Sunday, February 25, 2018


*Mrut-Atymyaas Dev Sad-Gatee (God-speed) Devo! *

Sridevi has given us wonderful movies and great experience in theaters – made us laugh and made lot of women cry and most of the times made Indian masses look at her with awe. She lived her life on her terms and with originality/inspirational work with certain dignified stubbornness! Left her emotional side for emotional roles and her close folks only never making it to the public!

_*I am sure SRI has left in such a hurry due to some GREAT VACANCY somewhere!! She was needed for her next “ROLE” by the Gods themselves.*_

Disclaimer: I HATE retrospect and digging up stuff when things already happened etc. But every astrologer is first and foremost a student of astrology and hence we need to discuss such events.

I have seen a LOT of astrologer making fun of Numerology and rather pride or ego that Vedic system does not consider numerology and so on. Just this week had posted article about 4 and also combination of 4 and 8. 4 being people in a hurry. Some quick comments on Sridevi chart.

(1)    The b-date of 13 and total also 13. Both dominated by Uranus. People in a hurry. Change agents. Purpose of soul to bring in modernity and change in family.
(2)    Surya and Shani opposite each other exact degrees and Shani is Wakri!
a.     Surya is heart / Spine
b.     Surya in Kirk (Kirk is lungs predominantly and surrounding stuff for heart)
c.      Surya in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
d.     Exact degree Drushti of GURU on Surya stabilizing it and giving enough strength and longevity.
(3)    7th house Shani Wakri – Marriage we know being a celebrity.
a.     Even if B-time is not available or accurate – Shukra opposite exactly Wakri Shani would show similar results.
b.     I saw multiple charts born from 1990s 2 /3 days apart with Shani drushti EXACTLY on SHUKRA despite being Uchcha Shukra – having an affair or marriage with married or divorced person.
c.      Shukra Antardasha was from 1994 to 1997.
(4)    Shani in Makar shows mass-base and doing products for masses. (Tom Cruise, Obama and Manmohan Singh have Shani in Makar). Obama is 4 August 1961 – Shani Makar Vargottam. Cruise is 1962
(5)    SHANI MAHADASA started from June2016 – Current SHANI Antardasha and SURYA Widasha from Jan-14-2018 to 10-March-2018- SO SHANI/SHANI/Surya period.
(6)    Transits are not as severe at all: but If you looked at Chart yesterday and today NAVAMSH chart 24/25 you would see Surya in Makar Navamansh with Rahu and Shani opposite to it with Ketu in Kirk Navamansh. (exactly exchanged in her birth-chart) – but this is stretched connection – not to be taken very seriously.
(7)    YES, I would expect some health issues in Shani Maha and Shani Antardasha and initial SHANI Widasha and later on Shukra and Surya Widasha too. (The grahayog is VERY Acute with Shani Surya same degree opposite to each other.)
(8) Current Shani aspect on Mangal in Kanya is relatively close (13 degree Shani in  Moola) - so this could show minor injury or accident but this can't be the major reason!

P.S. There are thousands of people born on 13 Aug 1963 – so let us take it with a grain of salt. Any chart that has Surya in Shani drushti close – needs yoga and Pranayaam as daily medicines. Also need heart checkups every year and very detailed too. DID THIS HAVE TO happen with Sri – not necessary! Can it have been predicted to THIS extreme – yes and no.  It does show heart and spine and knees related issues in the chart and yes in this period but more so in the year 2020/2021 and early 2022 – more so Jan2022 to May2022 and Aug2022 to Dec2022.

Her Uchcha & Vargottam Rahu is quite powerful and she had this Rahu Mahadasha from 1982 to 2000. Within this, her Sadesati started April1998. 1994 to 1997 was SHUKRA Antardasha (refer to the marriage related aspects above).

*Additional Reading Matching Sridevi’s chart: *

*Birth-Date Personality: August 13th*
The date ruled by Uranus (13:4) brings some spice to this emotional, sensitive, caring & motherly Moon ruled Cancer Sun Sign. The desire of the soul is to bring in some change in the course of the family or even society. There is some karmic debt that these folks want to pay off in this life and are subconsciously well aware of the same. However, the date of 13 shows 1 (Self, ego) before 3 (thought leadership, Individual achievements). That means the soul would not compromise self-esteem or rather ego for the sale of achievements. This could limit their progress or achievements and could be avoided as much as possible. Thoughts and achievements of self or groups need to be given more importance! These folks are perceived a threat by established people in their fields. It is advisable to adopt a structured way of change management where thought has been given about all stakeholders. They have great interest in latest electronic gadgets and modern stuff. Cancer Sun limits some of the absent-minded approach that 4 born folks could have. Cancer Sun brings emotional intelligence, caring approach which can help with the change they want to bring in. It also shows a workaholic person who keeps working on something like an ant! As this is a cardinal sign (Sanskrit “Char” i.e. movers) it shows love for money/ change of job or place more than say power which requires stability. Cancer Sun loves their family, land, farms, money in that order. There is some desire for popularity and despite they usual introvert nature they can surprise with their sudden actions to grab limelight.

~Milind N Chitambar (AstroMNC)


  1. Very rightly sir,you have discussed all the possible aspects and their probable outcome, which led to sudden demice of Sri Devi!
    However, along with above some transit are also responsible!
    As per Nadi astrology Saturn is "Mrytyukarak" and Ketu is "Mokshkarak" planet!
    Now the transit of Sagittarius Saturn over Sagittarius natal Ketu in 6th house and transit of Capricorns​ Ketu over natal Capricorn Saturn in 7th house, simultaneously completes the karma of this life!
    Transit of Sun in Aquarius 8th house can also be taken into account!
    Sanjay Jade

    1. yes -- my eyes are keen on the birth-chart. Birth-chart especially Surya in 1st house (self) in Shani exact opposite and same MD AD and Bhukti etc.

      About Shani and Ketu -- this would apply to lot many people at lot many times. So it alone not the one.

  2. Dasa bhukti anthra and transits for death are not pronounced clearly. Can you throw some light on this ?

    1. Rather it is -- isnt it -- SHANI SHANI SURYA -- When Shani Surya are exactly opposite - heart and spine issues?

      Transits yes a bit lesser etc but D9 in transits is quite telling. but yes transit not as much. BUT the biggest stuff is Surya opposite Shani and exactly same MD AD and Widasha

  3. So now its out, the cause of death is drowning and not heat attack. Seems that something or the other in astrology can be used to conveniently explain everything and then when the facts show it to be different...?

    1. No.... The analysis remains the same the chart shows problems with heart lungs and spine...

    2. Also cause of death is not changing the organs affected & shown by the chart...

  4. So the question is why did she have to go when she did? I think you mentioned it could have been avoided..? Was there anything that could have saved her? Or was her fate written from the that she was only ever going to live until 54?

    1. She didnt have to. I would have expected a health trouble with heart or spine or lungs at the age of 60th running and then 68th being a worse year. With medical advances things are much better now. SO NO -- she didnt have to. but the dasha antardasha were quite strong if the chart data is correct.

  5. So you are saying - she didn't have to go, but the forces at play were such (the dasha and antardasha) that ultimately they played a big part in her demise at 54..and determined that now was the right time for her to depart irrespective of the impact it would have on her daughters and husband, and the larger family and friends...?
