sign Characteristics

Usually Tall, Absent minded genius, an intellectual sign “lateral thinking” ability, Selfless intellect of highest order starting with Gemini to Libra to Aquarius: Air-Sign-Triangle of these 3 signs. Aquarius is owned by Shani but for physical presence. The “logical owner” of Aquarius is Uranus which is governor of electricity, electronics, modern sciences that starts at Mars (Engineering) in a primitive state. Their thoughts are always ahead of their times. Their dress sense is VERY simple and often topic of ridicule of others. Although Guru is considered exalted in Cancer, South Indian astrologers consider Guru exalted in Aquarius. Rather, they think that a given horoscope is of a lower category if not a single planet is in Aquarius sign! J These folks have a great foresight & they are often unorthodox, progressive and modern in their thought process. Aquarius sign vibrates to number 4 & the dates 4, 13, 22, 31. They are very friendly and collect a big friend circle. They can be called “Jagad-Mitra”!

Aquarius Sun sign birth-date from FEB14 to MAR13 also show these characteristics. Those born from Sept16 to Oct15 VIRGO Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; those born from Jan14 to Feb13 Capricorn Sun Sign also oppose Aquarius characteristics.

Background & 2021 Summary

(1)      You caught your great break in the 5th Guru sometime from June2013 to June2014 when you got a position, job, designation, office, post etc which you thought could be seen by you and your surroundings as “success” or in most cases it could have been like “dream come true” where your DESIRE was fulfilled.

(2)      In the 12 months from July2014 to July2015 you were supposed to “serve”, polish and hone what you had gotten earlier. It was the period of consolidation & hard-work to make incremental gains in your position.

(3)      The 7th house Guru from July2015 to July2016 brought in expansion & good collaborations/partnerships.

(4)      The 9th house Shani from August2012 to Nov2014 gave you NEW MASS-BASE – new people (or new type of people) working for you who would support you for the next 7.5 years. This mass base would propel you in the glorious 9 10 11 house SHANI movements of increasing masse base and increasing success until like Jan2020.

(5)      SHANI was in the 10th house from Nov2014 to Jan2017 and again from July2017 to Oct2017: this was happening but of increasing stress & increasing mass-base.

(6)      The 8th house Guru from August2016 to Sept2017 was about hard-work but mission impossible & misaligned efforts on programs that might not run their full course. Your work was appreciated but some initiatives were ill-designed and hence might have ended by Sept2017 without reaching final state.

(7)      GURU 9th house from 12-Sept2017 till 12-OCT2018 was a HUGE DEAL as it started 3 great years ahead with increasing success! Bhagyoday of sorts happened to you now which means you get new higher positions and strategic work and programs which would see reaching their end-state.

(8)      The 11th Shani from 26OCT2017 to Jan2020 was a great blessing...! The best Shani years of the past 30 years were given to you. It showed landslide gains and windfall gains for you. All the work for the past 5 years and even past 15 years was to be paid-off to you in some way! Do not leave the career/stream/industry and place you are in till end of 2020 at least. 11th Guru will continue great income till end of 2020.

(9)      The 10th GURU from OCT2018 to OCT2019 was TOUGH!! It showed tests at workplace, Satva-Pariksha, reporting to a person of equal or less ability at least for a few weeks and a TOUGH but happening environment.  It was “more of the same” and expansion but pressure cooker situation. Needed to FIND EXPERTS to do things else would have spent countless hours at work-place.

(10)   11th house GURU from Nov2019 to NOV2020 showed windfall gains, income increase and one-time high payments. It showed paying off everything you did from Sept2017 and even sort of from May2011 but more so June2013 onward. Invest well as 12th Guru by the end of the year means a very very slow 2021 ahead.

(11)   RAHU KETU 5th and 11th house till 19Sept2020 is a HUGE-Blessing explained below. Prepare to meet TOP level people! Especially great for students and also knowledge-workers!  Magical & mysterious gains!


