Friday, January 8, 2021

#MAKAR in 2021 (#CAPRICORN in 2021) MOON Sign -- #2021 Annual Horoscope


#MAKAR in 2021 (#CAPRICORN in 2021) MOON Sign -- #2021 Annual Horoscope 

SUMMARY for 2021: Major relief! Back on track with image & recognition, Optimism, new responsibility and start of 9 to 5 jobs too. Being dutiful, Valued again, End of political exile with increase in social and physical weight. Good sense of direction. Better health & overall wellbeing. “Adyaatwaasa madhun sutaka”. 5 months from APRIl2021 is increased income and gains more so to UTTARASHADHA nakshatra. Guru Shani both start execution new things so it is ADDITION of a few things by both of them while Guru adds new social circle, networking whereas Shani make you get rid of excess baggage and reality check of your previous and existing social/business circle etc. 5th house Rahu helps with success and more so due to Guru in your rashi! Paternal maternal families’ mostly GOOD unpaid karm comes to you in 2021.


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This article applies to MOON Sign MAKAR (Capricorn). It will be also applicable to MAKAR Lagna / Rising Sign too. (Birth-Chart: If you have Moon in the 1 3 5 7 9 11 houses it applies lot more. If you have planets in your chart that are 1 3 5 7 9 11 from Moon them read as per Moon Sign and if most planets are 1 3 5 7 9 from Lagna/Rising sign then read for your rising sign!)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same category. We can only discuss the Kriyamaan karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires horoscope (birth-time chart), palmistry, numerology and face reading etc.

(Some well-known Moon sign Capricorn folks: Baba Ramdev, Rajinikanth, Indira Gandhi, Raj Thackeray, Shah Rukh Khan, Bruce Willis, Rahul Gandhi Sun Sign Capricorn: Subhashchandra Bose, Balasaheb Thackeray, Abhishek Bachchan, Urmila Matondkar, Shakira.  This article also applies to some extent Capricorn Sun Sign i.e. people born from Jan 14 to Feb 13 (The Western Sun Sign calendar is wrong:

Capricorn Sign Characteristics: These are a conservative lot. They are very serious / sincere, non-nonsense types. They are the hardest working folks. They are very industrious. They display all of Shani’s characteristics like seriousness, self-control, proven approach, slow but steady, hard-work, perseverance. These folks do not share easily and are greedy in a good way. The negative side is too much self-control could lead to depression, cynicism. They are selfish in some (rather most) ways. They are a step-by-step person i.e. do not like big-bang approach. Their tomorrow is ALWAYS better than today. They are not very popular with colleagues and do not even try to be popular as their purpose is personal achievement, self-growth etc. They treat material/monetary success much more than any other growth. Sun Sign Capricorn also exhibits these traits: Folks born from Jan 14th to Feb 13th are Sun Sign Capricorn (Balasaheb moon Sign Kanya but Sun Sign Capricorn.) Mars in Capricorn is considered uchcha / exalted (Sachin, Pete Sampras). Jupiter is considered neech (debilitated). Capricorn sign planets in a horoscope denote busy approach, always onto something!

Some astrologers in Maharashtra seem to make fun of Virgo (Kanya) Sign and also portray Capricorn as a very unfortunate sign!? I have no clue why! :) The fact that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Balasaheb Thackeray were of Virgo moon sign (apart from Rajinikanth, Indira Gandhi, Raj Thackeray, Shah Rukh being Capricorn Moon Sign) should be good enough as a counter-argument! :) Rajinikanth is Capricorn moon sign and how you dare you call it an unfortunate sign? :)

Capricorn sun sign folks born from Jan14 to Feb13/14 Jan also show these characteristics. Folks born from Aug16 to Sept15 LEO Sun Sign oppose these characteristics; Folks born from Dec16 to Jan13 Sagittarius Sun also oppose Capricorn characteristics.


(1)      From May2012 to May2013 you were under 5th Guru which gave you some “Dream Come True” success. This period also gave some great success for/with your kids!

(2)      The 7th Guru from June2014 to July2015 gave expansion, image & success in partnerships/collaborations.

(3)      The 8th Guru from July 2015 to July2016 could have resulted into physical exertion & hard-work which is not done on the most focused or well thought initiatives!

(4)      Shani had made you “right time, right place” from Sept2009 to Oct2017 and helped you with new mass-base, new position and your own sphere of influence.

(5)      11th house Shani from NOV2014 to OCT2017 was about windfall gains like Kabali for Rajanikant. Each & every act you did in the last 22 years & more so in the last 5 years helped you in some or other way.

(6)      The 9th house GURU from Sept2016 to Sept2017 gave you some higher position and got some bhagyakarak events for you and programs that would stay with you for 3 years ahead. Very good period indeed.

