Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rahu Ketu Thoughts Continued

Rahu & Ketu are always 180 apart to each other, When one is uchcha other is too. When one is neech the other one is too. When Rahu in uchcha /neech in Navamansh then Ketu is also such. When Rahu is X Rashi Ketu is in X+6th Rashi which are complimenting each other. So Rahu Ketu always complement each other. Rahu is anger and agitation and frustration and extreme materialism and greed -- Ketu is pessimism, slow and sukoon and spiritual.

As you can see Raahu is paternal family and Ketu is maternal family. So it the two families are always supposed to complement each other and they can't be too different or completely out of sync? Is that the reason the society always insists on "Hamare Khandaan ke barabari ke log" or insisting for marriage of equal or similar backgrounds? Anything else and the whole society and samaaj goes against it overtly or covertly. it is nothing but the Karma.

However massively different background marriages can happen when someone has badly placed Rahu and highly placed Ketu sp -- father might have been from a lesser family and mother from a higher one. or Rahu very well placed with Guru drushti and so on and Ketu badly placed say with Shani etc -- then the father had better inheritance and mother didn't!

You can see that when your Rahu or Ketu - -ONE of them is very well placed and the other badly placed -- -you will find that your parent's marriage might not have been welcome by the elders in their family! :)

RAHU KETU sign changes/transitions do not have as much and as direct an impact as SHANI GURU and rest of the planets as per their “ministries” or departments or governance in your chart/life. However, they do have significant impact with genetics and DNA or simply family history and family karm. Before jumping into RAHU KETU transition its impact on various rashi – let us look at that they stand for – some random thoughts if you will! :)

RAHU represents following 3 things predominantly for any person.

(1)      Paternal Grandfather or Paternal grandmother and their family.

(2)      Insatiable desires, Deep desires, extreme ambitions, agitation, irritation and dark mysticism forces

(3)      People of different caste culture religion language etc.

Good or bad luck with these things depends on the birth-time RAHU position and overall “strength” of Rahu and its owner-depositor.)

Similarly, KETU represents following 3 things

(1)      Maternal grandfather or grandmother and their family.

(2)      Spirituality, Detachment, 6th sense, Imagination, Calm, Sukoon, side effect or negative impact is pessimism.

(3)      Saintly people, not just GURU sorts but beyond that -highly evolved souls and people. Top 1% people in the society – spiritual or influential by thoughts or even money/wealth.

FROM WHAT 3 things RAHU KETU represent: one can also see that – how difficult is to predict from charts! Right? This also means astrology is not an exact-science. People born at the same time have different parents and grandparents! :D so, they will have different place and intensity of events. But YES, there WILL be similarities in their family tree and history to a large extent. So, predicting transits of RAHU KETU are far more complicated than other transitions of SHANI GURU etc. Also, they are important with Chandra but also lagna-rashi and how good bad they are placed in the birth-time chart.


(1)      If you INTERCONNECT RAHU Karakatva – does it mean a person inherits aggression and anger ONLY from paternal family by default: Very aggressive maternal genes and highly aggressive maternal people karma might not come to any person in the form of aggression ever? YES – to a large extent!

(2)      Even an aggressive MANGAL with KETU and say, owner of KETU-Rashi or Nakshatra with RAHU might not be able to instill or inherit aggression of the people from the maternal side? Yes, again to a large extent!

(3)      Of course, the karma will be inherited & it will have its good & bad effects on a person as shown by KETU in the chart but the nature or “swabhav” will not inherit aggression in the maternal family!

(4)      RAHU carries paternal side history and RAHU represents anger agitation. So, one inherits these things predominantly from the paternal side of the family.

(5)      Most of the autism cases are related to Budh/Mercury and or Rashi-Swami with Rahu and drushti by Mars/Mangal. They are connected to either pending karma towards maama mousi of either paternal grandfather or paternal grandmother! (Autism does have homeopathy (brain medicine) remedy but more so KAARMIC remedies could help – trying to find with help from astrologer WHOS mama mousi – at times could be own father’s mama mousi but it is PREDOMINANTLY – paternal one of the grandparent’s one!)