(1)     The BIGGEST news for 2020 was start of Sadesati from 24Jan2020 to July2027 for 7.5 years. It will be quite similar to 1991 to 18April1998! WHAT NEXT for the next 30 years of life to be decided! Initial this period till April2022 is VERY SLOW and saturation and need to learn new things, skills, maturity and ability at higher levels! 2020 was good due to 11th Guru and hence Sadesati did not feel much at all in 2020 except Dhanishtha nakshatra. NOW 2021 – Shatataraka will also feel sadesati and all KUMBH Rashi due to 12th GURU also!

(2)     12th GURU from NOV2020 is: TOUGH TIME! “WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years of life” – Political Exile, DO not jump into execution of stuff directly, PLAN and DESIGN first, take your time for WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years of life. This actually magical period where you can decide WHATEVER you want to be and will eventually reach there from May2024 onwards and will have intermediate good success from May2022 to May2023. SHANI also 12th also asking to plan next 30 years of life!! All is all SLOW SATURATION 2021. 5 months from APRIL2021 will make you happening and get something new you much wanted but more so for Dhanishtha nakshatra of Kumbh.

IMP: Too many planets in the 12th house in JAN2021 last week to Mid FEB-2021 is a major issue. Need patience, hard-work, but more so planning, vision and not action. Need to show restraint and sense of purpose to be established for anything except which is day to day etc necessary stuff!

Regardless of issues: April 14 to May14 would be good and also June16 to Aug16 would be good one. The 3 months from Oct-16-2019 to JAN14-2020 would be great. Again Oct-16-2020 to Jan-14-2021 would be good one.


The 12th house GURU from 20NOV2020 to MARCH2021 and 14SEPT2021 to 20NOV2021:

(1)     It is TOUGH – along with Sadesati it IS tough indeed & much tougher than 1991-1993 where GURU was still supporting you! (if you were born and relevant that time! :)

(2)     It is VERY SLOW and SATURATION period in 2021 indeed. But you are the architect of your life for the next 12 and also 30 years!

(3)     Every initiative in this world requires you to spend 1/12th time on planning, studying, calculating etc and then start the execution.

(4)     The 12th house represents planning -- expense of time, efforts and money for planning the next 12 units of life.

(5)     The Guru curve is around 11.88 years i.e., around 1 year in each sign. The 12th Guru mandates planning for next 12 years of life: No quick moves but a long-term view. You need to assess, re-group and re-strategize in this period & prepare a blueprint for the next 12 years. It is the gift of time given to you which needs to be taken seriously instead of cursing it! You are deciding “What” first and then “How” in this period. It is recommended not to jump into execution phase of any new initiative without comprehensive planning.

(6)     Some academic courses / certifications, reading etc would go a long way for next several years.

(7)     There could be some much-needed travel out of your comfort zone. You need to invest/spend money time and energy into yourself. CATCH the next CURVE of your life by study, observations, chintan/manan (meditation). It is time to show vision and not execution. Try to be Chanakya and not Chandragupt!

(8)     You are the architect of your life for the next 12 years and hence need to carefully CHOOSE things…! Undergo training, enhance skills, read, read and read more (“Waachal tar waachal” – padhoge to bachoge!) Rejuvenation is very much needed and you will be given the gift of time for this!

(9)     It is a TOUGH time no matter how objectively I have described above as the 12th house Guru is as good as a “political exile” (being a nobody!) as its afresh start too! Of course, your ascendant could be different and Guru might aspect other planets in the horoscope bringing some feel good to your life but still – for personal achievements this Guru is almost an “exile”.

(10) However, let’s get cracking and not lose time. Start all the planning and architecting your own life of the next 12 years. You could be a CM or an MP or an MLA also if you PLAN properly in the 12th Guru. :) It is like Rhonda Byrne’s book “The Secret” – what you imagine in the 12th Guru gets some success in the 3rd Guru from May2023 to May2024 and real great success in the 5th Guru from JUNE2025 to JUNE2026 and so on. The time lag mentioned in this book IS about a planet that needs to reach the 5th house from when the things are imagined. :)


SHANI 12th house 24Jan2020 to Aprrl2022 & Sept2022 to DEC2022: Aali re aali ata tuzi baari aali! :)

(1)     Sadesati started for you now from 24JAN2020 – Welcome to the SHANI’s training of maturity and patience and hard-work! Slow & steady wins the race! Of course, Guru 11th in 2020 meant you would not have noticed Sadesati in 2020 as much unless Dhanishtha nakshatra! Guru made 2020 a REWARDING year despite Sadesati!! The 11th Guru from Nov2019 to Nov2020 have you much needed income and something to hang on to and pay off for all you did from Sept2017! So, it helped in 2020 to offset Sadesati.