(7)      The 10th GURU from Sept2017 to Oct2018 was about too much work, “Gadhe ke pair padana” – reporting to a person of lesser ability. STRESS & Pressure cooker situations compounded by sadesati also! A tough period indeed.


(8)      Sadesati first 2.5years from Oct 26th 2017 to Jan2020: It was a start of a very significant period for you. Until Jan2020 you were under 12th Shani – the initial 2.5 years of Sadesati! It showed SLOW &SATURATION period with losing mass-base and working alone sort of. “WHAT NEXT” for the next 30 years of life ahead. Decide what you want to become as big as you want it to be and you WILL achieve it in next 30 years! BUT this period till JAN2020 was political exile sorts! NOT the period to start HUGE new things without FULL planning. (Rajanikanth started new party and might take its own sweet time till May2022 to May2023 of 3rd Guru and May2024 to May2025 of 5th Guru to achieve what he wants).

(9)      HOWEVER, 11th GURU from OCT2018 to OCT2019 SHOWERED you with much needed income, money and gains. Successful completion of programs started in Sept2016 to Sept2017. Wind-fall gains could have been seen despite sadesati. Each contact you acquired in the past 9 years from May2010 and more so past 3 years from Sept2016 could have paid off in some ways!

(10)   GURU 12th from NOV2019 to NOV2020 was adding to the political exile period and hence 2020 1st Shani did not make much of an impact! 2020 was SLOW and SATURATION and WHAT NEXT for the next 2 years period – ONLY plan and don’t jumping into execution strongly.


(1)      GURU in your rashi helps a LOT! Brings you back on track with good networking, new circles, image and recognition, expansion of some things you desire! Physical & social weight gains!

(2)      Shani in your rashi from 24Jan2020 to APRIL2022 is slow & steady progress – very slow though! Some gain of mass-base and relevance possible but not much in 2020 and better in 2021. This SHANI tried to bring you out of exile but it is STRESS & PRESSURE cooker. Mom health and overall emotional stress and self-health too. SHANI counters and reduces the physical weight gains shown by Guru in

(3)      RAHU in the 6th house till 19SEPT2019 would help conquer enemies and helps greatly. 12th KETU continues to show some expense and maternal family elder health issues till Sept2020.

(4)      14 March 2020 to 14 April 2020 is good and so is May 14 to June14 and 3 months from Sept16 2020 are GREAT.

GURU 1st in your rashi from 20NOV2020 to MARCH2021 and SEPT-14-2021 to NOV-20-2021:

(1)     Guru in your sign improves your image, visibility and gives you a feel good. You are guided by experts that are now easy to access.

(2)     You will get good books to read which are about “applied” knowledge and directly useful in your job.

(3)     Guru starts new endeavors for you where you get to execute your plans that you did until NOV2020. This execution will be now successful which was not the case until NOV2020.

(4)     Of course, Guru in your sign is also some sort of an exam or a test. This Guru gives your big responsibilities you always wanted. This means some designation or some office of specific duties – daily, weekly and monthly. It’s the fruits of the thinking & planning etc in the 12th Guru till NOV2020.

(5)     Most people are very comfortable with the 1st Guru support except the ones who are in wealth creation/stock markets. This Guru is not the most natural for investments it in a way opposes the 2nd house (mutual funds, stocks, FDs etc) and the 6th house (service sector)!

(6)     Yes, it is OK for the 10th house (production) but not the best. But folks in jobs, employment will see better and better prospects. You are coming back on track and “in form”.

(7)     Guru drushti on the kid’s house (5th house) ensures good progress on kids front – santati laabh, kids doing well in their life etc. Also, you would be acknowledged in the education field or intellectual circles. You could be called by education institutes to share your experience, knowledge.

(8)     Guru Drishti on the 9th house could show some minor travels that increase your sphere of influence, Increase your business and overall “Bhagya”. The more you are willing to travel the more the success until NOV2021.

(9)     Those who looking to get married have great blessings from this Guru as Guru’s full-force 7th drushti is on the 7th house – the house of marriage/partners/collaborations!

(10) Overall, this Guru will increase your social and physical weight too by NOV2021! :) Sadesati middle period from JAN2020 to APRIL2022 is a golden period to lose weight and now GURU will also try to make it optimal but also increase a bit. There is balance now.

(11) 1st GURU is where most of the folks are comfortable. As this Guru gives success which is treated as success by your family, friends, relatives! :) Socially acceptable behavior is what everybody desperately looking for (Sad but true for geniuses!). Nobody likes a visionary contemplating iPod or iPhone or iOS but they love the one selling lots of iPhones! :) They forget that anything “seen” in reality is first imagined in the mind 100 times! Well, phase of imagination, planning, vision & design etc is over and it is time to start execution.)

GURU would be in the 2nd house for 5 months from APRIL2021 & NOV-20-2021 to APRIL-2022 which gives you income and gains and STARTS a new income source in your life and career.