Example of KETU – Mama mousi and such family connection:

(1)      I met one guy at SALIM’s Chaai-Tapari in Nashik. SALIM’s Son introduced him to me saying “Siraanni attach motha job sodun full astrology suru keliye – boss hain ekdum astrology main”! :) So, he asked me is it really so as looking at my attire and perceived age he didn’t think so! :)

(2)      I created his chart on mobile and while having cutting chaay told him several things for the next 5 mins (they were all true and some were quite extreme!) Actually, the chart was itself quite “talkative” – he was quite surprised to hear all the great gains he might have had in mid2012 to mid2013 and total losses from Nov2014 to Jan2017! :)  Fortuner to DZire and carrying KG Gold on his person in those days to loses taking to a simple lifestyle! The last straw was kidney and maama and mousi and land matters in the maternal family.

(3)      His chart had various indicators of highly aggressive maternal family people and also KIDNEY related issues with his mama and mom and his mom and mama seemed connected very strongly to each other from the past birth. (Rather, reality is that --- his mom donated a kidney to her twin brother and saved his life!!)  Naturally, he was choked shocked to hear this quick analysis in a compromised setup! :) (I also chocked his friend asking if he has twins but late after the age of 30/31! :) )

(4)      LONG STORY SHORT – despite VIOLENT maternal family – this guy is quite docile and rather not in to any yedapanti and wants to resolve by good deeds.

(5)      There are lot many examples of maternal aggression getting into kids of that family males and not females. The practical reason could be that inheritance comes to sons more and lesser to women as they go into other family (“parayaa dhan” Afterall reflected in astrology too!?!)

(6)      That is why a person has 18 years of RAHU MAHA and only 7 years of KETU MAHA! This means various Antardasha of RAHU are also a LOT bigger than KETU ones. So, our live is lot more impacted by paternal side of the DNA and not maternal side as much?? This despite having KETU 1st house and having all planets in KETU nakshatra which shows rebirth or DNA replication from the maternal family!?

(7)      Is that why we say MAATRUMUKHI SADASUKHI?? Is that why Sanjay Dutt gets away with things lot more than father looking people!?? :) :) Just kidding!!

(8)      (Counterpoints: KETU Maha only 7 years and KETU AD only a few months so they could be lot more effective?? – YES, that’s true!)


(1)      RAHU & KETU have 18-year circle for 12 signs. 18 months per sign.

(2)      At the ages of running 18th 36th 54th 72nd etc transit-RAHU is on your birth-time RAHU! These ages show some transformation of personality and even say maturity of next level not just mind but also DNA and hereditary stuff. So, someone with strong RAHU means having a STRONG paternal family will see higher positions and ACCESS to higher positions at the ages of running 18th 36th 48th itself!! Someone with violent and not so good RAHU would see some difficulties at these ages!

(3)      The good part is that ---- GURU has 11.88 (12) years cycle and at the ages of 18th it is aspecting birth-time GURU and 36th it is going over birth-time GURU and 54th again it is aspecting (7th) your birth-time GURU. This ensures good guidance and help with advice and direction despite good or bad RAHU placements.

(4)      The NATURE or our planetary system has ensured that when a person hits a JACKPOT due to RAHU KETU or even a person gets HIT badly by bad paternal maternal history is well advised and well directed to take right actions!

(5)      At the ages of 9th and 27th 45th 63rd etc etc – transit RAHU is going your Birth-Chart KETU and transit KETU is going over your Birth-time RAHU. These are also interesting times when there is some transition in your life. There are some events planned together with BOTH the families at these times. Rather, some get-togethers should be planned at these ages getting people from both the families together! The person in question should connect with the folks from both the families. DNA wise or family history wise these are interesting ages indeed. I need to collect more case studied here as direct correlation of events is EASIER with GURU SHANI transits and other ones but not these ones which are utterly family history related.

 P.S. At the age of running 30 & 60: transit SHANI is on birth-SHANI & transit GURU is also aspecting horoscope GURU!!


  1. If Rahu is in first position in Kanya langa and obviously Ketu in 7th of Meena. How would it affect/help(?) the person?

  2. My brother has Jupiter, Rahu and Venus in first house, he looks very similar to my father. My father weirdly always said that my brother is his mother reborn, is it true?