(2)     2021 would be 12th Guru where Sadesati impact would be the biggest and felt emotionally or to ego!

(3)     The 12th house Shani is difficult to handle even though it doesn’t make you fall but keeps at the similar levels for say 3-5 years before the 2nd Shani from MARCH2025 starts new money in your life.

(4)     WHAT NEXT is the question every planet asks you in the 12th house not just Shani but Shani stays there for a longer period! :)

(5)     Funny/Height is that in the 11th Mars Sachin had scored 2 centuries against Australian attack but in the 12th Mars he couldn’t score anything against New Zealand when even Bhajji scored 2 centuries!!! :) :)

(6)     So, the 12th SHANI being the slowest planet asks this question “What Next for the next 30 years of life” to you bold underlined! You are supposed to work on WHAT and HOW in the 2.5 years of SHANI movement. DO NOT Jump hastily in the NEW fields. Take your time to PLAN and calculate new things. SLOWLY SLOWLY!

(7)     Step by step expansion of existing is just fine BUT the brand-new fields execution should not start until the 1st Shani which starts from Jan2023.

(8)     The 12th House is planning, vision and spending of time money and effort on OURSELVES!! Need to invest in SELF so that you can leverage that for the next 30 years of your life!

(9)     12th Shani is NOT bad in itself – it is GREAT for upgrading your skills, learning new things, learning new level of maturity, auditing self, asking questions to self and correcting the life course/path.

(10) TOTAL rejuvenation and retrospect are needed initially. And then it gives you an idea as to WHAT to do and THEN you start working on HOW to do it – BLUEPRINTING Is what the 12th Shani is about.

(11) The 12th Shani is the worst for the political leaders as it is almost a loss of mass base or completely away from mass base like Pawar Saheb in the 1995/1996 (same with Advani in 1996 1997 as Wajpayee was projected for PM position). Bill Clinton started having tough time since then too.

(12) If power was abused in the past 7 years from AUG2012, then it could cause jail time also. Exile could mean anything and to the extreme also. So bigger your circle of influence, bigger the issues you face during the 12th house Shani. Most people abuse the power they are given in 9 10 11 Shani (till Jan2020) and hence end up eating their words or seeing the same people they insulted or underestimated getting ahead! :)

(13) The 12th Shani has drushti on the 9th house – so 2 travel houses in Shan impact means previously avoided travels and obligation travel against your wish.

(14) The 12th Shani also make you work independently away from people (mass-base) who you can delegate your things. It is a blessing in disguise but it is BAD for EGO! :) :)

(15) Any ego which you displayed due to being on top of a few people – these people might now be with someone else! :)

(16) In a good and great Mahadasha this 12th Shani means slower growth but learning new things and new environments.

(17) So, you could work with acute experts of some fields and would gain from their knowledge BUT it means you HAVE to gain from their knowledge else you are left high and dry! Advice from older folks reduces losses in the 12th Shani for sure!

(18) Talk to Bujurg/senior folks and don’t learn everything on your own! :) Shani drushti on the 6th house also suggest overall checkup of health – long ignored expense on health to be ready for the next 30 years of life – lean and mean! Please do check Sadesati article on given below.

Sadesati Article: https://astromnc.blogspot.com/2009/03/what-is-sadesati-it-takes-approximately.html

OTHER IMP Planetary Formations:

IMP: Too many planets in the 12th house in JAN2021 last week to Mid FEB-2021 is a major issue. Need patience, hard-work, but more so planning, vision and not action. Need to show restraint and sense of purpose to be established for anything except which is day to day etc necessary stuff!

WAKRI / Maargi:

(1)      NOV2020 to APRIL2021 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.

(2)      GURU Stambhi from JUNE-16 and WAKRI from JUNE-21-2021 to OCT-18-2021.

(3)      SHANI stambhi from MAY 19 & WAKRI from MAY-23-2021 to OCT-11-2021 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.