Shani 1st (in your rashi) from 24JAN2020 to APRIL2022:

(1)     SHANI in your rashi mean middle Sadesati period is much better than the 12th house Shani so far! It starts to make you relevant again but very slowly. 2020 GURU is in the 12th house and hence 2020 is one of the SLOWEST periods of Sadesati and would make you feel sadesati a lot more than so far!

(2)     In 2020, Shani tested temper and emotions MOSTLY of Uttara nakshatra. 2021 now focus would be to Shravan nakshatra! Same with mom health for the Shravan now.

(3)     Shani’s forced political exile and being away from masses and reducing masses and revenue or employee base till JAN2020 will stop/reduce slowly. Now you will have new mass-base which is one at a time and hard-earned by the new skills learned in the 12th Shani from NOV2017. Slow but steady progress on career with increasing results step by step – no magic but your own efforts to give you direct tangible results now. It is time to EXECUTE things and occupy good higher positions & offices of certain monthly weekly and etc duties. It is all SLOW and STEADY – nothing in a hurry at all.

(4)     The 1st house Shani is the end of “WHAT NEXT for next 30 years” question asked by Shani from Nov2017. Now you have decided what you would be doing and how you would be doing it.  BUT GURU in 2020 asks you “WHAT next for the next 12 years of life”. And hence this planning and blueprinting continues in 2020 also! You are the architect of your own life of next 12 years sin 2020! Decide WHAT first and next HOW!

(5)     Despite this 12th Guru which forces WHAT NEXT for the next 12 years: you will start executing some ideas and plans. Execution hurry until now for BRAND NEW things would have been a mistake. But now, you are equipped to start execution of new ideas as enough “Wichaar-Manthan” (brain-storming) has been done.

(6)     Still, it is only about execution and having some daily, weekly and monthly responsibilities and not getting any immediate gains!

(7)     It is like a Car is designed and now being produced but would start to sell in the 2nd Shani from May2022. You will need to correct planning, design with your execution experience in the first stage!

(8)     Shani travelling over you birth-time Chandra means your temperament and mental health will be tested! You will feel the mental stress and pressure at office and home both. Having patience and being calm helps – understand the difference between “react and response”. :)

(9)     Shani travel on Chandra exposes heath issues of your mother. Need to take care of mental and physical health of mom. Need to keep aside time for that as worst part is that one has to go away from mom and native most of the times when Shani is on the Chandra. So further attention to mom is required deliberately.

(10) Your legs/knees could get hurt as MAKAR takes pressure and stress on the legs!

(11) Water propagated deceases are possible and hence need to avoid water at shady places!  Drink clean water always and more so in middle sadesati period!

(12) Shani drushti on the 10th house shows some issues with father and difference of opinions with the seniors. Need to handle them with maturity and perseverance. Quick fix and quick reactions would not get you anywhere. NO sudden actions and resignations or “RUTH ke baithana” with seniors. It will not help. Make aware of your issues to seniors and their seniors in a diplomatic and tactful way. This is always true! :) but now you will be subjected to such events! Remember how was Aug2012 to Nov2014 with seniors and you will experience somewhat similar stuff.

(13) Shani drushti on the 7th house can also take away from spouse and business partners or could expose deficiencies with the business partners! Be careful with new partnerships and documents eveything in black and white using a lawyer!!

(14) Shani drushti on the 3rd house – care of siblings and more so younger ones.

(15) Shani in rashi starts getting you back your mass base which 12th Shani has taken away or taken you away. It brings back your workers and your people back to you. You get sympathy and good support from these folks. This is what could be used to offset relationships with seniors quite a bit. Your people can create good support and pressure for you and this political pressure could help you get what your seniors will give reluctantly! So, ensure your people ate happy with you or at least you are treating them with mutual respect etc. 12th Guru makes 2020 very slow and 2nd Guru 2021 a bit better! The best next break which is major comes to you from May2022 to May2023 time period! Given that India is Makar rashi -- you will be impacted more as the Country state also impacts each and every one!


OTHER IMP Planetary Formations:

WAKRI / Maargi:

(1)     NOV2020 to APRIL2021 thing would happen very fast as both GURU and SHANI would be maargi and with higher speed indeed.

(2)     GURU Stambhi from JUNE-16 and WAKRI from JUNE-21-2021 to OCT-18-2021.

(3)     SHANI stambhi from MAY 19 & WAKRI from MAY-23-2021 to OCT-11-2021 slows down things a bit for all folks. Some review of earlier decisions happens.

(4)     Slower so when GURU is also wakri from MAY-15-2020 to SEPT-13 2020.

(5)     MAY to OCT would be a bit too slow and range-bound and back & forth!

(6)     NOV2021 onwards would be very fast results & major recovery! 