(4)      Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.

(5)      MAY to OCT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!

(6)      NOV2021 onwards would be very fast results & major recovery!

SEPT20200 to MARCH2022: RAHU 4th house is lesser of a thrill than 5th Rahu so far! It shows some stagnancy along with Sadesati first part. 2021 is very stagnant and Rahu 4th adds to that! Of course, 5 months from APRIL2021 would help Dhanishtha (& part Shatataraka) with Guru in rashi. 4th Rahu shows meeting paternal family members. Meeting near & dear folks earlier which were of different background of caste culture or religion etc. Not immediate gains but good meetings & brainstorming. KETU in the 10th house is about – OK / AVERAGE. It is not the most liked house by KETU. It could show some company of high-class people at workplace and good barnstorming or working with them with your limited role. This limited role work with these folks would result in something concrete for you from NOV2021 onward. Remember, interactions with top 1% people are always critical and make or break propositions. You will need to prepare like a KID and school boy regardless of your age.

Rahu Ketu Timelines:

(1)      Poorva-Bhadrapada folks would get these effects more from SEPT2020 to FEB2021 -- 6 months.

(2)      SHATATARAKA would get them more for 8 months from MARCH2021 to Oct2021.

(3)      DHANISHTHA of KUMBH would see more for 6 months from NOV2021 to MARCH2022.

MANGAL / MARS would be in the 8th house & cause Expense and PEEDA with vehicles, health & more so siblings’ issues for you from SEPT-06-2021 to OCT-21-2021. Before SEPT-2021, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. IN this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear are a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.

SUN: In the following two months: Handle seniors, Govt, Police related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; check if their & your priorities are the same! J (Sun would support greatly for 3 months from Oct 16th!)

(1)      Jan 14 to Feb 14

(2)      Sept 15 to Oct 15

Neptune continues in Aquarius (Kumbh) for several years! Neptune in your own sign shows use of subconscious information quite a bit. Every 28 days Moon passes over it and make you identify patterns around you that have happened before. It certainly recommends use of your hunch and instincts along with your usual data/information methods. This applies more when you meet with new people or even new places or organization. You will do a great job of reading in between the lines but it is recommended to also reconfirm these observations. Uranus (Harshal) changing to the 3rd house (Aries Sign) from April2017 for around 7 years shows sudden travel probabilities, sudden presentations or white paper needs (some sort of expression). It will be seen more in April14 to May14 and also Oct16 to Nov16.


Following two sections are based on Birth-Dates: For all folks regardless of your MOON SIGN:

For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year: The period from JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father health and bosses and govt or legal stuff.

(1)     If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(2)     Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(3)     Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.

(4)     Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.

(5)     If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2020 to MARCH2020 and 14SEPT2021 to 20NOV2021: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.

(1)     If you are born from 16-JULY to 16 AUG of any year OR 14-JAN to 14-FEB or any year: Guru will reduce ill-effects of Shani impact on your Sun in this period. There is mixed experience with it now.

(2)     Born from 14-MAY to 14-JUNE of any year!

(3)     Born from 16-SEPT to 16-OCT of any year!


(1)      This article is strictly about MOON Signs!

(2)      However, one can mix & match rising/ascendant (lagna) sign and also the real SUN-SIGN (the real one and NOT the western Sun-Sign!).

(3)      Even if you have multiple planets in signs above where GURU movement is good (hence, AstroMNC 360 degrees to be launched!)  – you will have a good time regardless of how it is to your MOON Sign!

(4)      For example, I am moon Sign VRISHCHIK / Scorpio but have Shukra Guru in KUMBH and Uranus in Tula and Shani Mangal in Mithun – so Sept2017 to Oct2018 when GURU was in TULA -- despite having 12th GURU to Vrishchik which was indeed “very bad”: was WHAT-NEXT for the next 12 years of life --- it DID give me feel-good due to 5 planets blessed by GURU in the chart!

(5)      However, YOUR personal BHAAV-WISHWA (Emotional Makeup and your emotional state of mind) IS driven by MOON and hence Moon Sign is FIRST & FOREMOST when it comes to transits of bigger planets like GURU (Jupiter) and SHANI (Saturn)



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