From SEPT-2020 to MARCH-2022: 5th RAHU now shows good use of knowledge and education. Paternal family good-will come to you. Shows good tactical & go-getter approach to achieve things. You get some time-bound projects with specific start and end dates. Good achievements and more so 2021 as GURU stops opposition! Sadesati and Guru in rashi is still slow & steady and nothing magic BUT 1st GURU SHANI and 5th RAHU in 2021 will give some permanent or stable position and career and business with g9ood 9 to 5 stuff where most people are comfortable! :) KETU moves out of the 12th house to the 11th house which is FANTASTIC! 11-5 are natural houses for RAHU KETU but converse is better with 11th RAHU BUT still 11th KETU is great indeed and shows income and gains. Support from maternal family which was earlier attracting expense of time money and efforts. This is a much better change and much welcome.


(1)     Acutely initial 4 months from SEPT2020 to DEC2020 it would be applicable to DHANISTHA of MAKAR

(2)     Later for 8 months from JAN2021 to AUG2021 would be applicable to SHRAVAN

(3)     The last 6 months from SEPT2021 to MARCH2022 would be more applicable to UTTARA of MAKAR

MANGAL/ MARS would be in the 8th house & cause PEEDA for you from JULY-20-2021 to SEPT-06-2021. Before JULY-20-2021, get vehicles serviced, oil/air-pressure checked etc. In this period, drive carefully and avoid risks with vehicles during this period. Helmet and other safety gear are a must in this period. Avoid adventure sports or ensure all safety measures. Avoid road rage and use helmets for sure. Also, don’t stand closer to any building under construction. Use helmet if playing cricket etc sports.

SUN: In the following two months, handle seniors, Govt, Police etc related matters with tact & diplomacy during following periods; check if their & your priorities are the same! (Sun would support greatly for 3 months from Sept 16th!)

(1)     Dec16 to Jan14

(2)     Aug16 to Sept16

Uranus (Harshal) The 4th house Uranus from April2017 to next several years shows some changes to the house/renovation and rather modernization of many aspects of the house - -using latest gadgets and technology etc for the house. You would have good time SUKH etc with modern sciences and electronic gadgets. Ensure that the electricity and related equipment is safe and secure and inspected. Some untoward incident for ignored maintenance is possible if ignored.


Following two sections are based on Birth-Dates: For all folks regardless of your MOON SIGN:

For all folks who are born from 14th January to 13th Feb of ANY year: The period from JAN-24-2020 to APRIL-2022 is testing with father health and bosses and govt or legal stuff.

(1)     If you are born from JAN14 to FEB13 of any year -- Please take care of father’s health issues seriously. Please take care of father’s health overall and any accidents to head or leg for self. Handle seniors and Govt matters with tact and diplomacy! Try to reduce weight and watch weight of self & the father very closely. Handle seniors especially carefully. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(2)     Same with people born from JULY16 to AUG16 of any year. (Some balance due to Guru as mentioned below)

(3)     Same with people born from OCT16 to NOV16 of any year but lesser extent.

(4)     Same with people born from MARCH14 to APRIL13 of any year – lesser Extent and rather an early indicator of these things of what is going to happen more from March2025 to July2027.

(5)     If your kids are born in these periods of any year then YOU need to check this more carefully.

FROM NOV2020 to MARCH2020 and 14SEPT2021 to 20NOV2021: Great support from seniors and govt etc and some go boost and higher positions. Your father will also see some feel-good and great development. If your kids are born in these periods of any year you will have a good time.

(1)     If you are born from 16-JULY to 16 AUG of any year OR 14-JAN to 14-FEB or any year: Guru will reduce ill-effects of Shani impact on your Sun in this period. There is mixed experience with it now.

(2)     Born from 14-MAY to 14-JUNE of any year!

(3)     Born from 16-SEPT to 16-OCT of any year!


(1)      This article is strictly about MOON Signs!

(2)      However, one can mix & match rising/ascendant (lagna) sign and also the real SUN-SIGN (the real one and NOT the western Sun-Sign!).

(3)      Even if you have multiple planets in signs above where GURU movement is good (hence, AstroMNC 360 degrees to be launched!)  – you will have a good time regardless of how it is to your MOON Sign!

(4)      For example, I am moon Sign VRISHCHIK / Scorpio but have Shukra Guru in KUMBH and Uranus in Tula and Shani Mangal in Mithun – so Sept2017 to Oct2018 when GURU was in TULA -- despite having 12th GURU to Vrishchik which was indeed “very bad”: was WHAT-NEXT for the next 12 years of life --- it DID give me feel-good due to 5 planets blessed by GURU in the chart!

(5)      However, YOUR personal BHAAV-WISHWA (Emotional Makeup and your emotional state of mind) IS driven by MOON and hence Moon Sign is FIRST & FOREMOST when it comes to transits of bigger planets like GURU (Jupiter) and SHANI (Saturn)



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